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Goodbye Jesus

The Unjust, and Reward


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This is really weird what I thought of...I know its been said before by pacifists... butt


let it go

let religion go

let pain go

let all your wories go

and stop bickering and arguing on who's right....


its wierd I'm meditating...and this is what i'm thinking about...


I dont want people to argue on this thread, if you argue I'll spamm this thread with meaningless junk


Definitions in this thread:


God: whom ever it may be to you, not the right one, but your god to yourself


I want to know why you personal fight for your religion


not why your god wants to, why you fight for it. How strongly do you believe in your faith?


Are you willing to take a bullet for your god?


and also atheists, and agnostics please post why you would fight for your believes


My question is why, why go to the extent of insulting others and saying their wrong just because your god told you to do so? in the end aren't you making yourself a worse person?




man ..1 - "hey god, I did what you asked, I spread the word about you, and helped people realize the way"


god - "wait your the prick that yelled at everyone, and insulted them for not believing you.....go right ahead into the world i promised you"




man ..2 - "I killed the heathens that didn't believe in you!"


god - "Oh thats fine, go ahead"




man ..3 - "I wasn't perfect in life, sorry I had my doubts"


god - "You were nice to every person you met in your whole life, but you had doubt so your request to enter has been denied"



which one is the fairest? these are only examples they're not picking on any certain religion, sorry if you get offended.


but those examples are litterly what every religion is trying to get through to you with


but why?


why can such unjustness be rewarded?


so back to My questions:


not why your god wants to, why you fight for it. How strongly do you believe in your faith?


Are you willing to take a bullet for your god? And for good will, dont lie please...

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