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Goodbye Jesus

Borrowing From Religious Orgs.


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At my old church, the minister used to provide us with a goal setting worksheet as part of an after school program on weekdays. His method, which I am unsure of the origins of (as far as if it came from a book, an org, or if he wrote it himself) was really useful. I have used other methods for setting goals but his was the best.


My dilemna is I want to teach other people his method because it helped me. I don't however want to make it obvious that I borrowed from him because he is a demogogue. If I was to take something he said and teach others, he would say, "See? You disbelievers KNOW the Bible is true. You can't go without using Jesus's methods (even though this method has nothing to do with the Bible.)" I would rather avoid that. What should I do? Should I alter it? What else can I do to make it legitimately different from his method or otherwise avoid giving him a chance to use it against me?

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Goodbye Jesus

I'd probably go and fight the fight with the minister first, then use his teachings to my hearts content.

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Even a fool can have smart thought every now and again.


If it works for you, who cares the source. If he says anything, tell him, "Yes, your manmade guidelines are very helpful, thanks." Even if they were straight from the Bible, it does not prove anything else would be useful.

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Even a fool can have smart thought every now and again.


If it works for you, who cares the source. If he says anything, tell him, "Yes, your manmade guidelines are very helpful, thanks." Even if they were straight from the Bible, it does not prove anything else would be useful.


I was going to start this response with a comment about intellectual property. However I realized that divorcing a useful concept from a Xtian framework could very well make your idea more origina; than you think. Having said that I seriously doubt that this good idea is original to your pastor. It probably came from somewhere and was published and copyrighted. Your best bet would be to distill the useful concept from its context and develop your own teaching materials from there. It could very well be that the concept (which you haven't shared with us) is a common one. In which case there may be multiple sources and if you're lucky some of them may be public domain. BTW, if it is something straight from the Bible then it IS public domain.


But do remember this, goal setting is all well and good, especially for getting the lazy off their duff. For those who are motivated it might better be termed priority setting because they're going to work at something, the ony question is whether whatever that something is, is that the most productive use of their time at that moment. But I find that when I try to plan things to fine detail that life presents alternatives that I hadn't considered. So don't take the flexibility out of living with too much goal setting.

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