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Star Wars And Fundies


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Has anyone else noticed that a lot of Christian fundamentalists have no problem with and often even love Star Wars? I know this is random but I just think it's funny considering how much they hate Harry Potter and such. Harry Potter, it's witchcraft, Star Wars, it's different because it's the Force.

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It's only eeeeebil if it's called magic™ :lmao:

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"Only a Sith deals in absolutes."


Ahhh...if only the fundies would realize who are the Sith and who are the Jedi...

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I knew some back in my youth (early 90s) who said it was evil because it was all about Buddhism and ESP.


Maybe fundies only complain about things that are current :shrug:


I met a Jehovah's witness lady much more recently who loved starwars. Good versus evil with a bit of redemption for Darth Vader at the end - and I suppose they can ignore the fact that it's basically Buddhism and magic in space.

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I knew some back in my youth (early 90s) who said it was evil because it was all about Buddhism and ESP.


Maybe fundies only complain about things that are current :shrug:


I met a Jehovah's witness lady much more recently who loved starwars. Good versus evil with a bit of redemption for Darth Vader at the end - and I suppose they can ignore the fact that it's basically Buddhism and magic in space.


I can still remember(early 80's") when Bob"There's a demon behind every corner" Larson was saying that Star Wars was bad because of it's Buddhist and Taoist influences. He even thought that there was something wrong with E.T: The Extraterrestial It was bad because E.T heals Elliot's finger without invoking Christ and how E.T came back from the dead without divine intervention. I also remember some bullshit he said about there was some book about demonology that had a demon in it that looked like E.T. I think there was some easily impressionable kid who called in when Larson was doing a show on the local christian station saying he had nightmares that E.T was laughing at him and telling he wasn't saved.


Sigh, bullshit never stops does it?

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Has anyone else noticed that a lot of Christian fundamentalists have no problem with and often even love Star Wars? I know this is random but I just think it's funny considering how much they hate Harry Potter and such. Harry Potter, it's witchcraft, Star Wars, it's different because it's the Force.



Yeah my wife loves all the star wars movies. When I explain to her that if god exists, it's more like the "force" in star wars, she wants to get all mad LOL.


Double-mindedness is so common in xtians.

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I used to be a fundy who loved Star Wars; even more interesting is that I was a fundy who loved Star Trek even more.

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Has anyone else noticed that a lot of Christian fundamentalists have no problem with and often even love Star Wars? I know this is random but I just think it's funny considering how much they hate Harry Potter and such. Harry Potter, it's witchcraft, Star Wars, it's different because it's the Force.


Sci-Fi has always been considered "the lesser evil" by fundies for some bizzare reason, although I have met some who thought Star Wars was "evil" too. At least, most of them don't think Spock looks like a demon anymore. I heard they had to change the character's costume back in the 60's because of the fundies. As a Trek fan, I have met many fundy Trek fans at conventions, usually the kind who love Left Behind too. Why can't they figure out it's all the same thing, a fantasy?

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I heard they had to change the character's costume back in the 60's because of the fundies. As a Trek fan, I have met many fundy Trek fans at conventions, usually the kind who love Left Behind too. Why can't they figure out it's all the same thing, a fantasy?



While fundy nutjobs did oppose numerous things about the original series, the only costume change to Spock was made because of the limitations of technology at that time. Spock was intended to be red, but they realized that red face paint wouldn't work well on a black and white television set. (This is according to Nimoy's I Am Spock.) Fundys have protested numerous episodes -- like the episode where Kirk kissed Uhura and the DS9 episode where two female characters kissed.

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What puzzles me even more is that you'll have Christians bashing Harry Potter for its witchcraft yet you never hear Christians bash The Chronicles Of Narnia for having magical lions that are symbolic of Jesus and I love how they completely ignore Lewis' obvious sexism.

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Oh, extreme fundies don't even like Narnia. It's only been within the last 15-20 years that mainstream Xianity has accepted the series. Plus, many churches still approve of sexism in its most basic form - man the head of the household and all.


It is rather surprising that so many Xians willingly ignore the obvious humanist messages in Star Trek...of course, I did too...


Harry Potter, of course, *actually* teaches you to become a REAL wizard or witch. How to use a magic wand. How to fly on a broomstick. You know, all of those things that are part of *real* witchcraft and all...


... :P

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I can tell you that my fundy mother never liked us watching Star Trek, or Twighlight Zone. She never could say exactly why, but with all those "weird" characters you just knew it wasn't something we should be filling our heads with. And she hates all science fiction... again no specifics, it just seems evil. We shouldn't fill our minds with ungodly things like aliens and time travel.


And oh... thanks for the memories of Left Behind. Shit, there was a time in my life when I was obsessed with rapture movies and books. I was completely more afraid of the rapture than of going to hell.



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While fundy nutjobs did oppose numerous things about the original series, the only costume change to Spock was made because of the limitations of technology at that time. Spock was intended to be red, but they realized that red face paint wouldn't work well on a black and white television set. (This is according to Nimoy's I Am Spock.) Fundys have protested numerous episodes -- like the episode where Kirk kissed Uhura and the DS9 episode where two female characters kissed.


Interesting. I thought the Kirk/Uhura protest was because of racism, not fundyism? Unless it was a combination of the two.

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I can tell you that my fundy mother never liked us watching Star Trek, or Twighlight Zone. She never could say exactly why, but with all those "weird" characters you just knew it wasn't something we should be filling our heads with. And she hates all science fiction... again no specifics, it just seems evil. We shouldn't fill our minds with ungodly things like aliens and time travel.


And oh... thanks for the memories of Left Behind. Shit, there was a time in my life when I was obsessed with rapture movies and books. I was completely more afraid of the rapture than of going to hell.




I wonder if it is because people who enjoy sci-fi and fantasy tend to be deep thinkers? At least, this is what I've noticed from the fandoms in general. We "geeks" tend to be more introverted and philosophical, and asking questions is something that fundy religion frowns on. But it's those philosophical questions which are often asked in the "safer" framework of science fiction and fantasy.

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Has anyone else noticed that a lot of Christian fundamentalists have no problem with and often even love Star Wars? I know this is random but I just think it's funny considering how much they hate Harry Potter and such. Harry Potter, it's witchcraft, Star Wars, it's different because it's the Force.

My fundy in-laws have no problem with Harry Potter, partying, or pretty much anything. The only difference I see between them and the rest of the world is they go to church on Sundays and pray before eating.


Pretty much if they want to do it, they do. They throw out the parts of scripture that cause them too much trouble. I guess they really aren't fundies then. Maybe it would be more apt to refer to them as fire-insurance Christians or something.


I love them, but it's laughable.

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I wonder if it is because people who enjoy sci-fi and fantasy tend to be deep thinkers? At least, this is what I've noticed from the fandoms in general. We "geeks" tend to be more introverted and philosophical, and asking questions is something that fundy religion frowns on. But it's those philosophical questions which are often asked in the "safer" framework of science fiction and fantasy.
Just please keep the Christians far away from anime. They've already abused poor Pokemon. Although I would really love to show some of the people at my parents' church The End Of Evangelion movie just to see their reaction to it....
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Funny you mentioned Anime. Had a Catholic guy get pretty miffed at Hellsing over the portrayal of the Catholic church in there.


I figured if he was going to get butthurt over something in that anime, it wouldn't have been that.

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I can tell you that my fundy mother never liked us watching Star Trek, or Twighlight Zone. She never could say exactly why, but with all those "weird" characters you just knew it wasn't something we should be filling our heads with. And she hates all science fiction... again no specifics, it just seems evil. We shouldn't fill our minds with ungodly things like aliens and time travel.


And oh... thanks for the memories of Left Behind. Shit, there was a time in my life when I was obsessed with rapture movies and books. I was completely more afraid of the rapture than of going to hell.




I was steeped in so much Rapture paranoia that I refused to read the books. I didn't want to scare myself like that. I read them this past year, after I had been out of the religion for a while, and I found them hilariously awful.


While fundy nutjobs did oppose numerous things about the original series, the only costume change to Spock was made because of the limitations of technology at that time. Spock was intended to be red, but they realized that red face paint wouldn't work well on a black and white television set. (This is according to Nimoy's I Am Spock.) Fundys have protested numerous episodes -- like the episode where Kirk kissed Uhura and the DS9 episode where two female characters kissed.


Interesting. I thought the Kirk/Uhura protest was because of racism, not fundyism? Unless it was a combination of the two.


The direct protest was racism, but it was almost certainly inspired by religion -- God "seperating" the races, the curse of Ham, all that fundy BS.

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It's been my experience that most extreme fundamentalists have a problem with Star Wars/Trek more because it's associated with "Hollywood" and evil, rather than the actual content of the shows. There is one group of independent Baptists in my town (home of Bob Jones University) which doesn't want their church members to attend ANY movie, and even preaches against having televisions in the home.


I do agree that many evangelicals that bash Harry Potter are inconsistent. It's all a matter of semantics.

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It's been my experience that most extreme fundamentalists have a problem with Star Wars/Trek more because it's associated with "Hollywood" and evil, rather than the actual content of the shows. There is one group of independent Baptists in my town (home of Bob Jones University) which doesn't want their church members to attend ANY movie, and even preaches against having televisions in the home.


I do agree that many evangelicals that bash Harry Potter are inconsistent. It's all a matter of semantics.



My parents' church has the same policy -- the United Pentecostal Church International. They strongly discourage members from going to movies or owning a television set enabled to watch television/cable/satellite. UPCI preachers cannot hold a license if they go to the movies or own a TV. Weirdly enough, that organization may split because of a debate about allowing churches to advertise on television.

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Just please keep the Christians far away from anime. They've already abused poor Pokemon. Although I would really love to show some of the people at my parents' church The End Of Evangelion movie just to see their reaction to it....


I think I can imagine their reaction, because I got majorly freaked out by End of Eva, but for a different reason. I got ahold of a raw Japanese copy, and not understanding much Japanese the WTF????? factor was just off the scale! I remember being a little bothered by the cross shaped energy blasts being fired by the "Angels" and some of the other religious symbolism, but now I just feel silly. From what I've heard, the producers used the Judeo-Christian symbolism because to the Japanese mind, it's exotic, kinda like how asian symbols like the Yin Yang are to westerners.


Blue Giant: What's funny about your friend being offended by the supposedly anti-Catholic themes of Hellsing is that Kouta Hirano makes the protestants look just as bad because Integra uses not only a vampire but THE VAMPIRE , the church's worst enemy to kill other vampires.

(I kinda dig how Hirano sneaks in some hope of redemption ideas with Seras. She still feels compassion and only kills when she has to, whereas Alucard loves killing so much it wouldn't suprise me if it gives him a boner.)


Ahem, sorry for going all fanboy...

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The Vatican liked Pokemon, IIRC...

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I wonder if it is because people who enjoy sci-fi and fantasy tend to be deep thinkers? At least, this is what I've noticed from the fandoms in general. We "geeks" tend to be more introverted and philosophical, and asking questions is something that fundy religion frowns on. But it's those philosophical questions which are often asked in the "safer" framework of science fiction and fantasy.
Just please keep the Christians far away from anime. They've already abused poor Pokemon. Although I would really love to show some of the people at my parents' church The End Of Evangelion movie just to see their reaction to it....



I love that movie!!!! my mom walked in on me watching it and just stood at the door (this was during the scene where Shinji breaks down and starts to fuse with Rei) and she stared at the screen like she just saw an elephant sodomize Ted Haggard

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Interesting. I thought the Kirk/Uhura protest was because of racism, not fundyism? Unless it was a combination of the two.


Racism and Fundyism often go hand-in-hand.

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I think I can imagine their reaction, because I got majorly freaked out by End of Eva, but for a different reason.
It's actually because of the country of Japan that I always roll my eyes whenever I see fundies complaining about western fantasy and sci-fi. Japan is much more relaxed about their censorship regulations and ratings system then we are in the U.S. TV shows that would be considered to be for young teenagers in the U.S. like Cardcaptor Sakura are perfectly acceptable for little girls to watch over in Japan and nobody blinks an eye at the brief nudity or the gays and lesbians in the show. Only 1% of all Japan is a Christian and yet that hasn't caused them to wipe themselves off the face of the Earth or bring about the end of the world and Japanese kids grow up just as mature and moral as any American kid even with a lack of Christianity in their lives. I've also heard before that Japan has a lower crime rate than the U.S. which would only be ironic since Japan only has 1% of Christian citizens and America is supposedly a "Christian" nation. Can anyone confirm if this is true? In any case other than a few political scandals this past year I haven't heard of any major crisis in Japan being mentioned in the news. Of course it could also be because Japan is a smaller country than the U.S. but it still proves that even a nation where so few people identify as Christians can still be responsible with their choices and don't need Christianity to tell them how they should live their lives.
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