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Goodbye Jesus

Get Them Off My Tv!


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So I begin my Sunday morning perusing the TV guide to see if there's anything worth watching. On TLC channel, this afternoon is a slew of MyUterusIsAVendingMachine Shows!! UGH!!


I don't give a sideways FUCK if you have 15 or sixteen kids! Your LIFE is not worth televising. I don't want to watch the travesty of absent quality time and your kitchens resembling a New York Cafe' at lunch hour all day long! WHY should you have a tv show? So you can show off how you can barely meet the needs of your spawnlings and feel secure in some undeserved sense of superiority while you see MOST other people give dilligent time and attention to just a few kids?


You do not get my money. I'm not aiding your ratings in any way to keep your ass on the air earning income that is beyond the reach of the majority of parents. And it's TLC!!! The Learning Channel!! I have NO desire to "learn" how to minimum manage the lives of a horde of children! Even if I did want kids, I can learn more from the experience of my own parents with respect to raising me than can ever be learned by your assembly line brat production! My cervix will never need a revolving door installed. Seeing as I figure most people are not interested in breeding their own Children of the Damned army, I see little value of your shows on TLC.


Fucking Spawn Shows!

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Yeah, Raven, I am with you on this. I saw the show with the 16 kids. TLC=freak show central. I think they deliberately show the most freakish types of people they can find. Like an old 1920s carnival- freak- side- show.



16 friggin' kids, all dressed like "House on the Prairie" in a giant house with giant lists on the walls. A nutty, stupid, freakishly irresponsible way of life in this overpopulated and polluted world. Yet its not evidently overpopulated enough for selfish people who think their egos are worth reproducing endlessly. I don't think they went into it too much, but I also got the impression of some kind of religous fundamentalism. Yuck!!!


They also like to show incurable conditions and freakish mutations with humongous tumors on the face, 1000 lb. people, etc. Once they had a show on there with a child whose face was so horribly disfigured I had to turn it off. What is all this, for ratings? How much information can the average person gain from watching stuff like this, other than to say "thank god I don't have to deal with this particular problem myself?"

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It's the Schadenfreude Channel - Next up - The Hideously Deformed Having Monkey Sex In Jello....

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It's the Schadenfreude Channel - Next up - The Hideously Deformed Having Monkey Sex In Jello....


I avoid TLC like the plague (and have for years... the last time they showed something educational, I was in college)... but I would watch that.





As an aside, I have paid good money to see a real freak show before... I am one of those sorry people who would pay to see something fucked up... I admit it.


But what really pisses me off is that TLC is so... well, uninteresting. It's all about fashion, redecorating, and other boring stuff. If I want to watch those shows, I have Bravo. Wait, come to think of it... Queer Eye kindof killed Bravo. It became really popular and stopped showing anything interesting for a while so I stopped watching. Crap, now I remember why I haven't had a TV for years.

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Yes, TLC.....anther fine example of a truly great idea gone bad. Sit down my children, I can tell you stories of those glorious early 90's when there was music on the radio, learning on the learning channel, history on the history channel.


Good thing TV execs don't run schools and hospitals, one good example of how privatization can foul things up. They'd turn them into brothels if they garnered profits.


They wanna see babies? show'em babies. Damned be the little caterpillars herded by ants in the rainforest, no one wants to see that.

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They wanna see babies? show'em babies. Damned be the little caterpillars herded by ants in the rainforest, no one wants to see that.



I want to see that!!! Fuck human babies!! I don't have to trek into the wilds hoping, with luck, to see a human baby! Show me the caterpillar herds and the aphid farms! Show me the lemurs! I'm not interested in shows devoted to human infants! It just promotes the Child Cult that has engulfed our society like a disease the past 15 years or so! That little dumbass playing pocketpool on the side of the road with sticky crud smeared all over it's face is NOT "precious".


Do not show me humans! The life of the dwarf family is NOT interesting! By making a tv show about them sitting around, drinking coffee, making dinner, going to school......the advertizing idea is to show how they are "just like the rest of us"....bullshit!! When I sit down at my desk at work to munch my morning croissant....there is NOT a tv camera in my face documenting my every damn move! So it really ISN'T any different than an exploitative Carny freak show.

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I don't know what's on the History channel in the US now, but when I was in India a few months ago I got to watch the Indian version on Direct TV. It rocked. Hours and hours of programming on the Roman era, the Crusades, the Greeks, etc..., etc...


I always hated the History channel when I was in the US. It should have been called the 24-hr WWII network. Hopefully it's improved.

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Reality shows are the modern freak show, nothing is new under the sun. Though Extreme Makeover Home Edition is one of my guilty pleasures. That host with unnaturally good hair must be one of the great Pollyannish idiots of our time. He's so cartoonishly upbeat, he has unintentionally turned tragedy into a rare kind of black comedy which many artists have tried and failed to capture in my opinion.


Please, please somebody take him off that show- cos I feel so bad laughing at a Katrina themed show while he talks in a jingoistically positive way "America bless this church!" then smile goofingly in midst of depressed crowds, destroyed houses and cars on cars. I hope I'm not that sociopathic but he's frightfullly funny. Somebody please forgive me cos I know I can't take this kind of guilt anymore... :beg:

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I like all these shows on Bravo like "Top Chef," "Project Runway" the interior design show, all the creative competition type shows. They remind me of when I was at college as an art major and had to go for critiques. The good old days! I just like seeing what people can create.


TLC freak show only comes on occasionally. The rest of the time it is boring, as was pointed out. Usually they will have a series of these shows back to back in the evening. I admit to watching some of them with a rapt fascination. I wonder if part of this comes from at one time being an xian and believing in a benevolent, yet omnipotent god. One thing is for damn sure-- watch some of these shows, and you will never be under that delusion again. Sure cure. There was one program they had where people had this rare, bizarre disease that very gradually turns them to stone in the sense that they can't move at all. Eventually they literally cannot move one muscle. They have to decide ahead of time if they want to be frozen in an upright position or a sitting position. The mind of the person is unaffected but after a while they can't talk. I can't remember how it ended but I am sure it eventually kills the person. It was just unbelievable what bizarre diseases exist, and what incredible suffering some people must endure.


The dwarf show and all the kid shows are just stupid and pointless.


Yesterday I did see a good program, I think it was on Discovery, about the coral reefs. Very beautifully photographed. I saw a good History Channel program a few months ago about the Barbarians. I like the shows they do about medieval times also. There just are not enough of them.

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They wanna see babies? show'em babies. Damned be the little caterpillars herded by ants in the rainforest, no one wants to see that.



I want to see that!!! Fuck human babies!! I don't have to trek into the wilds hoping, with luck, to see a human baby! Show me the caterpillar herds and the aphid farms! Show me the lemurs! I'm not interested in shows devoted to human infants! It just promotes the Child Cult that has engulfed our society like a disease the past 15 years or so! That little dumbass playing pocketpool on the side of the road with sticky crud smeared all over it's face is NOT "precious".


Do not show me humans! The life of the dwarf family is NOT interesting! By making a tv show about them sitting around, drinking coffee, making dinner, going to school......the advertizing idea is to show how they are "just like the rest of us"....bullshit!! When I sit down at my desk at work to munch my morning croissant....there is NOT a tv camera in my face documenting my every damn move! So it really ISN'T any different than an exploitative Carny freak show.

You MUST know I was being sarcastic. I wanna see the caterpillars too. That stuff fascinated me and I about creamed myself when they put a channel on the air where I could see nature programs daily, then flip the channel and see some real interesting perspectives on history.

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You MUST know I was being sarcastic. I wanna see the caterpillars too. That stuff fascinated me and I about creamed myself when they put a channel on the air where I could see nature programs daily, then flip the channel and see some real interesting perspectives on history.


Indeed. But instead we are stuck with a History channel that tries to detail the life of christ, and a Learning Channel with nothing on it worth learning.


The Discovery Channel and the Travel Channel still have stuff worth showing. I think the Travel Channel has improved quite a bit. I remember when every show on there tried to show bikini hugged tits all the time.

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LOL... What? It's a "modest proposal" afterall... :)


Babies... the other, other white meat... :lmao:

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I always hated the History channel when I was in the US. It should have been called the 24-hr WWII network. Hopefully it's improved.

My brother used to say the H logo stood for the Hitler Channel.

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I am so disappointed with Discovery Health and TLC. Discovery Health is nothing more than the Baby Channel now, in fact why they don't just rename it that (and then give us a REAL Discovery Health that actually concerns the entirety of the human health spectrum) and TLC has just gotten disgusting.


Every time I see that dwarf show I get sick. Do you see how these people live? TLC sends them on vacations that I can only dream of (it seems that next season they get to go in an RV to Yellowstone National Park), supports them on a beautiful farm full of playground equipment, just for the fact that they are "little people" and can be filmed as they wander around their expansive property and go on their trips. I wish I was a little person, maybe then I'd get to see Hawaii in exchange for camera time.


As a childfree person it seems there's a huge cultural wave right now about having precious little babies, as many as possible. We hold these Duggars and other circus acts up to be some kind of saintly ideal that live these wonderful, fulfilling lives because they have lots of what could only possibly give a person's life any meaning or purpose whatsoever - children. (Maybe their lives are just so great because they get to be on TV, hmm? Perhaps if we did a show on people who weren't rich white fundamentalist Christians things wouldn't be so perfect, now would they? How about we do a feature on a single mother in Appalachia who has to have her four oldest kids work in the coal mines because she can't feed and clothe them all herself?) And of course they get all the perks that go along with being national television heroes as well.


I just thought about something: How come we can see shows that feature women giving themselves prolapsed uteri, the most stomach-turning real-life presentations of actual surgery to remove various life-threatening tumors and deformations (I'm not saying that deformed people are inherently sickening - I'm saying that these shows certainly wish for me to think so, want me to find these people hideous and shocking and unbearable, just as the carnival barker wants to convince me that what lies inside this sideshow will give me chills - but anyway!), even a controversial subject like sex-change operations - but never someone going through a sterilization procedure? It's not like it's not a big decision for a person to make or that it would be a totally disinteresting subject. (It's certainly more interesting than hour after hour of drugged-up mothers sleepily giving birth to screaming infant after screaming infant.) I know I'm probably being unusually bitter because of my child-free status.....but still.

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I know I'm probably being unusually bitter because of my child-free status.....but still.



Oh come now Sage. Can you really be bitter about being able to read a newspaper, at home, while eating, without interruption? Bitter about being able to take a looooooong hot bath with candles and soft music without the door being beat down and tiny spawnling fingers sliding under the door? Bitter about being able to go anywhere with a date in the evening without a mental meter running in your head for the $$$ you'll have to shell out to a babysitter in return for a few spawn free hours? Bitter about being able to take that Hawaii vacation.....in November when school is in session and travel rates are lower!??


I just cannot feel apologetic about being able to pleasure myself whenever, and wherever I wish in my home without having to worry about Child Services descending on my house because my kids happened to see me at it, and talked about it at school.


The next time a SacredMommy tries to make your child-free choice seem inferior, ask her when she last had an orgasm.

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For those of you haven't noticed, White Raven is really into pleasuring herself.

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So long as there are people in this world who are under-nourished, inadequately clothed, and/or homeless and/or ill with preventable maladies due to lack of funds and resources, no one need feel guilty for failing to increase the earth's human population.


I have never had, nor will ever have, kids. Not even one. I do not feel like I missed anything or that my life has been impoverished because of it. I am GLAD that I am not bothered with kids and grandkids. I just want to live my own life in my own way--no responsibilities to any off-spring no way no how.


I think people who make such a big fuss about the wonderful benefits and blessings of having kids must be jealous of our freedom. People don't usually think about making a fuss about the normal everyday stuff they take for granted and enjoy. But if they're saddled with kids they don't really want and basically just find a pain in the butt--well, then it makes sense that they advertize how great it is having kids--they have to do SOMETHING to convince themselves that it was worth all the sleepless nights and hassle of tending babies, school kids, teens...


Don't let it get to you. These people are desperate, trapped, full of god and themselves and no way out.

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Oh come now Sage. Can you really be bitter about being able to read a newspaper, at home, while eating, without interruption? Bitter about being able to take a looooooong hot bath with candles and soft music without the door being beat down and tiny spawnling fingers sliding under the door? Bitter about being able to go anywhere with a date in the evening without a mental meter running in your head for the $$$ you'll have to shell out to a babysitter in return for a few spawn free hours? Bitter about being able to take that Hawaii vacation.....in November when school is in session and travel rates are lower!??


I just cannot feel apologetic about being able to pleasure myself whenever, and wherever I wish in my home without having to worry about Child Services descending on my house because my kids happened to see me at it, and talked about it at school.


The next time a SacredMommy tries to make your child-free choice seem inferior, ask her when she last had an orgasm.


Will you marry me? :wub:




For those of you haven't noticed, White Raven is really into pleasuring herself.


As she damn well should be!


(Yeah, I got the joke. Good one, Legion :grin: )

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In TLC's defense, the crap usually comes on in the daytime when non working "soap opera" types are teh biggest audience.

At night TLC does have some decent programming.

I prefer:

Biography Channel

A & E

Military Channel

Discovery Health


National Geographic Channel (my favorite)

and occasionally the outdoor channel


National Geographic Channel get my vote for best documentary type television!

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On one hand, I definitely don't want to see how many babies can come out of one vagina, but on the other hand, they are the ones outbreeding us, and giving us more Christbots in this world. I guess if someone is going to breed like rabbits, I'd rather see a secular family any day over Little House on the Prairie.

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I haven't seen NG in years, but I remember it being great.


I really want to love History and Discovery, but then I see regular marathons of Alaskan King Crab Fishing and Ice Road Truckers and I just want to cry.


After I've washed the blood from my hands (and arms, and chest, and face...) after hunting down the execs of each channel and doing unspeakably horrible things to them, granted, but I would cry eventually.

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For those of you haven't noticed, White Raven is really into pleasuring herself.


As she damn well should be!


(Yeah, I got the joke. Good one, Legion :grin: )



Damn straight!! :)


Best way EVER for coping with chronic insomnia! And no drugs screwing with my neurotransmitters!!! Plus.....you guys know damn well it feels really good. You don't get to have all the fun just because you have "outies" and I have an "innie".


Although..."innies" and "outies" have great fun together. :wicked:

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In TLC's defense, the crap usually comes on in the daytime when non working "soap opera" types are teh biggest audience.

At night TLC does have some decent programming.

I prefer:

Biography Channel

A & E

Military Channel

Discovery Health


National Geographic Channel (my favorite)

and occasionally the outdoor channel


National Geographic Channel get my vote for best documentary type television!



Okay okay okay I am home, during the day, the whole reason we origianlly got cable was The Discovery channel. I though YAY animal shows in the afternoon, save me fomr the housewifesoapopera crap. And what??? decorating shows, cooking shows, crap! crap crap crap!! So I ended the cable, we got again a few years ago I thought, ok, there are a few more channels now. History channel, travel channel TLC, what do I get?? CRAP! Who are these housewives that watch nothing but crap by choice and how do I kill them???


Special note on the Duggers, I became seriously disgusted when Mama Dugger went on in one segment about them having done it all themselves. :| They do NOT!! Some woman was volunteering to do their laundry. If I could have TLC come in with pros to re-do my house, have others agree to do my laundry, and get paid for all this... hell I might have the smile of the heavily medicated have too.


Now I am also pised that I missed caterpillers that herd ants, and probably will never see it, that sounds so cool!

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