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Goodbye Jesus

Are Some Fire And Brimstone Christians Really Closet Sado-masochists?

Guest Venat

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Guest Venat


I get the impression some of the fire and brimstone crowd might secretly be sado-masochists and they use hell to express their repressed nature(some people really do get off on pain).


There was this one catholic website I happened across where this guy said christians(well himself lol) wouldn't feel satisfied in heaven if non-catholics weren't getting brutally tortured forever... :ugh:

He said in order to feel rewarded for following the -lawd- like a "good" catholic, non-catholics must be brutally tortured...


I mean honestly wtf....can't people like him just come out of the sado-masochism closet and just stick a ribbed dildo up their collective asses... :HaHa:

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Goodbye Jesus

I get the impression some of the fire and brimstone crowd might secretly be sado-masochists and they use hell to express their repressed nature(some people really do get off on pain).


There was this one catholic website I happened across where this guy said christians(well himself lol) wouldn't feel satisfied in heaven if non-catholics weren't getting brutally tortured forever... :ugh:

He said in order to feel rewarded for following the -lawd- like a "good" catholic, non-catholics must be brutally tortured...


I mean honestly wtf....can't people like him just come out of the sado-masochism closet and just stick a ribbed dildo up their collective asses... :HaHa:


You are mixing up your Sadists and Masochists. People who like inflicting pain do not necessarily get pleasure out of receiving it, and people who like to experience pain themselves may positively cringe at the thought of using a paddle or crop on someone else.

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Guest Venat

I get the impression some of the fire and brimstone crowd might secretly be sado-masochists and they use hell to express their repressed nature(some people really do get off on pain).


There was this one catholic website I happened across where this guy said christians(well himself lol) wouldn't feel satisfied in heaven if non-catholics weren't getting brutally tortured forever... :ugh:

He said in order to feel rewarded for following the -lawd- like a "good" catholic, non-catholics must be brutally tortured...


I mean honestly wtf....can't people like him just come out of the sado-masochism closet and just stick a ribbed dildo up their collective asses... :HaHa:


You are mixing up your Sadists and Masochists. People who like inflicting pain do not necessarily get pleasure out of receiving it, and people who like to experience pain themselves may positively cringe at the thought of using a paddle or crop on someone else.


Nah they could still be masochists if they like getting their sinful selves whipped(figuratively speaking) into holy submission by their lawd. :grin:

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Guest Venat

Also yes they could be just be sadists or masochists and not both...


But the point is they might get off on pain one way or another....by using angry lawd and hell.

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I get the impression some of the fire and brimstone crowd might secretly be sado-masochists and they use hell to express their repressed nature(some people really do get off on pain).


There was this one catholic website I happened across where this guy said christians(well himself lol) wouldn't feel satisfied in heaven if non-catholics weren't getting brutally tortured forever... :ugh:

He said in order to feel rewarded for following the -lawd- like a "good" catholic, non-catholics must be brutally tortured...


I mean honestly wtf....can't people like him just come out of the sado-masochism closet and just stick a ribbed dildo up their collective asses... :HaHa:


Well look how many were getting off on The Passion movie. They love the crucifixion. My ex-nun aunt said, "and that was only a fraction, a tiny fraction of what Jesus really went through." Notice The Nativity movie did not enjoy the same popularity. When choosing between a story about the birth of a baby and the story of someone being beaten and tortured to death- christians wanted their torture story.


I think that christians (or muslims or any religion with a hell belief) who say with relish that someone is going to hell for this or that, and then describe the tortures of hell are masochists.

Madame M, if you're referring to that Mel Gibson piece of trash, one that I would with absolute confidence describe as the worst movie ever made, meaning "Passion of the Christ", I would agree that that horrible waste of film and discredit to an otherwise distinguished actor Jim Caviezel is nothing more than an acknowledgement of the sadomasochistic tendancies of some christians, I would agree.


Hell does not exist, and I'm glad of it. That whole concept of substitutionary atonement is bullshit, and, please...let's not make any more movies about it, so kinkster-christians out there won't have any imagery to fanticize over...

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Look at a painting by Bosch and tell me it doesn't look like Skin 2 on orgy night!

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I get the impression some of the fire and brimstone crowd might secretly be sado-masochists and they use hell to express their repressed nature(some people really do get off on pain).


There was this one catholic website I happened across where this guy said christians(well himself lol) wouldn't feel satisfied in heaven if non-catholics weren't getting brutally tortured forever... :ugh:

He said in order to feel rewarded for following the -lawd- like a "good" catholic, non-catholics must be brutally tortured...


I mean honestly wtf....can't people like him just come out of the sado-masochism closet and just stick a ribbed dildo up their collective asses... :HaHa:


its interesting you should mention this idea, because lately i've come to the realization that chrisitians who defend the concept of hell as a place of eternal tortire, whom i've debated on a christian forum, seem to have been hardened by having to defend it. they dont want to criticize God, so the alternative is to approve of him sending people to hell, which makes them seem just as cruel, to me. alternatively they say that God doesnt send people to hell, they choose to go there. haha. on the christian forum where i tried to get an explanation as to how it could be said that God is kind and loving, not cruel, some people post horrible pictures of people burning in hell. which shows they approve (it or pretend to themselves that they approve it). i find that disturbing. and they seem to gloat about it, just as indeed God himself seems to gloat about the horrible things hes going to do to people in the old testament.

i've noticed also the cruelty of some christians in their treatment of gay people. its strange, i instinctively think that such cruelty is not christian, but hang on a minute, God's cruel too. where did i get the idea we're meant to be kind to each other?? somethings not right here.

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