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Goodbye Jesus

Global Warming, Smoking, Et Al


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While I certainly do not subscribe to religionists view of our world and universe, I also am in NO ways fond of these 'scientists' who feel it is their 'right' to base decisions they make, through the gov't. of course, to decide for me whether I smoke, what I eat, what I drink, what my children eat or drink etc etc. The list is long, and daily getting longer. Science itself is a good thing, trouble is, many scientists today have forgotten they are scientists and taken up causes, political and otherwise. These types of 'scientists' are religionists in their own right. Their brand of science has become their religion and they proselytize it in the exact same manner. Do I really need someone to tell me smoking is bad for the health? How much tax payer grant $ did they need to scam me out of to tell me that? Global warming is another issue. People who are not scientists tend to react or base their beliefs on more emotional feelings than science. Now scientists are doing the same. It is becoming a sort of 'science' by concensus, and in the end, that is bad science. The chief trouble I find with this nonsense is the way they are using force, through law etc, to inculcate and take away my choice in what I choose to put in my body. It is a growing worldwide trend, as we have recently seen with the 'junk food' issue in Europe. Some of these dumba arsed wackjobs have also recently said smoking contributes to global warming, and migraine headaches are caused by global warming. A good deal of these scientists are no more than delusional educated fools, the trouble is they are as dangerous as these same religious wackos I have tried to stay away from and the religious wackos aren't in the end the ones who are wielding such power through our government over my(and the rest of your) lives. Just as the various religious cults have divided and subdivided people based upon THEIR beliefs and assumptions about life and how it should be lived, these goddamn scientists, though ironically a true minority of them, are working overtime doing the exact same thing. I'll not be oppressed by some fucking college educated jackass telling me how to think or what to eat, smoke etc anymore than I'll tolerate it from the religionists. At some point, someone or people in general need to stand up to this nonsense and flatly tell them how it's going to be for us, no matter what. I don't live my life based upon a study, and am growing more and more sick and tired of these people preaching practices and expecting I will follow lock step. Am I the only one who feels this way on this forum, or are most here under the assumption that to be anti religion is to believe and want to be orderred around in life by people who's only 'authority' to do so is some letters behind their name? I personally am sick of religion, and the way these scientific studies are being worked into the framework of our lives, is every bit as much of a religion as christianity, islam et al. Just remember, the opposite of religion is not science. When looked at that way, then it becomes easy to drop traditional 'religion' and then get caught up in another one, under the guise of 'science'. The christians are against 'global government' for their own reasons, I am against it because I read history, and at every attempt, too much power is taken over peoples' lives. The global warming issue, and all these other issues, food, smoking, etc etc are being pushed by a host of people who want penultimate control over your life. I wish more people would resist this garbage like they resist the other 'religions' attempting to force their views upon us all. Unfortunately they don't. It would seem to me upon close observation that people who don't like religion seem to think these scientific conclusions are ok from top to bottom without questioning any of it. People seem to have lost a whole lot of the ability to think. I don't subscribe to the simplistic notion that science-good religion-bad. I do not like religion, but I also do not like science when it starts to become yet another leash some group of people are trying to put on me, and whether any blood has been spilled yet or not, it is increasingly being done by force. I don't drink fascist scientist's koolaid anymore than I drink the jesus koolaid. The more I see and read about the methodoligies being used by said people to get their ideas across, the angrier it makes me, and they start looking just like the religionists that they claim are uninformed, or 'unenlightened'. They're both damn well becoming 2 sides of the same coin for all I can see.




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Not preaching. And that's my point, I don't want a scientist preaching at me anymore than some creep who wears a black skirt and molests boys. It is not a statement, even if of fact, it is not a study in itself, it's not intolerance of another's opinion...it is the fact that now it is starting to wield power and control over the way I live because science and politics have gotten in bed together. The flakes always seem to rise to the top these days as opposed to the cream rising. It's been that way all along with religion, now it's taken hold in science as well.

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Pretty much sums up my sentiments. I like science. Just not the particular strain of it that seems to have mated itself with global politics.

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