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Ellen G. White

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EG White prophecy page.



My mother is a convicted Seventh Day Adventist.

She claims every single one of Ellen G. White's prophecies have come true.


I could have very easily searched google and youtube for EG White's prophecies unfulfilled,

but I decided to let the community devour destroy and debunk this one.






Ellen G White said that before America would fall every single one of our natural rights would be revoked.


I figure that any one living under any government in any country on earth can predict that all rights will be removed before the government is to fall.



There's not a very dignified way of shredding a straw man, but I feel this woman's spout deserves no dignity.

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Oh God. Prophecies.




Anyone who claims to be a seer like this is bunk. It's too easy to be broad and generic and get things right.


Give me someone who makes a 100 claims about specific dates, times & details, then I'll believe.

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LOL... holy crap this site is biased. Check out the "poll" options they give under the "911 predictions":

Was Ellen White's 1901 vision fulfilled on September 11?

-It sure sounds like it to me. I think this is pretty incredible.

-Anyone could say what she said about fireproof buildings and fire engines. So what?

-I really don't care what you show me. I made up my mind long ago.

-Sounds possible, but I want to read more about this before I decide.


Is it just me or do these options seem just a bit on the scewed side?

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This is histerical! Are we sure she wasn't related to Joseph Smith?


How could any human be so completely brainwashed!

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HOW & WHY do people buy into this stuff?!! My parents have always swallowed this prophecy 'crap', hook, line & sinker & I still can't get over the many hours in a day they, along with many other people have wasted reading this shit. IMO the ironic thing about the prophecy stuff, is if they followed the rules given in their 'Holy Babble' they would have to stone all these so-called prophets for not following Biblical procedure. Just a thought.



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Guest Net Eng
EG White prophecy page.


I could have very easily searched google and youtube for EG White's prophecies unfulfilled,

but I decided to let the community devour destroy and debunk this one.


There's not a very dignified way of shredding a straw man, but I feel this woman's spout deserves no dignity.




What even more amazing is the number if people that believe her crap (see above link for poll results about the 911 attacks).

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It's not even just her prophecies that work against her. The crazy woman contradicted herself on a lot of things. Apparently, though, to Adventists her contradictions don't matter because that just proves she was "human" but whatever they can find that doesn't contradict something somewhere equals truth from God! I'm pretty familiar with this issue, because it was the first step in my deconversion, questioning Ellen White. After I had discovered that she was full of shit I moved on to the Bible and found the same thing.


She claimed that the "reform dress" (a dress over pants basically) was horrible and immodest and God would not have anyone wear it. Then she went and visited a reform dress proponent, next thing you know she's out there saying the reform dress is wonderful and God would have every woman wear it; she even sold her own special God-approved pattern. It never caught on though, and when she found that popularity was not coming, she changed her story again and said that God made it optional.


Sex was a whole other issue. Apparently sex in any form (marriage included) is evil and nasty and should be avoided at all costs, and she claimed that the woman's job was to repress the sexual drive of her husband so he wouldn't want sex. I guess there was this concept flying around that everyone was born with a certain level of life-time energy and when it was gone they'd die, and she considered sex to be the biggest expenditure of this energy. Adventists won't even touch that one though, because it would show EGW was wrong about something in her "health message."


It's kinda funny that a lot of her so-called "fulfilled" prophecies only came to light after an event had occurred. A new scientist discovers a health benefit to something? God told me there's a health benefit to this!!


Seriously, the woman was diagnosed with hysteria, which she fit the symptoms for quite beautifully. She suffered head trauma as a child and afterward started having "visions," then the "visions" tapered off after menopause and she had to start claiming she was having "prophetic dreams." And she was not alone in her time at all; there were all kinds of people going around claiming to be prophetically inspired in the same ways she did. She just led one of the more successful careers, having a handy little niche group (the Adventists) to buy her crap.


Yea you're the one that just left Southern aren't you? My sister still attends and the people she brings home almost sicken me with their sugary 'JOOOIN UUUUS' attitude.


Any other Christian religion outside of the SDA church doesn't make sense to me. It's seductive because it doesn't teach fire and brimstone. Mental anguish in plenty, but no hell. What balls.

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