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Goodbye Jesus

Latest Bullshit Nonsense From My Ex's Fundy Camp


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Here's a letter my daughter wrote to my sister Lynne on MySpace today... My edits and notes in blue.


really don't want to do this, but I've been praying about what to do. I know you're my aunt, but I can't log on and see your display name with out almost breaking out and crying. (My sis's display name makes reference to me...)


You know that I love you and am still praying that God somehow rectifies everything that has been happening within the past month or so. I'm trying my hardest to distance myself that would cause emotional rock bottom for the fourth time over everything having to do with Tim. Your blogs, display name and the fact that he's right there on your friends list by me and ***** (her brother) everytime I go to post comment, are not making it any easier to do this. I love you lots, but I have to remove you from my friends.


Love you always,


I so fucking hate their brand of Christianity. There'd be nothing to "rectify" if it weren't for her fucking God. I know this is my own daughter I am talking about, but she's under the influence of her fundy mother. She was fine until mom got ahold of her....


So once again, Christianity directly fucks with my life... So. Damned. Medieval. Christianity is...

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jeebus h fucking kryast!


If memory serves we're talking about JoJo here, yes?! :(:banghead:

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jeebus h fucking kryast!


If memory serves we're talking about JoJo here, yes?! :(:banghead:


Yes JoJo... :(

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GAAAAAAAH! :repuke:


For corrupting this fine girl alone the cult deserves to die already. Violently. :vent:

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I'm so sorry. I remember how I used to sound when I was her age - so similar. I must've driven my openly gay, pagan mother absolutely mad - no doubt a mixture of fear that I would always remain so close-minded and ignorant, and just the desire to smack her head against a wall to make the stupid leave.


I hope your influence and a generally good dose of rationality help.


I agree - burn the cults! :wicked:

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So much for the ballyhooed religion of love. :ugh: Here's hoping your daughter will come to her senses before too long, and your relationship restored to what it should be.

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How frustrating and disappointing for you, Kelli!


Perhaps your daughter needs to be reminded that one of the commandments is to "Honor thy mother and father." And you are still her father.

I bet that's when "hate your father and mother" verse comes handy, and suddenly it's not allegorical for "love less" or addressed to Jews only, but suddenly is the perfect fit to contradict Paul's commands. The religion of twisting and turning and spinning words.


((((hugs)))) Parenting isn't easy :(

Yup. So true.

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I've talked to Jo Jo online a few times, I was a little confused why she was still religious despite being on this forum for a while, but I'm guessing she lives in a largely religious area now. I'm still not sure if she likes going to her mom's church or whatnot, I don't know, I really dont tihnk I should go any further or I'll end up feeling like an internet spy. lol

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I'm sorry, Kelli. Hopefully she'll come to her senses in time. When I was an older fundy teen I was really awful and I know I really hurt a friend of mine with my self righteous and ignorant pronouncements on morality before I knew his full story. It was really an epiphany for me when I figured it out because it made me realize how cruel fundy faith was. I hope your daughter is also able to think her way through it before she does too much damage.

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(((KelliKat))) May JoJo break free of this madness before it damages her further.


For corrupting this fine girl alone the cult deserves to die already. Violently. :vent:

I'm of the same mind, Thurisaz. One bleedin' demised religion, comin' right up.


(starts whetting Her virtual vorpal sword with a virtual whetstone, all the while humming Walkürenritt under Her breath)

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Too bad hiring a psychological deprogrammer is considered child abuse in many areas...

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And bitterly ironic that instilling that psychological programming in the first place isn't.

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I'm just waiting this all out. Thanks for all of your support.


I have now cut ties with my mom completely too. I called her yesterday to wish her a Happy New Year. We talked for a bit and she underhandedly and manipulatively told me she wanted to commit suicide because of me. At that point I told her to just forget I exist, and hung up on her. I don't need all this drama. My sister tells me to just focus on all the good out there and in my life, of which there is plenty. If the rest want to be miserable, let them.

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I'm so sorry about your mom; and I know she is your mother - but what a horrible woman! What loving mother in their right mind (maybe she isn't? I don't know) would put such pain and guilt upon someone because of their life-choices?! Why can't people seem to remember that once it comes down to it, you're HERS - she gave birth to you, and the tie as a mother-to-child should be stronger than anything; from religion to sexual and gender orientation!? I will never be able to wrap around my mind why such trivial matters are so life-and-death to so many people; when we should be celebrating being alive in general!



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This is kinda off topic but when you were reffering to her mother I kept thinking...I thought Kelli was her mother..



I know this is hard for you to go through but you have to let your daughter come to her own realization about life. Sure her ideas may be very skewed but thats what growing up is about.. Having fucked up ideas and then realizing that they need changing.


best of luck to you

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I'm just waiting this all out. Thanks for all of your support.


I have now cut ties with my mom completely too. I called her yesterday to wish her a Happy New Year. We talked for a bit and she underhandedly and manipulatively told me she wanted to commit suicide because of me.

What a horrible thing to put on you. Reminds me of my first girl-friend. When I tried to end the relationship, she treatened to do something stupid. This sounded just like that. Ick.

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Kell, I know what it's like to have your kids reject you. I hold on to the hope that they will come to their senses one day. While I don't wish pain on them I do believe that when life eventually kicks them in the face and their mothers give them the religious pat answers that's when we'll be there with open arms and understanding hearts.


They know we bucked the system. They'll know who to turn to when they finally do as well.


I hold on to that. Hope you can too.

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Darn hon. I'm so sorry. Last time we talked everything was flying in an upward spiral and now all this. You're probably right to just not talk to your mom for a while. She'll work it out, or she won't. Hopefully, she'll realize she'd rather have you in her life than be without you. As for petty teenagers... sigh... are we ever that bitchy again in our lives? My god!


Love you!



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OH, Oh, oh...


Such a letdown, KelliCat, when things had been going so well for you recently...


I hope things can go forward, and positively again for you, friend. Best wishes...

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Thanks guys. It's OK, really. I was letting stuff like this really get me down but I'm not anymore. As Madame M said, my Mom's thing is definitely emotional manipulation to try to get me to change. I'm just not playing that game...


I wish things were different, but I'm accepting it all as it comes. And I have plenty to be thankful for and plenty of family that does not judge.


And the fact that I woke up this morning and noticed that some really big changes have been happening in my face lately, makes me feel a lot better, LOL. Not much of a consolation, but it sure helps.

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Thanks guys. It's OK, really. I was letting stuff like this really get me down but I'm not anymore. As Madame M said, my Mom's thing is definitely emotional manipulation to try to get me to change. I'm just not playing that game...


I wish things were different, but I'm accepting it all as it comes. And I have plenty to be thankful for and plenty of family that does not judge.


And the fact that I woke up this morning and noticed that some really big changes have been happening in my face lately, makes me feel a lot better, LOL. Not much of a consolation, but it sure helps.


Hope I don't come across as going off the deep end here. Recently someone posted about who our heroes are. Kelli, I don't have a one-time-fits all hero but you are dealing with family issues similar to my own and it helps me to see you dealing with them resolutely like this.


Madame, I loved how you got your sister to shut up. Damn strategic.

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Just reading this thread has made me want to learn to have more empathy with people.


Good luck in your endeavors, KelliKat and MadameM. I hope you both succeed.

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