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I Now Fear Less For America..


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If so inclined, listen to a young woman tell why she is a Ron Paul junkie.


Fuckin' heartening to this mean_old_political_man...



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Heh, I was thinking the same thing, and I don't even particularly like the guy. ;)

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I'd need to see more of her "assets" before making a judgement on the validity of her arguements. LOL

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She sounds like a 14 year old girl talking about a boy at lunch.


Ron Paul's accomplishment will be that he will be the only person less likely to get elected than Dennis Kucinich.




Ron Paul on corporations benefiting from genocide. It's a-okay in his book.

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She sounds like a 14 year old girl talking about a boy at lunch.


Ron Paul's accomplishment will be that he will be the only person less likely to get elected than Dennis Kucinich.


Missing the message Emp.... Flat out missing the message.



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She sounds like a 14 year old girl talking about a boy at lunch.


Ron Paul's accomplishment will be that he will be the only person less likely to get elected than Dennis Kucinich.




Ron Paul on corporations benefiting from genocide. It's a-okay in his book.


Precisely why I don't particularly care for the guy.


It kinda' scares me, honestly. He's so good at trumpeting the things everyone wants to hear they either ignore or refuse to accept the fact he says other things which would utterly horrify them.

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Pick me a replaceable four year king that is acceptable to Constitutional issues and I'll listen.


Until someone who has a better majority of his or her thinking bent towards Freedom and the Constitution, despite a goodly percentage of things *I* might not like, Ron Paul is the only candidate worth working for.


I have been on the forefront of the Ron Paul Oregon campaign since early this year. Donated dinero, time and effort to ensure the guy I believe in gets on my State's ballot.


Not *good enuff* to "take whoever" is presented to me and hopefully hold my nose and vote for the Political Puke whose Shit Stinks Less Once In Office.

The man whose ideals on Liberty, Freedom and Americanism as thought by the Founders is by far more important to me than who can promise me the most goodies out of the dwindling public treasury, or give me what I think I want from UnkaSugar..


Young lady in YouTube'd video heartens me when I hear a relative youngster speaking in terms of Freedom and Liberty as they are defined, and now what Bush and Ko says they *mean*.


Make your choices men. I won't tell you with whom you *have* to exercise your franchise with. You will live longer than I, and this election is a pivotal time in your future, your Freedom, your lives.


Cast your ballots accordingly.



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She sounds like a 14 year old girl talking about a boy at lunch.


Ron Paul's accomplishment will be that he will be the only person less likely to get elected than Dennis Kucinich.




Ron Paul on corporations benefiting from genocide. It's a-okay in his book.




Ya know why they call Paul "Dr. No"?




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Really, I'd rather have Dennis Kucinich. Some things just work better when they're government-run. Health care is one of those, because of the increase of doctor-hours and reductions of cost in having paper-work done by a gov't administration rather than doctors who would rather be practicing medicine. Add that to how insurance companies have to make money off of not paying clients in order to stay competitive, and you have a pretty solid choice. Every other first-world country but South Africa is doing it, and the statistics for infant mortality and average life expectancy speak for themselves.


Ultimately, the grand truth is that if you want change, go to Canada. If a desire for change were really in the air, the leading candidates wouldn't be.

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She sounds like a 14 year old girl talking about a boy at lunch.


Ha ha. Glad you said it. I was refraining from doing so. I wanted to slap some IQ points into her when watching.

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For the record, I think Kevin has some good points on this guy. Idealism will get you no where. You will never find a perfect candidate. Which candidate does give a shit about genocide? Certainly none of the ones that we've already elected in the past century. In politics ya gotta compromise.

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Really, I'd rather have Dennis Kucinich.


Feel free to excercise your franchise Rights, work and vote for whom you wish to see in offices.


Some things just work better when they're government-run. Health care is one of those, because of the increase of doctor-hours and reductions of cost in having paper-work done by a gov't administration rather than doctors who would rather be practicing medicine.


Wow, I simply am unsure how to answer such a interesting bent on increasing statism further than things are already.


Government run medical care? Like medicare and its States affiliates? Paragon of efficiency and honesty. Great care given to the patients, better payouts to the providers too. Not a single problem with a system that has a 45% overhead for every dollar siphoned out of your paycheck to the Fuds.


Add that to how insurance companies have to make money off of not paying clients in order to stay competitive, and you have a pretty solid choice.


You come to this conclusion set how?

Indeed InsKos are great examples of things gone totally nuts in the system.

I do believe they drive up costs by driving out competition, and the Goobers refuse to allow free market alternatives on a whole to be used.


When you and your doctor are again free to contract in any way you and he or she wish, your Freedom to make choices will again be back in your hands.

As things are now, due to the lazy ignorant electorate the Fuds now tell you and your doc how much, when and how often you'll be able to use his or her services.


Every other first-world country but South Africa is doing it, and the statistics for infant mortality and average life expectancy speak for themselves.


Show your math. Overbroad generalizations do little.


Ultimately, the grand truth is that if you want change, go to Canada. If a desire for change were really in the air, the leading candidates wouldn't be.



Go to Canada? you'll have to define *change* and to what you refer to. I've missed something in this, you'll need to help an iggnurunt oldphuck out..


Voting for anyone but Ron Paul ensures that all your complaints and problems with the System will continue right along, nothing changed, nothing done.



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She sounds like a 14 year old girl talking about a boy at lunch.


Ha ha. Glad you said it. I was refraining from doing so. I wanted to slap some IQ points into her when watching.


She's pretty but she's creepy as hell. Reminds me of the crazy women on those lifetime movies who run around killing people...because they wanted to take a few people out so their daughter could win a pageant, or just out of insane jealousy.


I liked Ron Paul on Stephen Colbert, I'm not particularly pleased with him on the issues though but he makes the other candidates look like monsters when he discusses open government and getting back on track with the constitution. It's great, fun...I don't know about him. It would be nice to have some enthusiasm for one of the candidates but I just don't. I want a webcam though!!! how much do they cost? Then I can make youtube videos too, that would be fun.

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For the record, I think Kevin has some good points on this guy. Idealism will get you no where. You will never find a perfect candidate. Which candidate does give a shit about genocide? Certainly none of the ones that we've already elected in the past century. In politics ya gotta compromise.


Exactly--except for the fact I don't know that I'm willing to compromise on this particular politician.


Paul makes a lot of very good points, points that desperately need to be brought into the realm of public awareness. As much as I love his blunt honesty in those areas, though, I'm equally frightened by his ideas in other areas.


It's almost like there are two Ron Pauls; the public figure who says all the things that really need to be said and which everyone loves to hear someone finally saying, and the almost hidden side of him that believes corporations should be turned loose to exploit the masses and the U.S. should be a Christian theocracy.


What really scares me about the guy is so few people seem to be aware of that other half.

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Quoth woody:

and the almost hidden side of him that believes corporations should be turned loose to exploit the masses and the U.S. should be a Christian theocracy.


"Almost hidden"? I've read, watched, tried to grok everything I can of the man and his stands. Indeed his is an xtian, but I read no dominionist spreeche in his works.


Not too sure what "corporations should be turned loose to exploit the masses" means to you, but I'd love to hear what you've go to say about that.



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Every other first-world country but South Africa is doing it, and the statistics for infant mortality and average life expectancy speak for themselves.


Show your math. Overbroad generalizations do little.






Alright- I can only go bit by bit, but this one is by far the easiest. Here are UN statistics in regards to lie expectancy and infant mortality. Compare US numbers to the other industrialized democracies, and you see some interesting statistics. Namely, that the us fairs poorly versus our friends in Europe, Australia, and Japan (amongst other places). While an argument can be made that there are other factors that influence life expectancy, the only big factor so far as I see it in regards to infant mortality is access to basic amenities and medical care.


I'll also fire off on my thoughts on Canada. Because of the way that the Parlimentery system works, it is far easier for a party to establish itself in comparison to the USA, where it is proving nigh-impossible. It's taken the Libertarians thirty years to get to where they are, and to my knowledge, there are no Libertarian politicians in national gov't. The US is probably going to have the same two political parties for a much longer time, because voting for a third part is so widely seen as wasting your vote. It's different in Europe, Canada, etc.

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Alright- I can only go bit by bit, but this one is by far the easiest. Here are UN statistics in regards to lie expectancy and infant mortality. Compare US numbers to the other industrialized democracies, and you see some interesting statistics. Namely, that the us fairs poorly versus our friends in Europe, Australia, and Japan (amongst other places). While an argument can be made that there are other factors that influence life expectancy, the only big factor so far as I see it in regards to infant mortality is access to basic amenities and medical care.

I was expecting more dramatic difference but compared to the other 1st world countries we cluster rather nicely actually. I'll concede we're near the bottom of the 1st worlders but there's no huge gap by any means. Show me another ~300 million strong 1st world country doing as well as we are and I'll rethink my position. However, so as not to discount that there are places where people do live longer than in the US, the graph makes no connection between these countries and the why of the numbers on the chart. Where is the breakdown for that? You only assume state-run health care is the reason (something I could find no basis to do from the web page provided).


I'll also fire off on my thoughts on Canada. Because of the way that the Parlimentery system works, it is far easier for a party to establish itself in comparison to the USA, where it is proving nigh-impossible. It's taken the Libertarians thirty years to get to where they are, and to my knowledge, there are no Libertarian politicians in national gov't. The US is probably going to have the same two political parties for a much longer time, because voting for a third part is so widely seen as wasting your vote. It's different in Europe, Canada, etc.

Ron Paul is Libertarian cum Republican. He switched parties when he couldn't get anywhere as a Libertarian but he's held a pretty consistent Libertarian line for the most part (from what I know of him). It would be nice if 3rd parties could get into the big leagues without all this mucking about though. Not only does voting for a 3rd party "waste your vote" but it tends to splinter the votes of the next closest of the big two allowing the "other guy" to win. It's annoying since you can lose twice if you vote your conscience (your main candidate and the "backup" guy from whichever of the two parties you can tolerate).


To add my personal thought, and annoy Kev a little, I doubt Ron Paul will take the post. Not for anything he says but ultimately for how he acts. He reminds me of Ross Perot (a little crazy SOB based on behavior alone). He's not "presidential" enough and that will ultimately kill him in the public eye. I could be wrong but a sick/sweaty Nixon cost him big time and appearances have taken down other candidates time and again despite what they may have had to say. But he still has time to tone it down a bit (enthusiastic sans the "crazy") without changing his core message so anything is still possible I guess.



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