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The Bible: Mostly Anonymous

Brother Jeff

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The authorship of the bible is a problem for fundamentalist believers. Though they claim it to be inspired and authored by God, it was actually mostly written by anonymous authors whose names have been lost to us in the mists of time. We now know, for instance, that Moses did not write the first five books of the bible, known as the Pentateuch. Traditional attributions of authorship for the books of Joshua and Samuel are also false. David did not write at least some of the Psalms. In fact, traditional attributions of authorship for most of the books of the Old Testament are false.


Traditional attributions:


  • Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy - FALSE
  • Joshua - FALSE
  • Judges, Ruth, I & II Samuel - FALSE
  • I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job - No firm tradition regarding authorship
  • Psalms - FALSE
  • Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon - FALSE
  • Isaiah - Partially FALSE
  • Jeremiah, Lamentations - FALSE for Lamentations
  • Ezekiel - True
  • Daniel - FALSE
  • Hosea - True
  • Joel - True
  • Amos - True
  • Obadiah - Nothing known about the author. Obadiah was a common name.
  • Jonah - FALSE
  • Micah - True
  • Nahum - Nothing known about the author.
  • Habakkuk - True
  • Zephaniah - True
  • Haggai - True
  • Zechariah - Partially True
  • Malachi - True

The authorship of the New Testament is also fraught with problems. The gospels, for instance, were definitely not written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The two epistles attributed to the apostle Peter were definitely not written by him. Many of the epistles attributed to Paul were not written by the apostle.


Consensus of Scholarly Opinion on the Pauline Epistles (if Paul wrote them):


  • Romans, I & II Corinthians, Galatians - True
  • Ephesians - FALSE
  • Philippians - True
  • Colossians - Controversial - Probably not Pauline
  • I Thessalonians - True
  • II Thessalonians - FALSE
  • I & II Timothy, Titus - FALSE
  • Philemon - True

Most of the rest of the New Testament books have dubious attributions of authorship.


Traditional attributions:


  • Acts - FALSE
  • Hebrews - FALSE
  • James - FALSE
  • I, II, & III John - FALSE
  • Jude - FALSE
  • Revelation - FALSE

So, Christians, you are putting your faith and trust in an ancient book written mostly anonymously! Does that really make good rational sense? NO! Glory!

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One of the things that always pisses me off is the deliberate obfuscation between John the Apostle, John the Beloved and John the Divine...


and don't get me started on the reason why fonts are off to the side near the door in older churches...


Damend fine post there Jeffrey, old stick!

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Wow, you went from reconverting a day ago to pissing on the altar again today. Keep up the good works brother.

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Guest Net Eng
So, Christians, you are putting your faith and trust in an ancient book written mostly anonymously! Does that really make good rational sense? NO! Glory!



Preach on Brother Jeff!!


Not only is the authorship in question but even the content is as well!! It is well documented that the content of the bible has changed of the years LINK. But xians don't wanna hear it.


Researching the origins of the bible is what got me thinking (and then out of) Christianity.

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One of the things that always pisses me off is the deliberate obfuscation between John the Apostle, John the Beloved and John the Divine...


Grandpa, this is something about which I know nothing at all.


Is there any use for knowing the difference between the 3 (especially for debating xtians)? If so, could I bother you for a brief explanation?


If it's more of a pet peeve, feel free to save yourself the effort. (I haven't ever heard an argument centering around any 'Johns' so I suspect I could live without the knowledge. The choice is yours.)



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Funny though, these little facts are either ignored or unknown to most Christians. I was in a New Testament/Old Testament survey class for the past year and the teacher directly stated as fact that the gospels were written by their namesakes and that the early OT books were in fact by Moses (among other false assertions and misrepresentations). And no one but me questioned that, I'm assuming the rest of the class either believed that or just wasn't paying attention. It seems a lot of Christians are educated on bald faced lies, or at least heavy omission, so it's no wonder so many are under the impression their religion is rock solid and well documented.

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I had a theology class once where the prof gave a lecture as to how the Israelites passed through the Red Sea on 'frozen ground'. I had to leave the class cuz I couldn't stand it anymore.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I had a theology class once where the prof gave a lecture as to how the Israelites passed through the Red Sea on 'frozen ground'. I had to leave the class cuz I couldn't stand it anymore.


Oh, yeah... I've heard some whoppers too. Of course, the idea that xtians are all going to fly off into the air with jebus is the biggest whopper of all, and getting bigger with every passing moment since the last 2,000 years. It is truly amazing how taking the bullshit in the bible as literal truth leads some people to become the most imaginitive dreamers that have lived in modern times. Seriously... frozen ground... talking snakes. I even heard a preacher say that although he didn't know what the 'serpent' looked like before the 'fall', it's clear that the bible is true because nowadays, snakes 'go about on their bellies'... just like the bible says! Never mind that the bible also says they '(eat) dust, all the days of (your) life'. It has, of course, been known for who knows how long that serpents, snake or otherwise, do not eat dust. The nomadic jewish tribesmen writing this shit just assumed that a creature that slithers on the ground must eat dust.


Oh, and just in case he/she/it/they forgot, fuck Him/Her/It/Them up there in the sky.

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I had a theology class once where the prof gave a lecture as to how the Israelites passed through the Red Sea on 'frozen ground'. I had to leave the class cuz I couldn't stand it anymore.

I took a philosphy of religion class where some little hsyteric declared that the three days 'jesus' was dead he was in north america.

Someone asked what he was doing here I answered "Drowning dinosaurs in tar pits of course"..she got mad.

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I took a philosphy of religion class where some little hsyteric declared that the three days 'jesus' was dead he was in north america.


He was dead in north america? So what, his corpse was just hanging around getting poked by native americans?


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I took a philosphy of religion class where some little hsyteric declared that the three days 'jesus' was dead he was in north america.


He was dead in north america? So what, his corpse was just hanging around getting poked by native americans?



No, he was over here converting the black people/Native Americans to his warped faith so they could go have eternal sex on Planet Kolob and have billions of spirit babies.

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I found her answer interesting only that there is no mention of a water walking messiah by any native peoples. They had their own highly structured societies then and did not manage a single artifact which mentioned a jew in it anywhere. I love hysterics and the truly stupid things they will say to demonstraite their pov. Accuracy of data is not something they are often concerned with.

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