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Goodbye Jesus

Sister Maria Warns Me Of Folly

Brother Jeff

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From http://christianityisbullshit.com/2008/01/...ns-me-of-folly/


Sister Maria wrote me today regarding this post and my glorious site generally, and had this to say:


“Whoever the author is of this web page please note the following:

You have no more excuse Oh Man as there is a Loving God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and Gods Holy Spirit. Jesus was Gods Word clothed in flesh, sinless who came to die for you and I. If you do not appropriate this sacrifice you will go to hell and you will be held responsible for propagating such a blasphemous web page. May God bring someone across your path who will lead you to salvation. You have been made aware of your folly on this 2 January 2008.


I dare you to print my comment if you have the courage. I am a minister and have seen God do miracles, set people free of all kinds of abuse, set the free of demons and the devil himself.”


My response:


Brother Jeff: All you’ve done is make baseless assertions that your particular brand of religious mythology has a demonstrable basis in reality, which simply isn’t the case. There is no god, including the murderous, genocidal maniac that you worship. There is no Holy Farter, no Magic Sky Kryasst, and no Holy Spook. God is a myth, Jesus is a myth, and the Holy Spirit is a myth.


You are the one who is without excuse. Education is the natural enemy of religious belief. I am a former Christian, and I educated myself out of my appalling religious ignorance and deconverted back in early 2000, and I’m very glad that I did. I have made a great deal of information available on this site which proves that the bible is false. READ AND LEARN.


I will not be held responsible by a god for doing this website, but even if I was, I wouldn’t worry about it because I am telling the truth and presenting the facts regarding the bible and the Christian religion. And it’s my business if I want to make fun of ridiculous religious beliefs. As for “salvation”, there is no such thing. It is a religious concept with no demonstrable basis in reality.


Hell is an obvious myth, and a sick and demented one at that. I would never worship a god who would create such a place or send his creations (whom he allegedly loves) there. Hell is a myth that was created to keep the gullible masses in line through fear, and it obviously has been used quite successfully down through the centuries. I have no fear of such a place at all because I know for a fact that it does not exist.


Wow, I’ve been dared by a fundie! Glory! It doesn’t take courage to print your comment or to make it front page news. I enjoy getting comments such as yours and responding to them.


You haven’t seen god do shit because god doesn’t exist. What you have no doubt witnessed is the incredible power of belief in action, along with emotional and psychological manipulation, all of which is what religion is based on, along with large amounts of fear and ignorance.


I have been made aware of my folly? Well, that’s typically arrogant of you. LMAO! ALL of the facts and evidence available are firmly on my side of the fence, not yours. You have been made aware of YOUR folly for believing that ancient religious myths and lies somehow magically equals “Truth”.

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LOL Brother Jeff! :lmao: What a crazy fundy!! Arrogant, righteous idiot with the brain of a sea cucumber. She is one of those nut cases like I see on EWTN the Catholic TV channel.


Kudos to you for such a restrained reply!! I think I would have told her where she and her "sacrifice" could go--Namely where she said you were going.

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Excellent reply, Jeff! If the psycho fundy actually pulls her head out of her ass what you wrote may indeed reach her brain.

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Jeff, you are a bloody legend in my opinion! :)

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Absolute great response man, legendary!


I like the dating and signing of the "you've been warned crap" like shes an angel, or prophet, that the words are "somehow" now etched into the great book of life... The psychological bullshit behind the way she worded that section is really indicative of a *very* exalted ego, there is no way she will take what you say seriously, and probably is somehow "proud" you posted her letter. Any publicity is good publicity, and you just gave her some. In her mind it's gonna seem like a victory, because "the devil is cunning" so she skimmed or not even read your response, that would *poison* her mind. All she sees is her glorious letter on your front page.


Even though she will chalk that up to a win, since you did post her letter. (the dare was to get you to really do it, manipulation). But it *really* was a win, not for her, but everyone else.


See, people that have a balanced psych, intelligent people, will read your front page and actually learn, from YOU not her. Funny how much the ego is involved in religion. Hopefully she will respond to you again, thus giving you more material to make example of. If she *really* knew how stupid it makes her look, she would have begged you not to post it, but that's just not the way mentally ill people work. And anyone that seriously believes that, seriously deep down, is mentally ill imo.

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Thanks for the replies, everybody. :) I haven't heard back from Sister Maria yet, but we'll see what happens...

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