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Goodbye Jesus

Losing My Religion

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Hey everyone. I'm really enjoying this site. I love the tolerance I see here. Finally...I place where I feel safe. Anywhoo....ever since I deconverted...I've become really freakin depressed. I feel empty inside. My boyfriend is in rehab and my daughter is up north with my mom while I get my financial life in order. I lost my job back in May and things have been rough. I have bipolar disorder and see a shrink and all that good shit...and just when I was feeling better...


BAM....someone pointed out the Zeitgeist movie and even though a lot of that is misleading...I have always equaled the 12 apostles with the zodiac. Having grown up catholic then converting to Wicca I have come to realize that xtianity is a rip off. So, my head is spinning and now I feel like I'm at square one.


I realize i should be jumping for joy...lots of people would give their right eye tooth to be alone and away from annoying family members for awhile...but it gets lonely. He'll be back in three weeks and I'll be with my daughter in Feb. which seems like FOREVER.


How do you guys cope with this shit?


If you don't have any friends outside of the church... find some! The hardest thing about deconverting (I think) is loosing the fellowship and the sense of belonging you get from the church. So find some new people to fellowship with. Human contact will help.


Keep reading here and hopefully people can help talk you through it. When you've spent years giving everything over to prayer, it's a hard habit to break. But when you realize that all you were really doing was talking into the air, it gets easier.


Hang in!


Here is a blog I wrote on my Myspace page a long time ago.




"There is no meaning to life without God."


I beg to differ. Do you honestly believe that if the belief in God were to disappear, there would be nothing to live for? I do not believe in God and I have everything to live for. Life, itself, has meaning to me.


Throw out the stories about Gods, Demons, and Angels and we are left with the most important part of the stories: Humans. There is absolutely no proof of Gods, Angels, or Demons. I can see my fellow human beings every single day of my life. I see them communicating, working together, helping eachother, and loving one another. Life can't get any more real than that.


If you don't think that life is worth living just to see what happens on this planet for one single day, then I really pity you. You can go on believing in magical sky-worlds with streets of gold and endless happiness, but I don't see the need.


Also, what is the point of happiness if you don't have the occasional sadness to compare it to? If life was continually care-free and full of joy...at what point would you stop noticing? Eventually life would stop being full of joy and just be life. Sadness is a part of life. It is a very strong emotion. Why would you want to be somewhere that you would never again experience it? You need sadness to really enjoy happiness. It is the extreme switch in emotions that make it so exciting.


Imagine this for a second: When you die, death fulfills it's definition and your life comes to an end. There is no "after-life".

So what?! What is the problem with that? If you are dead, you won't care! You will be dead.


Live your life for your fellow humans, and for the other living things that you have the chance to experience while you are here. Stop obsessing over what will happen to you when you die. What good is it?


I assure you- not one single person on this planet knows what happens to us when we die. Not Christians. Not Muslims. Not Atheists. Nobody knows. People have theories, of course, but they are based on what has been told to them by people who have not experienced death. Nobody has died and come back to tell about what happens after death. Not one person. No matter what any Holy Book says.


Not one single person on this planet know for sure whether God exists or not. It is something that can neither be proven nor disproven. Yes, the universe could have been created by a single human-like being, but it also could have been created by an giant all-knowing brick...neither can be proven or disproven...That doesn't make either probable.


Is it impossible that the meaning of life, is life itself? Nothing more?


You are born, you experience life, and then you die. What more do you want? I know the belief that we will live forever is comforting for some...but it is not probable. Think for yourself. Give life your own meaning, and experience as much as you can.


If only the Christian Jesus was as awesome, understanding and as inspiring as you ;) . :goodjob: .. Awesome post per usual SFS!


Thanks everyone. However, I have to take issue with the "seeing is believing" theory. You can't see air, but it's there. You can't see anything in the Quantum universe.. but it's oh so there.


We've got heads on sticks.

Thanks everyone. However, I have to take issue with the "seeing is believing" theory. You can't see air, but it's there. You can't see anything in the Quantum universe.. but it's oh so there.

Both are detectable by means other than sight. Repeatable experimental evidence can be gathered on the behavior of subatomic particles and gaseous matter.




I'm gonna suggest that you find some time to go learn something new. Take a class, find a new hobby, do something you might not *usually do* in life.


Thing is, we find comfortable ruts, and in turn, even when we give up something, we tend to find thing to comfort rather than replace that we've given up.


Religion is such a multiheaded hydra, the action, the fraternity, fun, and kinship mixed in with tons of 'responsibility to the gods' that we can't find 'A' things to do that does all the local house of worship does.


If so inclined, find an activity that takes up physical activity. Biking, hiking, swimming laps, skydiving, anything that takes some preparation and then time to enjoy.

Buddy of mine locally took up bowling. He comes from one of the very well off families in area, bowling is such a plebian activity... But it now is a passion that helps 'im get off ass and into a whole new group of folks and activities.


Try something, many somethings, and you'll find that there are many other things to enjoy in life other than looking at clock in chapel "wishing the preacher would stroke out and this boring shit would quit...", err, going to church..




Well guys...I'm finally feeling a little better. Time does heal all wounds...i think?

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