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skepticality #062 - Girl Power! - Interview: Alison Smith, founder of The Skeptical Analysis of the Paranormal Society (SAPS)

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This week Skepticality has a double bill of brainy, beautiful skeptics working to educate the public about the benefits of science and evidence-based reasoning. Private InvestigatorÂAlison Smith (the founder of the Skeptical Analysis of the Paranormal Society) discusses her work and shares her thoughts about the recent lecture she gave on Skeptical Investigation as well as the Skeptic Smackdown debate she took part in, at Dragon*Con 2007. Lastly, we have a special clip of Dr. Pamela Gay explaining how astrophysicists look at Dark Matter in the Universe, recorded from a special Dragon*Con after party. We're also pleased to present the full length video fromÂDragon*Con's "Skeptic Smackdown" debate, featuring skeptics Michael Shermer and Alison Smith, and paranormal proponents Patrick Burns and Graham Watkins.http://skepticality.libsyn.com/index.php?post_id=262450#

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