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Countries Worth To Live In/visit

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I am trying to figure out which countries worth live in or visiting.Any ideas?


I've always enjoyed Canada, France, Italy, Spain, Belguim and Holland.


I'd like to visit the Scandanavian nations, as well as European Russia and the Baltic countries, like Estonia.


As a sidenote, under the current Bush Regime, just about anything other than Iran and Syria, sound pretty inviting... :ugh:


The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy to live


France to visit.


A very personal impression: I want to move home to Ireland :yellow:


Don't ask why, it's just... the "flair of the land". I've been there once and I'm still so damn much in love with the place... :)


Depends on what you are after. Culture, convenience, food, work, sex, freedom, nature, all of the above?


IMO, Italy is the greatest country on the planet, but it doesn't meet all the above criteria.


I have been considering more secular countries...


So you are looking for countries where you can escape religious fundamentalism? You are in luck, there are plenty. Even Italy, the bastion of the Catholic faith, is a long, long ways from being fundy. Catholicism is more of a ritual that they perform on holidays than it is a dogma. They are superstitious, but it's more of the amusing variety.


Russia, where I live now, has a fast growing economy, lots of opportunities, it's easy to get a long term visa, everyone works illegally so you don't really need permission, it has lots of freedom, and their national religion is beer.


Western Europe is secular for the most part. No one there will ever give the the 4 steps to salvation or even give a shit if and where you go to church. It's not easy to migrate to EU countries though. It's something like trying to immigrate to the US. Not something to be taken lightly and potentially not even possible unless you marry a native.


not exactly..i am planning to visit...my country is not that intolerant..it's quite good,even with xtn...and i am considered unlucky to meet xtn who think they are liberal but actually bitta conservative....no misssionaries.....maybe i stay somewhere for a while....there are advantages,you dont need to confront everythime unless you meet fundies

not plaanning to migrate anway..just stay somewhere and has time to relax and think over


not exactly..i am planning to visit...my country is not that intolerant..it's quite good,with muslims,etc and even xtn...mostly they take religious pluralism...it's bittta impossible not to....and i am considered unlucky to meet xtn who think they are liberal but actually bitta conservative....no misssionaries.....maybe i stay somewhere for a while....there are advantages,you dont need to confront everythime unless you meet fundies

not plaanning to migrate anway..just stay somewhere and has time to relax and think over


not exactly..i am planning to visit...my country 's quite good,with muslims,etc and even xtn...mostly they take religious pluralism...it's bittta impossible not to....and i am considered unlucky to meet xtn who think they are liberal but actually bitta conservative....no misssionaries........there are advantages,you dont need to confront everythime unless you meet fundies

me not plaanning to migrate anway..just stay somewhere and has time to relax and think over... i think i want to look over different kind of beliefs

i think i want to look over different kind of beliefs


Cool, I have the perfect country for you then: India. I spent three months there (Goa) this year and just loved it. So many different beliefs all live together (in harmony for the most part). It's a perfect place to relax and contemplate. And it's so cheap.


Here's a good website that will answer any question you might have about the country:




Ps., what country are you from?


which country?m'sia -most of them(including me at a certain time has no idea what's happening in usa's religion circle,though.

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