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Top 10 Xtian Things That Piss Me Off


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I'm feelin a bit on edge today and I feel the need to rant so here goes...


In no particular order


10.) Paul- Is this guy a total misogynist or what? I have asked xtians this many times and I always get the "face blanching in horror" response coupled with "You need to repent." crap. I don't get it...reading Corinthians shows that he is obviously a total asshole and hates women. I often wondered as a xtian whether or not I could handle living near him in heaven w/out giving him a black eye and a piece of my mind. Fuck him.


9.) "Modesty"- The cult that I was in could debate for days about every detail of clothing the women in the church wore. We actually had a meeting b/c they felt that girls wearing tank tops in 100 degree heat was causing their "brothers" to have sinful thoughts. It not my problem that you keep staring at my tits...get a fucking life.


8.) "Submission"- my least favorite word in the English language. (Excuse me I have to puke now :repuke:) This seems awfully convenient for those shitty, arrogant "Promise Keepers" types. I could never understand this shit...great you mean I was created to be a brood mare and a slave? FUN.


7.) "Rebuke" - a convenient way for x-tians to unload on someone and claim that they are doing it out of love for you. See number 6.


6.) "I am rejecting and or tormenting you because I love you" - xtians should not be permitted to use the word "love" to justify spiritual abuse. Nuff said.


5.) My mom's favorite infuriating answer to every question I have ever asked, "just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't true" :banghead:


4.) "Were praying for you."- Translation: Were gossiping about you and justifying it by calling it prayer.


3.) "Your octopus tattoo is a symbol of how Satan has his tentacles wrapped around your heart." - Or maybe I just like cephlopods you dumb fuck!!!!!


4.) "You need to forgive your rapist and repent for bringing it on yourself by drinking and dressing immodestly." - Thanks, please keep this is mind when it happens to you, you self righteous bitch.


3.) "God told me to tell you... blah blah blah": projecting, anyone?


2.) "Dis-fellowship" the process of shunning someone in order to keep the others in line. "I'm sorry Sister so and so has given her life over to Satan and instead of talking to her you are to scream REPENT when she calls you on the phone and look very sad and shake your head when you see her on the street despite the fact that she spent 2 years of her life "serving" you dumbasses."


1.) "Philosophy and learnedness are tools of the devil"- Translation: people who read and are educated threaten my little cult.


That felt good...thanks for giving me a space to get this shit off my chest.

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Bwahaha. Nice rant, saves me the trouble. You didn't tell me you could read minds :scratch:


Henceforth I'm outsourcing my ranting.

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I am so with you on all those things, gabby.


If I may be permitted to offer some snarky comments (not directed at you, but at the xian bullshit)...


10.) Paul- Is this guy a total misogynist or what?

Yes. Along with most of the various church fathers (Augustine, Origen, etc.), OT figures like Moses and Joshua, and of course Yahweh himself.


Xianity is misogynist by default. One more very excellent reason to reject it.


9.) "Modesty"

Ahhh, yes. Gotta love that one. Because of course sex is all about women tempting men to sin. And of course women are responsible for both their own sexuality and men's. And of course Good Girls Don't. And of course a whole ton of other repressive bullshit.


Funny how you never hear anybody admonish a man to be more "modest". At least, I've never heard of that happening. Anyone?


8.) "Submission"

I have a notorious ex-boyfiend who I post about here from time to time. He was a fundiegelical misogynist douchebag and a lying sack of shit. I can remember him claiming that at bible college he had learned to define the word submission as "strength under control"... then he went on to tell me a number of times that what he admired most about xian women was "how strong they are".


I love how xians can so easily change the definitions of words to mean what they want them to mean. Calling submission a strength is a lie - it's a way of dressing up humiliation in a pretty frock to make it look appealing to women.


I didn't last long with the ex-boyfiend. I was neither submissive nor strong, according to him. Or, rather, I showed a "strength" more along the lines of Jezebel or Ashtoreth. He didn't like that much.


7.) "Rebuke"

6.) "I am rejecting and or tormenting you because I love you"

Note that these are also classic excuses many domestic or child abusers give to justify their cruelty towards their intended targets. Pretty telling, ain't it.


5.) ..."just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't true"

A simple corollary comes to mind: "Just because you like it doesn't mean it is true."


4.) "Were praying for you."

Appropriate response: "Great! I'll be thinking for you."


3.) "Your octopus tattoo is a symbol of how Satan has his tentacles wrapped around your heart."

Wow. Yeah. That is really stupid. I can't think of any good response to that. The stupid is just too strong with this one... although I'd probably make some smartass reply like, "Well, y'know... Yahweh or Cthulhu - why choose the lesser of two evils?"


They probably wouldn't get it, though.


4.) "You need to forgive your rapist and repent for bringing it on yourself by drinking and dressing immodestly."

That would get someone clocked in this neck of the woods.


3.) "God told me to tell you... blah blah blah"

Be wary of anyone who claims to speak for god: they think they are god.


2.) "Dis-fellowship"

You do realize they only ostracize people they think are a threat, right?


I have to admit, I kind of get off on the idea that some people are threatened by the way I think. But then, I'm a little twisted that way... :pureevil:


1.) "Philosophy and learnedness are tools of the devil"- Translation: people who read and are educated threaten my little cult.

Exactly. And all the more reason to do everything you can to educate yourself and use your head. That way you won't end up an utter close-minded dipshit and make stupid comments like the ones you listed here.


Why would anyone want to go to heaven, anyway, if hell will be full of all the smart, intelligent, well-educated, interesting people? Sounds like a lot more fun to me.


Btw, welcome to the boards, gabby. :wave:

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Thanks, Doc


Here is the pricing scale for "Gaby's House o' Vitriol" Rant Outsourcing Inc.


15.00= 5 posts of creative xtian bashing


For just 250.00 gabby will go to the house of an xtian who is bothering you and personally tell them to fuck off.


A surcharge of 5.00 per use of the words "fuck", "fucking stupid" or "you guys are totally fucked-up"


25.00 per extra once of vitriol.


Services do not apply to xtians who believe in Young Earth Creationism or Head Coverings since they keep coming back and are impossible to dissuade from their lunacy.


FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY: Free unlimited use of the phrase "Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick!!!!" :crazy:

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Love Your very accurate Top 10, :goodjob: also, Welcome to Ex-C!!

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3.) "Your octopus tattoo is a symbol of how Satan has his tentacles wrapped around your heart."

Wow. Yeah. That is really stupid. I can't think of any good response to that. The stupid is just too strong with this one... although I'd probably make some smartass reply like, "Well, y'know... Yahweh or Cthulhu - why choose the lesser of two evils?"


They probably wouldn't get it, though.


Hi Gwen,


:lmao: Hee hee: the same woman that said this freaked out on my mom(who is a missionary) over Christmas. (And no she wouldn't get the Yahweh or Cthulhu joke because she obviously has nooo sense of humor...in fact I am suspicious that she doesn't have a soul either)


Totally psycho xtian: "You must get that evil Santa statue out of the house because it encourages demonic activity!"


My mom: "It's a statue of Noah."


TPX: "Oh... well the Bible says that we aren't to have any carved images so it's still dangerous." _ WTF!?!

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Funny how you never hear anybody admonish a man to be more "modest". At least, I've never heard of that happening. Anyone?


Ain't that the truth! Why is it always someone else's fault if a man can't keep his mind out of the gutter? And xtianity doesn't have the whole market on that kind of thinking.


And how does Paul even get into the mix? He never met jesus, and claims to be influence by a voice no one else could hear and a light no one else could see. Now, there are some leadership credentials!


And Gabby - is #4 really true? How crass can a person get? That totally sucks!

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Funny how you never hear anybody admonish a man to be more "modest". At least, I've never heard of that happening. Anyone?


Ain't that the truth! Why is it always someone else's fault if a man can't keep his mind out of the gutter? And xtianity doesn't have the whole market on that kind of thinking.


And Gabby - is #4 really true? How crass can a person get? That totally sucks!


#1.) I totally agree, I mean the same guys who are pushing this modesty crap mow their lawns bare-chested and wearing cutoffs...OMG Run!!! I have seen the man nipples and I will never be pure again!" LOL


#2.) Yeah, unfortunately I made the mistake of seeking help from the church after the incident and I had an awful three hour "whore of Babylon" deliverance session. Thankfully I have an awesome sa councilor now here in NYC and her along w/ a 600.00 an hour psych (BTW I'm a poor college student...Can someone tell my why mental health is a luxury item? Oh, well I do live in Manhattan. Go figure.)

At any rate, although it's part of my rant, I don't hate her for what she said...I mean WTF, you gotta pity someone who can utter something so heartless. In fact, she was brainwashed by the same cult as I was so I only hope that she will de-con w/out having to go through the same thing.

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Wow. That's awful. You deserve reall credit for getting past it.

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For 300- 600 bucks an hour, I damn well better get past it or I want my $$$ back!! :)

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I mean the same guys who are pushing this modesty crap mow their lawns bare-chested and wearing cutoffs


I know! I know! I have almost gotten into car accidents when driving by these guys. Thank god men see no need to dress modestly. Take it off! Take it ALL off! :eek::woohoo:


Now if we can only get televison adversting to exploit men like they do women, then I will really be happy!

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Guest eejay
I mean the same guys who are pushing this modesty crap mow their lawns bare-chested and wearing cutoffs


I know! I know! I have almost gotten into car accidents when driving by these guys. Thank god men see no need to dress modestly. Take it off! Take it ALL off! :eek::woohoo:


Now if we can only get televison adversting to exploit men like they do women, then I will really be happy!

Yeah...I hear ya. I want to see more guys in speedos.

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  • Super Moderator
Yeah...I hear ya. I want to see more guys in speedos.


Are you shitting me? I see the same beaches you do. I saw a guy who looked naked from the front, but the rear view revealed Speedos. The front was obscured by a huge hairy hanging belly. Very few people (including me) look good at the beach, and the Speedo guys are the WORST!


- Chris

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Guest eejay
Yeah...I hear ya. I want to see more guys in speedos.


Are you shitting me? I see the same beaches you do. I saw a guy who looked naked from the front, but the rear view revealed Speedos. The front was obscured by a huge hairy hanging belly. Very few people (including me) look good at the beach, and the Speedo guys are the WORST!


- Chris

Yeah, unfortunately sometimes the 'wrong' type of people wear those. But there are some guys that look um...pretty hot in them. There are some women (including myself) who should not wear bikinis.

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  • Super Moderator
But there are some guys that look um...pretty hot in them.


You randy little tart. I'm sure some of your former priests feel the same as you!


- Chris

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9.) "Modesty"- The cult that I was in could debate for days about every detail of clothing the women in the church wore. We actually had a meeting b/c they felt that girls wearing tank tops in 100 degree heat was causing their "brothers" to have sinful thoughts. It not my problem that you keep staring at my tits...get a fucking life.


Yeah, this one has always bothered me too. My church was like that too. It's like, there's no possible way I could possibly dress conservatively enough to make some of those people happy, no matter how conservatively I dressed. The fact that I'm a woman simply bothered them and always will.


8.) "Submission"- my least favorite word in the English language. (Excuse me I have to puke now :repuke:) This seems awfully convenient for those shitty, arrogant "Promise Keepers" types. I could never understand this shit...great you mean I was created to be a brood mare and a slave? FUN.


Submission is one thing when it's willing and another thing when it's not willing. It is wrong to coerce people to be submissive.


4.) "Were praying for you."- Translation: Were gossiping about you and justifying it by calling it prayer.

This one always bugged me not for that reason, but because it was always said to mean "I don't want to take the time to do anything for you, so I'm going to wish something goes right for you and make myself feel better that way." Needless to say, it is NOT comforting and people should quit saying it.


4.) "You need to forgive your rapist and repent for bringing it on yourself by drinking and dressing immodestly." - Thanks, please keep this is mind when it happens to you, you self righteous bitch.


Ugh -- did someone in your church actually tell you that??? They were horribly rude! Nobody deserves to be raped, EVER. That kind of belief system is so harmful. :(

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7.) "Rebuke" - a convenient way for x-tians to unload on someone and claim that they are doing it out of love for you. See number 6.


6.) "I am rejecting and or tormenting you because I love you" - xtians should not be permitted to use the word "love" to justify spiritual abuse. Nuff said.


3.) "God told me to tell you... blah blah blah": projecting, anyone?


"god" told my mother-in-law to tell me that my real problem is that my mother loved other people's babies more than me (my Mum is a midwife, but by gosh she does love me!)/ that I have "spiritual strongholds"/ that I am in league with the devil/ that drinking alcohol has allowed demons in / that my sister is evil and etc etc misc. bullshit, lies and personal attacks. But all b/c she loves me so much that I need to know the truth. Oh, and I'm upset about what she said only b/c she has touched on the devil's strongholds in my life, not b /c she is talking crazy talk, oh no.


BTW that Santa/Noah story made me wee my pants laughing.

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I could go on and on about all the things that xians do that piss me off, but I'm just going to talk about one right now.

Hypocrisy. An example. Just a few minute ago my father was making fun of professional wrestling fans. He was having a laugh about how gullible they are and even says at one point "just goes to show you the level of intelligence of some people". While I do agree that anyone who would buy into that are rather gullible, but he is definitely THE LAST person to be calling anyone gullible. Needless to say, he's a bible readin' christian. He believes that the first man was made out of dirt and then the first woman was made from one of his ribs and then later dirt-man and rib-woman were kicked out utopia and now everyone and everything has to die all because a talking snake convinced them to eat a fruit that they weren't supposed to eat , that an old man single handedly built a giant boat large enough to carry at least two of every animal to save them from a flood that covered even the highest mountain(never mind that it could rain for thousands and thousands of years straight and it still would not flood the whole fucking planet), that a man killed a lion with his bare hands but lost his herculean strength when his hair was cut off , that unicorns and giants with twelve fingers and toes(yes he really believes that they had 6 fingers on each hand) actually existed, and I could just go on and on and on about all the ridiculous and childish things he believes in. Now which is more laughable, believing that wresting is real or believing unicorns are real? Hello Pot, meet Kettle. Oh and he also added that people who are "falling for" global warming are gullible idiots too. Arrogant horse's ass.

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I could go on and on about all the things that xians do that piss me off, but I'm just going to talk about one right now.




hahaha... Hypocrisy. You beat me to it! A couple living examples of hypocrisy that drove me nuts


1. At one time I was an associate pastor at an Assembly of God church in Austin. The church was part of the North Texas District of the Assemblies of God. Back then (mid-70's) they were still adamantly opposed to 'mixed bathing' (men and women swimming together); whether it's a pool, river, ocean beach, it didn't matter, men and women unmarried to each other should not swim together. Ministers of that district who permitted or encouraged mixed bathing would have had their credentials pulled and they'd be dismissed from the denomination. Of course, they'd have to be caught in the act (which in itself is stupid, since anyone catching them would also be present and swimming!). Rather than obey the rules he agreed to support, the senior pastor decided that he and his wife, and I and my wife, should drive all the way down to Galveston to swim at the beach down there, because Galveston was in the South Texas District's jurisdiction. The pastor's wife was whiter than white, didn't use any protection and got sunburned horribly all over. When she showed up in church the next day (Sunday) everybody "knew" we had "sinned", and the sunburn was punishment for disobedience and we (my wife and I) were told to just say we'd been on a picnic, NOT actually swimming. WTF


2. Attending movie theaters was another issue for which ministers would lose their ministerial license, along with frivolous TV-watching. Long after it happened, the sr. pastor confessed that he and his wife would often attend the regularly late Saturday night showings of Rocky Horror Picture Show. That was before he discovered Saturday Night Live on TV at home. He justified it at the time because he knew all the other ministers would be home in bed or preparing for Sunday service, so he wouldn't be seen at the theater at that hour. But they couldn't see a normal movie because someone driving by could see him in the ticket line.


3. One of the "non-denominational" (i.e., they were kicked out the denomination) churches had a loud-mouth deacon who used to rail on the young kids to clean up their act, obey the laws, drive safely, quit their bad habits and blah blah blah. He was super strict (rigid) about EVERYthing.... except his precious little "fuzz-buster" radar detector that allowed him to ignore speeding laws and fly down the highway. When asked about "obeying the laws", he justified himself by saying the driving laws didn't make sense (to him) so we could ignore those. WTF??


My Christian years were when I was a young adult, still forming opinions. I saw SO MANY blatant examples of incongruence being dismissed, excused, and justified. Leaving Christianity helped me let go the rigid rules and learn that people aren't sinning, rebelling, disobeying god ... they're just humans being human.

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Great rant, Gabby!


Struck a chord right off the bat with Paul. This delusional, misogynistic, sexually screwed up creep who unleashed all his personal hang ups onto the world is the biggest fuckturd in the NT. Then I found myself nodding in agreement with much of what you had to follow.

3.) "Your octopus tattoo is a symbol of how Satan has his tentacles wrapped around your heart." - Or maybe I just like cephlopods you dumb fuck!!!!!

Ironic, whoever said this would be represented as a squid here!

4.) "You need to forgive your rapist and repent for bringing it on yourself by drinking and dressing immodestly." - Thanks, please keep this is mind when it happens to you, you self righteous bitch.

I'm at a loss for words on this one. I simply cannot express how utterly appalling it is that there are such caustic fuckturds out there to spew out that kind of total crap. They have to do it under the guise of a self-righteous and pompous religion or else the perpetrator of such a brutal attack on a victim of something so horrible would instantly be recognized for the vile, evil, monstrous bastard s/he is and then drawn and quartered.

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Guest eejay
I could go on and on about all the things that xians do that piss me off, but I'm just going to talk about one right now.



My Christian years were when I was a young adult, still forming opinions. I saw SO MANY blatant examples of incongruence being dismissed, excused, and justified. Leaving Christianity helped me let go the rigid rules and learn that people aren't sinning, rebelling, disobeying god ... they're just humans being human.

I couldn't have said it better!!!

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Hypocrisy is the number one thing I think Xtians are guilty of. I have two experiences with it, and very bad ones.


1. I'm sure you guys have heard this already, but my family stopped going to the last church after the church ladies found out that I read Harry Potter (still do, I love it! :3) and proceeded to tell my mother that she failed as a parent and was allowing me to go to hell. Well, there's a little more to this story.


So I went to this Bible camp called Centrifuge. Nobody there ever told me Harry Potter was evil, in fact the chaperone in my room (I was in a room with a chaperone and probably 5 other girls) was also a Harry Potter fan. So we talked about the new book (which at the time was Half-Blood Prince). Well there was one girl, Sidonie*, who was (I think) 14 at the time, who was not allowed to read Harry Potter at all. But she told me that it was absurd, since her mom (who is a fundie and possibly one of the wackos who told my mom I was a satanic freak) let her watch movies with tons of violence and sex in them. Harry Potter is fairly violent( I'm a bit sensitive to violence, shut up), but she wasn't allowed to watch them because of the fantasy. Yeah... a 14 year old can watch an R-rated movie like Saw, while it's wrong for her to watch Harry freaking Potter which is safely within the PG/PG-13 range, because it has spells in it that are based on Latin, Greek, and Hebrew words, which last time I checked WERE THE LANGUAGES THE FREAKING BIBLE WERE ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN?!




2. Welcoming new people. Good god, in Christianity it's much easier said than done. I can't tell you how many times we'd walk into a new church and be ignored while the pastor constantly preached about welcoming new members of the congregation and shaking hands and stuff. Tards.


The next thing that pisses me off? The ones who think they know everything because "the Bible says so." Uh-huh. Sure, okay. If you're so smart WHY ARE YOU IN THIS CLASS?!? god. There is a girl in my class who takes the Bible literally and thinks she's better than me (I sit right in front of her, gods help me!) because she doesn't have ADD and knows a little more about the county we live in than I do. (She once said I didn't know what I was talking about just because I didn't know ONE FREAKING DETAIL about something that happened TEN YEARS AGO. Bitch!) Aaaaaannd... she tries to "disprove" evolution with...wait for it....wait...drumroll please! THE BIBLE! And various "scientists" who say the world is only 6-10,000 years old. Yeah, sure, oh-kay. and then says "shut up, Vendredie, you have no clue what you're talking about, cuz you're an atheist with ADD"


I swear to freaking Hermes I will freaking slap her one day.

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I could go on and on about all the things that xians do that piss me off, but I'm just going to talk about one right now.




hahaha... Hypocrisy. You beat me to it! A couple living examples of hypocrisy that drove me nuts


1. At one time I was an associate pastor at an Assembly of God church in Austin. The church was part of the North Texas District of the Assemblies of God. Back then (mid-70's) they were still adamantly opposed to 'mixed bathing' (men and women swimming together); whether it's a pool, river, ocean beach, it didn't matter, men and women unmarried to each other should not swim together. Ministers of that district who permitted or encouraged mixed bathing would have had their credentials pulled and they'd be dismissed from the denomination.



Ha ha ha :lmao:

OMG I can't breathe I am laughing so hard... Fundamentalists swimming is like spring break in reverse...the girls put on more clothes instead of taking them off...


We went on a church picnic to a lake once and I remember being amazed that the girls could still pull themselves through the water when they were wearing 4 layers of clothes!! Fundies should be called Undies because they take the fun out of everything :tongue:

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Hypocrisy is the number one thing I think Xtians are guilty of. I have two experiences with it, and very bad ones.


1. I'm sure you guys have heard this already, but my family stopped going to the last church after the church ladies found out that I read Harry Potter (still do, I love it! :3) and proceeded to tell my mother that she failed as a parent and was allowing me to go to hell. Well, there's a little more to this story.


So I went to this Bible camp called Centrifuge. Nobody there ever told me Harry Potter was evil, in fact the chaperone in my room (I was in a room with a chaperone and probably 5 other girls) was also a Harry Potter fan. So we talked about the new book (which at the time was Half-Blood Prince). Well there was one girl, Sidonie*, who was (I think) 14 at the time, who was not allowed to read Harry Potter at all. But she told me that it was absurd, since her mom (who is a fundie and possibly one of the wackos who told my mom I was a satanic freak) let her watch movies with tons of violence and sex in them. Harry Potter is fairly violent( I'm a bit sensitive to violence, shut up), but she wasn't allowed to watch them because of the fantasy. Yeah... a 14 year old can watch an R-rated movie like Saw, while it's wrong for her to watch Harry freaking Potter which is safely within the PG/PG-13 range, because it has spells in it that are based on Latin, Greek, and Hebrew words, which last time I checked WERE THE LANGUAGES THE FREAKING BIBLE WERE ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN?!




2. Welcoming new people. Good god, in Christianity it's much easier said than done. I can't tell you how many times we'd walk into a new church and be ignored while the pastor constantly preached about welcoming new members of the congregation and shaking hands and stuff. Tards.


The next thing that pisses me off? The ones who think they know everything because "the Bible says so." Uh-huh. Sure, okay. If you're so smart WHY ARE YOU IN THIS CLASS?!? god. There is a girl in my class who takes the Bible literally and thinks she's better than me (I sit right in front of her, gods help me!) because she doesn't have ADD and knows a little more about the county we live in than I do. (She once said I didn't know what I was talking about just because I didn't know ONE FREAKING DETAIL about something that happened TEN YEARS AGO. Bitch!) Aaaaaannd... she tries to "disprove" evolution with...wait for it....wait...drumroll please! THE BIBLE! And various "scientists" who say the world is only 6-10,000 years old. Yeah, sure, oh-kay. and then says "shut up, Vendredie, you have no clue what you're talking about, cuz you're an atheist with ADD"


I swear to freaking Hermes I will freaking slap her one day.




Nothing, and I mean nothing angers me more than a creationist who thinks they know more than experts. Whenever my dad will watching a program on Nat. Geo. or Animal Planet and they bring up evolution or the actual age of the earth he'll just laugh. A very snarky laugh. A program on sharks once:


Narrator: The shark is a highly successful predator thanks to a 100 million years of evolution.

My dad: *snicker* Oh give me a friggin' break! Goddamn idiots.


Need I remind everyone that this man believes in unicorns? These are the same people who have a museum that has a display of a dinosaur with a saddle, a SADDLE on it's back like it was a goddamn pony. And they think that the experst are idiots. Fuck them all and the dinosaurs they rode in on!

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