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Goodbye Jesus

Are You Going To Believe?

Brother Jeff

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I participate sporadically on Yahoo Answers, and I ran across this question a few minutes ago, and the Spook of Kryasst who is also somehow magically Him magically inspired me to respond. The question is located here. But for convenience, I'll repost it:


I've experienced gods wonders in my life,i've achieved alot through gods name in my life,my deceased grandmom even send me a message from heaven while i was asleep that was as authentic as anything you are gonna experience in your life....


Atheisim is deep hatred and ignorance towards the word of great,god never forces if you read the bible correctly it states people will believe and some wont but still we are sons and daughters of god and he loves us unconditionally,but saying god does not exist cause there is no proof is sheer ignorance,as children of god we've got to realise we are still in the 7th day of creation and god is not asleep,god is the father of science,the greatest scientists where even religious..

Atheism is not going to last and every atheist has to change for the good or god shall punish each and every single 1 of you,it wont hurt believing in his word as it does knowing when you die you are doomed




My response:


Atheism has nothing to do with hatred or ignorance. Atheism is a lack of belief in the existence of a god or gods. How does one read the bible - a mass of contradictions, absurdities, myths, fables, and lots of nonhistorical "history" - correctly?


There is not only no proof of god's existence, there isn't even any evidence! God is nothing but pure mythology.


God is the father of science? Are you actually serious? Christianity has historically opposed scientific progress and it continues to do so today with Christians trying desperately to get their absurd nonscientific religious pseudoscience taught alongside legitimate verified and verifiable science.


Most scientists today do not believe in god. Einstein, in fact, did not believe in a personal god or an afterlife.


Atheism is the default position of everyone born on this planet until they are indoctrinated with the god myths of their culture. Atheism will not only last, it is growing worldwide. More and more people are leaving religion for atheism, agnosticism, or perhaps deism.


I see that you included the standard hell threat. Gosh, I'm scared. NOT. Hell is not only an obvious myth, but a sick and demented one at that. I have absolutely no fear of it, and I think you'll find that to be true of the vast majority of atheists.


I am "doomed" to nothing more than nonexistence when I die, and after I'm dead I won't exist to be capable of caring that I am dead.


Believing in "his word" when it is false and easily proven to be so is not just harmful, it's wrong (and stupid).



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I am "doomed" to nothing more than nonexistence when I die, and after I'm dead I won't exist to be capable of caring that I am dead.


I wonder if that might not be the Christians' horror--that we will be too dead to care and that we have the courage to talk about it.


They're too scared to admit this.

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I am "doomed" to nothing more than nonexistence when I die, and after I'm dead I won't exist to be capable of caring that I am dead.


I wonder if that might not be the Christians' horror--that we will be too dead to care and that we have the courage to talk about it.


They're too scared to admit this.

I think Christians are scared shitless of death. Otherwise, they would rejoice when a Christian loved one died or they would commit suicide themselves to get to the Sky Kingdom faster! Glory! I personally don't think that Christians really believe in an afterlife. Intellectually, they know it just isn't so and the more educated know that it's neurologically impossible because the brain creates the mind (the mind is a function of our large brains), and that when the brain dies, so does the mind - the "I" that we associate with our individual identity. But their faith tells them that a god and an afterlife definitely exist. So they compartmentalize their thinking to avoid the cognitive dissonance that would lead to deconversion.


Just my two cents. :)

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I gave you a "thumbs up" on your response :)

Thanks, Brother! Glory!

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Man. The stupid people are just coming out of the walls today... first the fundy wackjob bitch who called you a "hater", and now this asshat? Jeebus, are people really that stupid??


Your reply is more intelligent and elegant than I probably would've offered in my current state of mind. Well done.

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Went to rate your response and got:

"This question has been deleted"



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