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Goodbye Jesus

Head-on Collision


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Head-on Collision



I enter the giant building

Aseptic walls, sterile scent

White robes, green scrubs

Beeps and hydraulic hisses


I enter your glass-door encasement

On your back, more still than night

Able only to move your eyes

Staring at the white ceiling


Harrowing sight before me

Your body stretched like a hammock

Metal halo encircles your skull

Held tightly with stainless steel screws


Our eyes meet, tears spill over

Trickle of pain flows down your cheeks

Sixty-one years now behind you

Uncertain terror of what lie ahead


Never again in this life will you know

Thrill of the hike

Glory of the golf swing

Wind of the ski slope

Frigid chills in your toes

Warm touch to your thigh


To hold a hand

To stroke a cat

To tie a shoe

To lift a child

To button a button

To zip a zipper


Flip the steak

Carve the roast

Pinch Mom on her bottom

Dance a Glen Miller swing

Click the camera

Foreign to the life that awaits you


Only dead weight beneath your shoulders


C-4 sever

One split-second moment

Cataclysmic aftermath



august 19, 2oo7



note: My father's birthday was 8/18. He died in February, 1996. His wreck occurred around July 3, 1983. He was a quad for almost 13 years....and was an inspiration to all around him. After the wreck he continued to meet life head on (no pun intended). He was able to stay home until his final year of life. He died in his sleep and was cremated.

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To say that was 'nice' somehow seems inadequate... I liked it.

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Thanks for sharing this jch, I know within that small set of verses is an entire universe of love, honor and respect!


What a wonderful father you have and what a beautiful daughter he has



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you kindly Sojourner and Granpa Harley....





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Its those little things that make the memories. Im sorry for your loss.

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Its those little things that make the memories. Im sorry for your loss.


T'anks Doc.


One of the best sentiments my hubby and I have received in regard to death of loved ones has been: "Cry hard. Laugh hard. And remember the good times."

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