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Goodbye Jesus

Funny Thing My Mom Said


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A couple of days ago I was chatting with my mother about a discussion in psychology class about senior citizens and sex. I had been telling my mother how the professor brought up Hugh Hefner and the Playboy bunnies and how people see him as an "dirty old man".


Well, I went on an atheistic rant with that as I said "If you remember six years ago this month a popular xtian student died. Now why if God is so against porn would he let some porn king live into old age, but let some God fearing, virginal xtian guy suffer and die from cancer weeks before his twenty first birthday?"


:twitch: My mother said "Hugh Hefner said once that God told him to create Playboy to bring all the beautiful women of the world together that God created. I have no idea why some young guy died of cancer, could be environmental pollution?"


"Mom the young guy at school was a Christian and doesn't it say in the Bible that 'the bad die young'? So why didn't God kill off Hefner at an early age if porn is such a sinful vice? Some people do evil stuff in the name of God so if porn is evil anyone can make a religious excuse for it just as they have for other sins over thousands of years."


"I have no idea, but you remember God is a God of love."


:Hmm: "So God approves of porn if he lets some porn kingpin live into his golden years, but lets young virginal Christians die off in their twenties?"


Mom nervously laughed at what I said "I don't know if God approves of porn! I don't know! Honey let me get back to my online video game." :HaHa:


I guess I either got her thinking about xtianity, or she was trying not to pissed off enough to get into an argument with me.

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How's that for a cop-out!?!?!

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How's that for a cop-out!?!?!


:rolleyes: Yeah I understand when my mother used to tell me as a teenager that there's people who die because of either they did something retarded ( drunk driving for example), or someone getting murdered. Still, when it comes to innocent young xtian people dying for some sad reason I can't stand her excuses for that happening.


At least she doesn't do like my grandmother and keep on repeating "Gawd is love sweetheart and its the devil you want to blame for all that!"

Sometimes she even says "I would be so heartbroken if you were the only family member on this side of the family not going to Heaven after they die. Would you want to wind up in Hell with your abusive father and his family?"

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