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Goodbye Jesus

Christianity Is Like Direct Marketing


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One of the things that first started to open my eyes about the BS of Christianity was joining a direct marketing company. This one was an Aussie one called Omegatrend (a lot like Amway) I saw so many similarities between that and the church that it disturbed me. I saw Omegatrend as simply being a secular version of Christianity. That in turn made me open my eyes and begin to consider that Christianity perhaps wasn't all it was cracked up to be.


Here are the similarities between Christianity and Direct Marketing:


  • In DM your main task is to go out and promote the business to get more members. In C your main task is to go out and preach the gospel to get more converts.
  • In DM you need to attend the meetings and listen to the tapes to stay focused. In C you have to attend the meetings and read the bible and pray to stay focused.
  • In DM you attend business meetings in churches and a speaker preaches about how great the business is and what it can do for you. In C you attend meetings in churches and a speaker preaches about how great Jesus is and what he can do for you.
  • In DM you think positive. In C you have faith.
  • In DM negative thinking can bring you down. In C, the devil’s words bring you down.
  • In DM your up-line promises to be there to help you, but in reality they're only looking out for their own business and are only interested in you if you’re doing well. In C God promises to be there to help you, but in reality he has better things to do and is not interested in you at all.
  • In DM you fake it till you make it. In C you fake it and hope that people think you made it.
  • In DM you are told only the basics at the beginning and they seem great. But then after you’ve been with it for a while you find out it isn't all it's cracked up to be and it's all about manipulating people to make it rich. In C you are told only the basics at the beginning and they seem great. But after you've been with it for a while and really studied your bible, you find out it's not all it's cracked up to be and it's all about manipulating people to make them conform.
  • In DM they say all you have to do is recruit a few people and you're on your way to Presidential Club, but in reality there's so much more work involved. In C they say all you have to do is repent and you're on your way to Heaven, but in reality there's so much more work involved.
  • DM gets more and more complicated the more you learn about it. C gets more and more confusing the more you learn about it.
  • In DM you learn all the answers to the questions so you can convince anyone of anything. In C you learn all the answers to the questions so you can convince yourself of anything.
  • In DM you pump all your spare time and money into the business to make it work for you. In C you pump all your spare time and money into the church to make it work for your pastor.
  • In DM most people come in all fired up, but pack it in after a few months because it’s too hard and it doesn't work. In C most people come in all fired up, but pack it in after a few months because it's too hard and it doesn't work.
  • They say anyone can succeed in DM, but in reality it takes someone who can twist people around their finger. They say anyone can be a great Christian, but in reality it takes someone who can twist scripture so it makes sense to them.

I wonder if Jesus direct marketed his carpentry business?


(ok, I could sit here all night and keep adding points, but I'll stop for now.)

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went to a recruitment fare for this Direct Marketing company and it did seem very quasi religious. They showed us this video of all these people saying things like "I realised the potential in me - and you can too!"

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I was once given a tape by a guy trying to hire me. All the tape had was person after person saying, "Do you like money, I like money, this system will make you money."


I said no. I never even found out what the product or system was.

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Yeah, I used to attend a United Methodist Church, and they used to quote Scriptures a lot in order to get people to give a percentage of their income and then to pledge it weekly. In the bible, all the church members had all things in common and shared equally. When two of the members in the early church tried to withold their portion, Peter said they sinned against God and they dropped dead. But, look today. The pastors make more than most in their churches (maybe they should be slain by God? if you follow his precedent) and many pastors are downright filthy rich.


It is typical marketing gimmick. Look at TBN. That channel is nothing but a load of open scam- artist gimmitry.

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