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Goodbye Jesus

My Heart Is Broken Today...


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My mother, in a heated conversation, said that jesus ment more to her than me and my brother... I was hurt and appalled, I asked her then "What if you had a choice then between either denouncing christ/burning the bible or letting a stanger slitting me and my brothes throughts"... She said it didn't even compare and it's not the same thing; denial is a beuatiful thing isn't it?... I am now waging a new enraged war against this peice of shit religion, knay all religions that teach bullshit...

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I am now waging a new enraged war against this peice of shit religion, knay all religions that teach bullshit...


Anyway, isn't it funny how people will say something like that, then backpedal when called on it? As it happens, until it occurs to her, or at least takes root in her mind that she's never laid eyes on Jesus, and never will get anything from him but hearsay accounts from authority figures, and second and third hand "scriptures" from a dusty old tome that was written for it's time and that time alone, and of course "feelings" that can be evoked by many other things and happen to other religions with the same conviction, then she'll never realize how in denial she really is.

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My mother, in a heated conversation, said that jesus ment more to her than me and my brother... I was hurt and appalled, I asked her then "What if you had a choice then between either denouncing christ/burning the bible or letting a stanger slitting me and my brothes throughts"... She said it didn't even compare and it's not the same thing; denial is a beuatiful thing isn't it?... I am now waging a new enraged war against this peice of shit religion, knay all religions that teach bullshit...

I am very sorry that you experienced that. I have experienced these things too.


In my honest opinion trying to maintain an inner peace is just as important as trying to fix problems.


Are all your family this way? If so that is a difficult thing to deal with...but you do have friends.


When life becomes hard like this I meditate on times I have witnessed people being genuinely decent to each other. I draw on this warmth. I think that a reasoned hope is necessary supplement in all endeavors.


I feel the same way you do about religions. I agree with you.


I am not trying come off as a guru or any such thing....I really am sorry that you had to suffer such a thing as this.


I see that we are all victims of religion...even those who still believe are victims.

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Well, you can always tell your mother that what she said made in on your personal list of "Thoughtless Things My Own Children Will NEVER Hear Me Say"

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Is your mother a really needy person? I ask this because if she is it would make sense. While, as a mother, I am in no way excusing what she said to her child, I'm looking at this objectively. Jesus, not being anything but an imagination, can give her all the love she needs so desperatly, while kids, who are live people cannot fill any void. She needs Jesus because she lacks love for herself and it's the only way she can get it.

So, her security blanket will win out over her children.

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I am SO sorry that she said that to you, I've had something similar happen to me - and I know it feels like a knife being shoved in my heart and turned 90 degrees.


My mom, in her anger at my deconversion 2 years ago told me that she no longer liked me, and that the only reason she could still love me was Jesus told her she must because he loved her. I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried for weeks.


Since then we've moved on from that, and I'm very happy that it has, but I will forever carry that as something that caused me extreme pain; and as a result I will NEVER do that to my own children.


I guess the best you can hold to is that you have a fuller capacity to love and respect humanity than those who have been so brainwashed and demented by such hateful and horrible religions.


Good luck to you, and I wish I could help you feel better.

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These are the kind of people who keep the world primative with their stupid ideas: loving Jesus, a man, who lived 2000 years ago (If he did exist at all) on the basis of a book of fables written about 2000 years ago by persons unkwown. If a bible ever fell into my hands I would tear it up. I despise that book. I despise religion. It is a dangerous poison and is wrecking the United States of America.


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It is a dangerous poison and is wrecking the United States of America. world.



There, fixed that for ya.

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Unfortunately Christians have to believe (or at least claim to believe that stuff) if they want to avoid the wrath of God. God demands to be put first ahead of everyone else. So watch out if you don't!


Of course when it comes down to it, no one in their right mind would really put God first in an extreme situation. And in most cases they will never have to find out, so it's easy to continue to kid yourself.


Still, I feel for you. No one should ever have to hear their parents say something as thoughtless and terrible as that.

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What an awful thing for a mother to say to a child. There is nothing I can say that can make it feel any better, just know I am thinking of you through this dark time in your family life.


When thoughts become more important than people, then things like harming others are not only possible, but made to seem like the proper courses of action.

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I'm sorry you had to hear that :(


Yeah, it's funny to hear Xians get all pumped up with their propaganda, then go back on it when they get called out on it. She's probably struggling to believe that herself; her first statement seems to indicate that she wants to, but her self-contradicting reveals her true feelings, I think - feelings she wouldn't admit to herself.


But many people have gone all the way with preposterous ideas like this, as history teaches us. How can anyone wonder why the Xian religion must be opposed until it is universally rejected by humanity for all time when things like this come up? Short memories, I'll say...

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Over the years I've learned to see my mom as a victim, rather than a monster. She had this crap shoved on her as a child same as me. She is the way she is because she's living in fear, & has her whole life. She honestly thought (and thinks) she was helping me by shoving that shit down my throat - she thought it would save me from an eternity in hell. She's lived it too long to even consider giving it up now. I used to hate her; have even wished she would die. But that hate and anger didn't do me any good. Now I'm content to have some kind of relationship with her - a better one than I've had since I was a young child, in fact. Mostly she avoids saying stupid stuff like that to me now - if it slips out I hang up the phone or walk away or drive off, whatever. I'm the generation that's ending this family tradition. That's all I can do. I can't change my parents. It's easier on my psyche to feel sorry for her rather than to keep being angry. But it does take time for the anger to subside. It did for me, anyway. Took a long time.

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I feel bad, because I used to preach strongly about the whole 'love god above your parents, children and even yourself' message back in my Christian days. Now, I feel that that inconceivable teaching and idea is definitely one of many approaches to splitting up families -- all because of a god that wanted individuals all to himself.

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