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Goodbye Jesus

The Doctor Wins

Guest desiree

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Guest desiree

I just wanted to say, since i got supportive responses to my testimony, I have this series of psychiatrists, and not one of them has not encouraged me to be religious. The first down right told me it is healthy to be an atheist and insane to be a christian, and I hated him for years. TOday, with all my little pills, looking back, he only said it because he cared. Everyone else has always encouraged support groups but not church as I was always the zealot about my thoughts. So, I am starting to agree and maybe now that's why my medication is starting to work. NO, mental illness is NOT demons to be expelled but something biological, by the way. Yes this life does matter as there is not a next after all, and, the next does not matter more that this life is trivial. My flesh IS important as that is what I live in this world with. And with that, I finally also quit smoking and haven't smoked a cigarette in eighty three days. Yeah. No amount of make your house the home for the holy spirit could have accomplished this success for me, but plenty of you only live one life has. And well, that's that. What is a spirit? Something not seen, not felt, not heard but to answer to all of life's problems? HOw so? HOw about if now it is my medication that answers my problems, my doctors that are right, and my children who need me to care about school and their future more so than the state of their souls, if there is such a thing?

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Sounds like some good changes. :)


I quit smoking for good about 3 years ago. Keep up the good work! w00t.jpg

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Sounds like good news indeed :3:


That said, are there souls, spirits, deities? How would we ever know either way? Any half-competent deity should be able to hide from us if it wants to (and seriously, if you were Divine, would you want any contact with a species as crazy as we are? :crazy: ).


Now for specific concepts of deities et al, that's another topic. It keeps amusing me how it works perfectly every time... the standard "debate" with morontheists:


M)orontheist: "You can't disprove gawd nyah nyah!"


T)hurisaz: "A god as in generic deity, indeed one can't prove either way. Your gawd, however, disproves itself by its own so-called 'revealed word.' "


M): *silence*


It always ends the discussion. No one of the morontheists' führers ever told them what to reply in this case. :lmao:


I'm a religious fellow (as you might have guessed from looking at my sig/profile/et cetera), but I'm not one to follow a faith blindly, and I'm not one to try and force his belief upon others. What a silly thing to do. Believing does not automatically mean you must become a braindead arse. Everyone who does become one... has no one to put the blame on except the person she sees in the mirror. :Hmm:

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The weird thing to me is that I know Christian psychatrists. I think it is a mistake to characterize Christians as insane.

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Guest desiree
The weird thing to me is that I know Christian psychatrists. I think it is a mistake to characterize Christians as insane.


I have a degree in psychology. What is the only thing I ever did with it? Directed a pro-life pregnancy ministry center for quite some time. Now, I say I can't find a job in mental health which I'd like to because of that, the rest of the world doesn't want to hear it and I don't blame them and no, I DON"T want to work in another ministry. I have some regrets about what I did for many reasons. It IS forcing your beliefs upon others, and from a position of power psychologically. If you know Christian psychiatrists, I don't know where they went to medical school. No offense.

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If you know Christian psychiatrists, I don't know where they went to medical school. No offense.

No offense taken Desiree. Currently I only know of one Christian psychiatrist. I will ask him where he went to school the next time I see him.


I met a Christian psychologist once who was a fraud. I caught him having sex with a patient. And I knew of another Christian psychologist and she was quite sincere, but ostracized.

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