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Am I A Monster?


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This evening my SO told me that ever since I left the fold that I've become a monster. I explained that I've been experiencing depression since leaving and I don't know how long it's going to last. I'm sure most people go through it. He seems to think I'm possessed by the devil.

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Not a particularly productive way to start a conversation, I'd say. Depression is a natural result of serious life stress; I'd venture that everyone experiences it, even if there's a lucky few who never feel it badly enough to name it. Is your SO aware you need support right now, and of the ways you want him to give it?

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Why you'd dignify such a statement even remotely to begin with is beyond me. Seems like he's already condemned you: He asserts that a. there's a serious problem, b. it's your problem, c. he's nailed down exactly what that problem is, and d. he knows exactly what the cause is, thus also implying the quick fix which he pretty much also has nothing to do with.


If he actually wants a discourse, which to my mind he clearly doesn't (yet), he'll either lead in with some questions to figure you out, or he'll at least not start with the conclusion, and an insulting one at that. If that doesn't happen next time, then I say don't bother. When/if pressed for a reason behind your reticence, then let him know why he's getting brushed off. By that point, you ought to have a better explanation anyway, and a more civil exchange and hopefully understanding can happen.

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Um... :twitch: ...what? How does depression make you a monster?


Like what? Are you evil, psycho bitch now? When was your last killing spree? Oh...you're too depressed to go on a killing spree. Well, fuck then. We'll have to revoke that bitch license and stamp you across the forhead with a "NON-MONSTER" label.


You are depressed and in mourning. Slap that boy and bite him hard, that'll show him some "monster" real quick.

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No, you're not a monster... I'd say SO is the demon possesed monster... withthe empathy and sensitivity of a brick or a sock full of damp sand.


IMO you could do a lot better...

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  • Super Moderator

I've seen your personal profile photo. Trust me, you can do better.


- Chris

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This evening my SO told me that ever since I left the fold that I've become a monster.


Uh huh. Not kissing the arse of an entity that, if it could possibly exist, would be the most blood-soaked sadist in the universe makes one a monster. Riiiiiiiight.


'nuff said. :vent:

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No, but your SO is an ass.

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This evening my SO told me that ever since I left the fold that I've become a monster. I explained that I've been experiencing depression since leaving and I don't know how long it's going to last. I'm sure most people go through it. He seems to think I'm possessed by the devil.


I'm sorry Panda, but how in the hell do you put up with that shit?


You are smart. You are beautiful. But...You don't know your own worth!


You deserve to be treated like a treasure, accept nothing less!



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Guest eejay

If HE thinks you're possessed by a demon, the problem is obviously his not yours. I've found in order to keep my sanity, I've had to shed people like that from my life. Surround yourself with others who don't believe in such fantasies. I know it's sometimes hard to do that, but the baggage you end up not having to carry around is really worth it in the long run. I don't know your whole situation, but there isn't anyone worth putting up with that for.

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Thanks everyone!

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This evening my SO told me that ever since I left the fold that I've become a monster. I explained that I've been experiencing depression since leaving and I don't know how long it's going to last. I'm sure most people go through it. He seems to think I'm possessed by the devil.


Are you fucking kidding me???


What a totally unsupportive, self-centered, dickweed thing of him to say. What, you have to be a happy-go-lucky good little believer for him to like you? Fuck that shit.


I'd say someone's ass needs some kicking to the curb, and fast.


You deserve way better than that. And by the way, no, you're not a monster. People just get depressed sometimes. What's monstrous is rejecting a depressed and grieving former believer and accusing them of being demon-possessed. That's monstrous.

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Survey Says: You can do better!

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This evening my SO told me that ever since I left the fold that I've become a monster. I explained that I've been experiencing depression since leaving and I don't know how long it's going to last. I'm sure most people go through it. He seems to think I'm possessed by the devil.


I'm sorry Panda, but how in the hell do you put up with that shit?


You are smart. You are beautiful. But...You don't know your own worth!


You deserve to be treated like a treasure, accept nothing less!




Thanks Taph. And I agree. :)

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Yeah, I have to echo the sentiment that this guy is eminently dumpable. Perhaps you can consider it the best 150 lbs you've ever lost?

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LOL. I know.

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I agree with Taph,but I couldn't say that without it sounding like I'm hitting on you...

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