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Some of you probably remember me, I was always against Christianity on here and still am. I used to post here quite often actually but some thing happend during summer which changed everything for me. Something that happend at the end of summer scared the shit and out of me and traumatized me in a way.


This story starts it was a regular summer and everything, I hung out with my friends, the last Harry Potter book came out and the movie. ( That was the last time I posted here actually talking about book 7) Anyway on a Monday it was still hot and everything I get a call from my friend and he asked him if news about someone I knew in school. I said "No" and he replied "He is dead". When he said those words I got the biggest chill down and I felt vary well shaky. I did not know what to say, it was the most shocking thing someone that I knew was dead. He committed suicide and it scared me deeply it is all I still think about, about that call. Why this is relevant to why I didn't post here I felt really awkward and out of place on religion all of a sudden. He was an atheist a more hardcore one than me but he was an atheist. I felt gittered for a long time and I did not want to post here for some reason something just freaked me out.


However I am back and I feel a lot better than I did 2 months ago on the situation and can actually talk about it with you guys and argue with delusional Christians.


Yeah, I remember you Ramen!


I'm really sorry to hear about your friend.


But I'm looing forward to see how you have changed and any new views you have.


Welcome back, Ramen. I do remember you. Your avatar has changed. I can see that this was a traumatizing experience. I'm glad you are finding you way again. Being atheist does not protect us from the evils of discouragement, or whatever it is that couses suicide. I have been pretty close to it myself since my deconversion. A counselor and a Christian friend helped me through the crisis and put things in perspective and I've moved on. My point is that being atheist is no quarantee of anything.


In a way it is just like Christianity (bad bad example) but just because you believe in something, something does not guarantee anything for you because that is just something you mere believe. Life is where the action is and where the train wreck is. I don't know all details on what actually happend or why it happend all my friend told me. (The one that committed suicide is my friends,best friend) All I know he had a mental breakdown when he went to college and has been hospitalized before and he even attempted it weeks before it happend. That is what I know because I don't have the heart to ask my friend about it and know what exactly happend but he was in a bad mental state.


PS. Got my avatar back for you Ruby. :D the place that was hosting went down.


Hey Ramen,


I remember a few posts from you when I first started ranting on the board. Very sorry to hear about your friend. I know what it's like to be in his position somewhat, I'm just very sorry to hear that he went through with it...


That said, I completely understand why you stayed away for a while and I think most others on this board would have done the same in that situation. Even I've been away for a couple of weeks as my life continues to ®evolve and change and I try to figure myself out.


Excellent to hear that you've come through it and are continuing on.


I did learn one thing about life and many other things even regarding Christianity in general. As much as I despise Christianity and what it all stands for and what it does to people. That belief that their is a God and really is a heaven and all that, that is what is conforting the family. The belief is what is keeping his sister going because they believe in God. This was the first time I saw a postive thing like this from something that I am against. This is a medicine for the mind that can actually help. That is my new ideas and thoughts have changed. Religion still is a joke to me no matter what, but this event I saw comfort because of it.


I remember you Ramen. Sorry to hear about your classmate. I've known a cousin, a friend, and a housemate who commited suicide and it always sucks to find out about it.


Hi Ramen. I disappeared for a while too. I can definitely remember you.


Welcome back.

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