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A Woman's Place...


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By DocMike


ByTheBook42.PNGOne of my employees, who happens to be a young Christian woman, said today that she would never vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a woman and the Bible says that women should not be leaders.


"That's a man's job," she said.


I asked her where it says that in the Bible and she didn't know. She just knows that it's in there and she knows that God intended women to be submissive to men.


I wanted to rant and rave and fire her ass for being so fucking stupid! But I realized that it's not her fault. I pity her because she is a young, attractive, intelligent woman who has been indoctrinated all of her life and accepts that she could never be equal to a man. It's really sad!


And the fact is she's right about the Bible. It does say that:


1 Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.


It's a shame that, in this day and age, young women are still limiting themselves because of this horrible, antiquated book that was obviously written by men! Makes me fucking sick!!!


Here’s some more female denigration from the Bible:


Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.


1 Corinthians 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.


1 Corinthians 11:7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.


1 Corinthians 11:8 For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man.


1 Corinthians 11:9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.


1 Corinthians 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.


1 Corinthians 14:35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.


1 Timothy 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.


1 Timothy 2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.


1 Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.


Colossians 3:18 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.


Also see Women in the Bible from The Skeptics Annotated Bible for many more examples.


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humor Atheist Bible Christian Comics humor Bible Denigrates Women Hillary Clinton



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By DocMike


One of my employees, who happens to be a young Christian woman, said today that she would never vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a woman and the Bible says that women should not be leaders.


"That's a man's job," she said.



Egad, in this era there are women who buy this crap (and smile about it)?? Amazing. My first reaction was to start ranting as well. But such a display would be lost on this poor woman. I am truly ashamed of some of the members of my sex that they can perpetuate this shit generation over generation. :ugh:

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I'm not voting for Hilary because I think she's a bitch. And she wants it too much.


Fact is, I may not vote at all. I don't like any of them.

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1 Timothy 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.


1 Timothy 2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.


1 Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

I'm ashamed to admit that I used to buy into this crap as a Christian but a more flip-floppy version than this opening post. I was taught it was ok for women to hold leadership roles in public office and other secular areas, but for some reason, it was a big no-no for women to preach at church to men and the man had to be the head of the family. I was mislead to think that this didn't count as sexism because God said so and everything God did was just and perfect, and it was all Eve's fault for tricking Adam, anyway. But now that I'm not a Christian, these verses utterly repulse me because it places the blame for sexism on women themselves. It's like they're saying that women deserve to be treated inferior because some fictional woman in a 1000+ year old poorly written fantasy book screwed up and so everything bad in reality is the woman's fault. The bible doesn't even explain why it would be so bad for a man to listen to a woman, it just makes the assumption that women can't do anything right without men because God said so when there is no justifiable reason for this inexcusable sexism in reality. It's sickening and it's more proof that the bible is nothing more than an out-dated man-made invention and is most certainly not divinely inspired.
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1 Corinthians 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.

Since i've heard plenty of women speak in church I am just wondering what most Christians use to get around this? Do they use the old "that's taken out of context" excuse? Maybe it's a metaphore for something else? Maybe we're just interpreting it incorrectly because we don't have the holy spirit to guide us, and it really means that women should speak in church? :crazy:


It's funny because it you take these verses at face value, it makes Christianity look no different than Islam.... only difference is we don't have a taliban to enforce the rules.

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I find it very interesting that most of the verses that you have quoted are from the 'Pauline' letters of the NT. So far in my historical research, I have found that Paul was a sexist, bigoted, full-of-himself little bastard. But it is sad that in today's supposedly 'freer' age, at least in this country, that women would allow themselves to be so dictated to and held down by such sexist, contradictory, unloving ideas from a bunch of old dead guys. Just a thought.



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Egad, in this era there are women who buy this crap (and smile about it)??


Sadly, yes, indeed, there are. I've even had moments where I thought I needed or wanted to be like this, mainly because it's just a lot easier to let someone else be in control of everything.


And there are men who insist on women being this way. My infamous bible-thumping ex-boyfiend, for instance - he really did want and expect to have a biblically submissive wife. And of course, there was something wrong with me for not being that way.


To answer this question, Mike:


Since i've heard plenty of women speak in church I am just wondering what most Christians use to get around this?


They use Galatians 3:28, the bit about how all are one/equal in Christ. What seems lost on a lot of xians is that the Galatians verse implying gender equality and the various misogynist verses enforcing gender bias are mutually exclusive. People are either equal or they're not; it can't be both ways. I've seen a lot of very creative semantic calisthenics from literalists who want to explain how women are supposedly both equal to men and inferior to men at the same time...


If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, and is really good smoked with Hoisin sauce, it ain't a fucking goose.

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So the bible is interpreted however each church chooses to live and then twists the scriptures to fit their lifestyle.

This is true, and as gwenmead pointed out when you have contradictory verses (which is just about the entire Bible! :grin: ) I guess you don't even need to twist scripture, just do the salad bar approach and pick and choose the verses you like. It just never ceases to amaze me why people buy into this crap, especially the people who are marginalized by the Bible (i.e. women, minorities, gays, etc.)....

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I don't think women should submit to all men. Just to me.

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You know, I am going to be the odd man out here. I am no christian, and in fact absolutely despise the entirety of it. However, I have started to become a bit bored by the seemingly same old arguements against it. Always seem to revolve around several particular issues, sexual orientation, bogus historical things, contradictions et al. I introduced myself when I joined as someone who frankly couldn't give a fuck less whether the god of the Bible turned out to actually be real and surprised us all, because I wouldn't worship tthe s.o.b. just the same, because to put it bluntly, I just don't worship gods that's the long and short of it. Many turn away from their belief because they have found the real truth of it and found it to be a fraud, but for me mind you this, I don't need that realization personally, I'd think the god of the christian Bible was a fucknut, whether real or made up. With that in mind, I am a dominant man. It is my nature, some women don't like that, some actually love that. Is there not room for us all out here? For instance, me being me, I don't feel pressed to go out and try to make over the rest of this world to suit or fit my personal criteria, as most would tell me to go fuck myself and rightfully so. But for me to be me, oh how I detest having my very personality related back to this arsehole Paul or Peter or their god or whomever. Because I am who I am regardless and completely apart from someone's teaching. I mean, who gives a fuck what these people taught or believed? I know I don't. Do you really? Just be yerself, and it'll all play out. Some men like submissive sorts of women, some men like dominant women, some women like submissive mena dn some prefer dominant men. Someone overwrought jerkoff's teaching or preaching as to how it or I should be means less and less to me as life rolls on. I used to waste a helluva lot of time overly concerning myself with those things peopletaught that I hated. Chiefly because I felt that they were the cause of the problems in my own life specifically as regards finding a compatible mate, i.e. woman. Deep down I think that's what it was anyway. But at some point I realized I am not Don Quixote and have no real desire to continuously struggle against windmills that I can do little about, so I just decided that I'd be me, and to each their own. Someone gets snippy and for whatever reason incensed about my personal tastes, I enjoy pointing out their own hypocrisy in the matter and rubbing their nose in their own laid shit. But as far as wasting too much time always relating it back to some teaching or another, uh uh, why bother. Too much energy expended on someone else's malarkey. I personally like an intelligent woman, but I am in no ways compatible with a woman who wants to challenge me at every turn just to prove somehow that she is strong etc. I move on from that just like I do these blowhards who spout their Biblical nonsense. But that is not because that particular woman is less than...she and I just aren't compatible. My and her very chemistries dictate that, not some learned teaching or preaching. Would I then run out and either try to convince her of her wrongheadedness or work overtime in trying to 'change the world' to my point of view? Fuck that. I have a life to live and none of our lives are relatively very long. All these stupid terms and phrases, 'you hate women' 'you're afraid of a strong woman' lol, 'chauvenist' etc etc etc. To hell with Paul, probably never had any pussy in his whole wasted life. I don't 'teach' or 'preach' my own personal desires or affinities, but goddamn if some who say they can't stand religion in general or christianity specifically don;t do the same thing lol. Amazes me. I just know this, when I am constantly browbeaten for my own personality and likes and dislikes, whether by these christians or anyone else, I can as a normal human being become a bit resentful, should I allow that to fester within me, and indeed it has before. Same thing has been done to gays and lesbians, and yes women. But just realize the same thing is also done to some of us guys who yes, may be more the dominant type, but at least in my case, should a woman also be more dominant I don't knock her for it, I just know we aren't for each other, but neither is wrong in their way. Prosyletization springs forth from many different directions, not all christian. To clarify, I love a so-called 'submissive' woman, but whenever I encounter a woman with that type of personality, for me anyway, it doesn't engender within me some desire to be domineering, it simply creates an attraction in me to her sweetness, not a tug at any desire I have to be abusive. And there is a distinct difference, but nnot many on either side of the issue seem to know it save for other guys who are like me and can relate to what I am saying.

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As they say on WoW forums...Wall of Text does 10k crushing and crits for 2k.


Please learn how to use the Enter key, okay?

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I'm not voting for Hilary because I think she's a bitch. And she wants it too much.


Fact is, I may not vote at all. I don't like any of them.


And a lying bitch also it seems.

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]Some men like submissive sorts of women, some men like dominant women, some women like submissive mena dn some prefer dominant men.
Since when did anyone in this thread say women could not be submissive if they choose to be so? I don't think anyone is saying women can't have a submissive relationship if that's what they want. The problem is Christians who think women must behave in a certain way or go to hell if they don't, hence the sexism.
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There were Queens in the Bible, right?


Ruling Queens, like Queen of Sheba in Solomon's time.....but I guess "heathen" queens don't count.

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A womans place is behind the managerial desk, signing my paycheques and filling orders for supplys.

Her other place is in my shower, getting her scalp massaged and her labia washed.

Or my balcony, drinking hot chocolate with Amaretto and Kaluah while watching the stars.

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Or my balcony, drinking hot chocolate with Amaretto and Kaluah while watching the stars.


Sounds delicious.


How much Amaretto and Kaluah in the hot chocolate?

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I'm so completely appauled by this.


As if womyn didn't have enough of a stuggle enough, but we are undermined by other womyn who are told they are stupid in comparison to men. I cannot begin to imaigne all the great women scientists, mathematicians and artists we have lost because men couldn't stand to be shown up by a womyn.


Look at what the womyns movement did for our modern day society! Not only do women get maternity leave but men also get family leave to bond with their children, creating stronger families.


I would have never hired a Xian, but if she were my employee, and I was male, I'd tell her to run the business for a day or two, and say see, you can do anything I can!


The sexist nature of religion alone is enough to turn me into an atheist, as it should any woman who is alive today, regardless of age.

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You know, e for other guys who are like me and can relate to what I am saying.




"Mr. Paragraph is your friend".






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I took the trouble to read you massive block o' text.....I shall now summarize for those who don't want to suffer the eyepain. Proper writing format. It's not just for school.




"Everyone is different, their preferences are all different. Shouldn't there be room and tolerance for all? I'm a dominant guy, I like more submissive women, but that's just my personal preference. Religion fucks everything up. People should just live and let live, accepting everyone for how they are whether they agree with it or not. Religion is bullcrap, but we can't change the world. It just is the way it is, so I'm just going to be concerned with myself."


That was pretty much the gist in a nutshell.


Two words Kickball...



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Or my balcony, drinking hot chocolate with Amaretto and Kaluah while watching the stars.


Sounds delicious.


How much Amaretto and Kaluah in the hot chocolate?

As much as you like.

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How much Amaretto and Kaluah in the hot chocolate?


What do you really need the chocolate for? ;)

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As they say on WoW forums...Wall of Text does 10k crushing and crits for 2k.


Please learn how to use the Enter key, okay?


As an aside, I do hope you know better than to spend any length of time reading the WoW forums, Amy. It's proven fact they cause cancer.


I'd hate to have to gather the other gamers here in Dave's house and stage an intervention, even if it is for your own good. :mellow:

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As they say on WoW forums...Wall of Text does 10k crushing and crits for 2k.


Please learn how to use the Enter key, okay?


As an aside, I do hope you know better than to spend any length of time reading the WoW forums, Amy. It's proven fact they cause cancer.


I'd hate to have to gather the other gamers here in Dave's house and stage an intervention, even if it is for your own good. :mellow:




I don't have much time to read forums anymore. Usually on weekends or late at night is it.

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