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Goodbye Jesus

I'm Celebrating!

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This is not so much a topic of discussion as it is a celebration of my first christ free birthday that I can remember. No one is calling me up to pray for me for the coming year or to prophesy over my life about what Gawd is going to accomplish in me or through me. I don't feel the need to get on my knees and offer thanks to Gawd for keeping me (sparing my life) for one more year!

Last year on my birthday I was at a training session for ministerial staff at church, then after I was prayed over...all very low key and godly. This year - today in fact - I'm going out soon for drinks and celebration - I might even get pissed!! WHO KNOWS...WOW, what a life! :woohoo: 4 months out and counting!!


Hooray Michie!! I am so happy for you. :grin:


Congratulations Michie! :beer:


Congratulations and Happy Birthday! Hope you have many more god-free happy birthdays in the future! :)




I wish the de-programming would be much wider spread. Perhaps you can start spreading the "Good News" to people. That good news being, "You don't need to be shackled by religion any longer, freedom is yours for the taking!"


Happy birthday and congrats! Bet you're enjoying this one more than last years!


Thanks everyone for your good wishes. I had a great time last night. Lots of laughter, drinks and dancing. Definitley 10x better than any birthday I've had in a long time. I'm heading back home to Canada for 2 weeks and will be in the thick of christendom again with friends and family (not ready to come out as an ex-xian to them as yet). At least I'll have some great memories to help me make it through.


I hereby dedicate my next beer to Michie....


*crack*....glug glug glug.....


(Homer Simpson voice) mmmmmm.........beer.....



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