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Growing up in the Universe

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Growing Up in the Universe is a series of lectures given by Richard Dawkins as part of the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, where he discusses the evolution of life in the universe.</p>


The lectures were first broadcast in 1991, in the form of five one-hour episodes, on the BBC in the UK. The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science was granted the rights to the televised lectures, and a DVD version was released by the foundation on April 20, 2007.

Part 1: Waking Up in the Universe



Part 2: Designed and Designoid Objects



Part 3: Climbing Mount Improbable



Part 4: The Ultraviolet Garden



Part 5: The Genesis of Purpose



For more information on this series, or to order the DVD, go to http://richarddawkins.net/growingupintheuniverse



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