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Perhaps Socrates Was Right....


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Just an idea, and a simple one at that - Perhaps Socrates had the right idea, that proper living and moral conduct may be found in observation of the natural complexities of the universe. But somewhere along the expanse of time this meme became accompanied by bad memes generated by men with a thrist for power and control, and as such the original Socratic thought became mutated - manipulated into a new method of oppression disguised as the Divine Revelation of a few, and impossed upon the masses for the profit of the few.


Just an idea - what do yall think about this?

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Let me think about this. I like the old philosophers and there's plenty of material to discuss. I'll come back to this later. (Or so I hope - unless life takes over :crazy:)


But meanwhile, can you expand on your thought a bit more and lay out a few more details?

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Let me think about this. I like the old philosophers and there's plenty of material to discuss. I'll come back to this later. (Or so I hope - unless life takes over :crazy:)


But meanwhile, can you expand on your thought a bit more and lay out a few more details?


Sure, I can do that. Many of the early greek philosophers argued that the universe was rationally constructed, and therefore could be understood through the correct usage of human reason and argument - we all have the ability to make sense of the natural universe - Socrates took this philosophy even further when he linked the universal construct to an optimal manner in which we may live our lives - to reflect on the natural world through deep contemplation was to envision the goodness inherant in nature and thus a proper manner of living would reveal itself - the laws of nature [the sciences] is the perfect prototype for societal structure. Reflecting on the little clues provided in the universal construct leads to an understanding of the self - after all, All that we are is the result of what we have thought, and all that we think is the result of what we have learned from the natural world. But it is when men fueled by power and lust lose an accurate sight of this truth - their view becomes distorted and self centered, so then their natural observations become corrupted and mutated into a method of oppression, such as a Divine Revelation of what the law should be [the revelation is the result of madness though...], these laws then become enforced on the authority of "the prophet" - then distorted law over-rides the natural law in the minds of the masses, and that is oppression...-Stephen

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Far as I'm concerned, there's no "perhaps."


With regards to philosophy and the possible ways in which to live one's life, at least, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were on the fuckin' ball.

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Far as I'm concerned, there's no "perhaps."


With regards to philosophy and the possible ways in which to live one's life, at least, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were on the fuckin' ball.


I enjoy your enthusiasm! Yes, I concure they were on the ball - my useage of "perhaps" was meant to draw wandering eyes in, because it leaves the thread open for other points of view. People tend to respond to controversy and debate more than set statements - I don't think this topic would be as attractive to the passer-by if I simply called it "Socrates was right".

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Heh, I suppose I can make concessions for wording it so as to try to start a fight argument debate discussion. ;)

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