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Goodbye Jesus

Window with Jesus' image now causing problems


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Looks like jesus stopped by to point out how greedy everyone is... :wicked:


Pane draws crowds, controversy


Accusations fly over glass that some say reflects Christ's image


11:55 PM CDT on Monday, June 27, 2005





FORT WORTH – A window that drew Catholic faithful to a Fort Worth apartment last month has become a source of controversy.


Some saw the outlined face of Jesus Christ in the glass, and it attracted crowds to the Fossil Ridge Apartments on Northwest 18th Street, where Clara Martínez lives.


Ms. Martínez says her landlords tired of the crowds that the window brought and gave her the glass, which was removed and taken to the San Agustin church on Byron Street a few blocks away.


"The priest offered to take it to his church until we raised money to build a small shrine for it," she said.


But that priest, the Rev. John Parnell, said Ms. Martínez donated the glass to his church, which is affiliated with the California-based National Catholic Church of Mexico.


Now both say the other is trying to cash in on the image.


Father Parnell says Ms. Martínez can't account for some of the money that has been donated for the shrine.


"We never saw that money," he said.


Ms. Martínez said she did use a "small amount" of the donations to buy lamps so people could see the image on the glass at night and a carpet for people to stand on.


She countered that the priest officiated Mass outside her apartment on several occasions and never accounted for any donations he might have received.


"We're Catholic, and we believe in our priests, we think they speak the truth," she said, adding that she felt intimidated by the priest when she complained. "He's taking advantage of people's faith."


For now, Ms. Martínez has a signed receipt for the window, and the church has the glass.


It still attracts a few believers, even though when it was removed from the apartment, it broke.


Don't worry about the breakage. I'm sure the window will miraculously be whole again in three days.


From Monday's Dallas Morning News.



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Goodbye Jesus
"We're Catholic, and we believe in our priests, we think they speak the truth," she said, adding that she felt intimidated by the priest when she complained. "He's taking advantage of people's faith."


"Oh no you can't trust a priest? He's taking advantage!" Said the altar boy



None are so blind as those who refuse to see.




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I just don't see it`

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I just don't see it`

Here's an enhancement.


FYI, It's a very important message from God.


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