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Goodbye Jesus

Irritating E-mail


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This is a gem. So many things wrong with this, I want to respond.


Any ideas?


Here's what I got:


hmmmm interesting....















Death is certain but the Bible speaks about untimely death!





Make a personal reflection about this.....






Very i nteresting, read until the end.....






It is written in the Bible (Galatians 6:7):






"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."




Here are some men and women who mocked God :





John Lennon (Singer):




Some years before, during his interview with an American Magazine, he said:


& lt; B>


"Christianity will end, it will disappear, I do not have to argue about that, I am certain.




Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple.





Today we are more famous than Him" (1966).




Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, was shot six times.



Tancredo Neves ( President of Brazil ):




During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500,000 votes from his party, not even God would remove him from Presidency.




Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President, then he died.




Cazuza (Bi-sexual Brazilian composer, singer and poet):




During a show in Canecio (Rio de Janeiro ),


while smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some smoke into the air and said:




"God, that's for you."




& lt; SPA N style="FONT-SIZE: 18pt; COLOR: maroon">He died at the age of 32 of AIDS in a horrible manner.?




The Man who built the Titanic?


After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic would be?



With an ironic tone he said:



"Not even God can sink it!"



The result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic!



Marilyn Monroe (Actress)


She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show.





He said the Spirit of God had sent him to preach to her.




After hearing what the Preacher had to say, she said:


"I don't need your Jesus."



A week later, she was found dead in her apartment.




Bon Scott (Singer)



The ex-vocalist of the AC/DC.



On one of his 1979 songs he sang:



"Don't stop me, I'm going down all the way, down the highway to hell."




On the 19th of February 1980, Bon Scott was found dead, he had been choked by his own vomit.




Campinas ( in 2005 )


In Campinas, Brazil, a group of friends, drunk, went to pick up a friend.....



The mother accompanied her to the car and was so worried about the drunkenness of her friends and


she said to the daughter holding her hand, who was already seated in the car:



"My Daughter, Go With God And May He Protect You.."



She responded: "Only If He (God) travels in the trunk, cause inside here.....It's already full."



Hours later, news came by that they had been involved in a fatal accident, everyone had died in the car could not be recognized what type of car it had been, but surprisingly, the trunk was intact.


The police said there was no way the trunk could have remained intact.



To their surprise, inside the trunk was a crate of eggs, none was broken!







Christine Hewitt



(Jamaican Journalist and entertainer) said the Bible ( Word of God ) was the worst book ever written.


In June 2006 she was found burnt beyond recognition in her motor vehicle.



Many more important people have forgotten that there is no other name that was given so much authority as the name of Jesus.



Many have died, but only Jesus died and rose again, and he is still ALIVE!








P.S: If it was a joke, you would have sent it to everyone. So are you going to have courage to send this?


I have done my part, Jesus said,


"If you are embarrassed about me, I will also be embarrassed about you before my father."


You are my 8 in 8 seconds.



I am not breaking this.



No way!





Bishop T.D. Jakes 8 Second Prayer.




Just repeat this prayer and see how God moves!!



"Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends, in Jesus' name. Amen."



Pass this message to 8 people ( EXCEPT YOU AND ME ).



You will receive a miracle tomorrow.




I hope that you don't ignore and let God bless







The ignoramus who sent this is pretty much an OK guy in person, and doesn't get preachy. He witnesses in these stupid e-mails from time to time, and this is probably the dumbest one I ever got.


Any ideas for a rebuttal?


- Chris

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This is a gem. So many things wrong with this, I want to respond.


Any ideas?


Here's what I got:


Everybody is going to die, eventually.


Everybody says things, off the cuff, and very few are suddenly struck dead.


The whole premise of this email (at least what I get out from it) is to instill fear and superstition on top of guilt for every casual word ever uttered. If it were me, I'd (a) delete the email, and (B) ask the sender not to send such religious things, period. Once you start a rebuttal you've engaged which gives him room to respond. Best to just not engage in the topic at all, imo.

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Mail him back with the fact that, if he sends you more more piece of crap like that again, you'll hunt him down and then you can both find out if his God protects him from evil...


The tosser...

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Just respond, 1) you need to dust off your stats book and brush up on cause and effect, and 2) god is really a vindictive bastard to you isn't he? That tells me something about you.

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Guest eejay

I don't honestly know what I'd tell him. I get all kinds of shitty emails from time to time. I never pass them on, but throw them in the trash where they belong. As far as if I would say something or not...I don't know. I am kind of facing a similar situation with a long distance friend, that stays in touch via email. So far, I've been silent, and though she isn't aware of my complete rejection of x-tianity, she's always known I wasn't a religous churchgoer. Of course everybody dies, so if someone wanted to find instances where x-tians died just walking out of church or something, I'm sure they could be found. As much as we curse x-tianity on here we'd all be dead instantly if the bs your friend sent was true. Maybe you could find something on that line. If he gets too overbearing you could always choose to block him.

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:Hmm::HaHa: I have an interesting idea for you to give a comeback to this idiot! Send him an e-mail of people who accepted Jesus, then weeks later they die in an accident of some kind or are diagnosed with a terminal illness in which they suffer a slow, painful death from. I know several stories, including how my uncle got diagnosed with a terminal liver disease six weeks after becoming a xtian. Maybe that will get him to think.
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If I were to receive such a thing I would put the sender on block and delete the moment I read the word "Bible".


I get stupid stuff like this from time to time at work (but not quite this obnoxious). It comes from the boss so I can't do much about it. I just delete it. They are religious people.

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Tell him he dies too.

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If I were in a snarky mood, I'd probably send them a demand for actual references, and a link to info on the Post Hoc logical fallacy.


If I were in a really snarky mood, I'd send them a point-by-point rebuttal, pointing out such errors as the fact that the builder of the Titanic never said what the story claims, and including several anecdotes about people who were decent, god-fearing xians who got sick and prayed and died miserably anyway. (A certain 11-year-old comes to mind...) I might also include anecdotes about the lives of outrageous, open atheists who did great things and lived long, happy, successful lives.


But probably I'd just delete and ignore. :shrug:

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I have an idea! Send him an e-mail with this anecdote in it (sad but true). I used to know a family from my church that were having a prayer and praise session at their house that was interrupted by a large bang. Their two year old had been crushed by a dresser and subsequently died. So the moral of the story is that because they were good xtians and were praising god he kills their innocent 2 year old just as they are saying what a great god he is. So evidently praising god can be just as dangerous as mocking him...I'd like to see how he would justify that one.

On second thought, just send him to the spam box and be done with it. :angry:

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  • Super Moderator

Thanks for all the good ideas. I just had to share this particular e-mail because it is just SO WRONG in every way.


I will reply to everyone on the list with a couple of links to critical thinking, then block the moron. Sometimes I find it hard to ignore the really moronic shit.


- Chris

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I have an idea! Send him an e-mail with this anecdote in it (sad but true). I used to know a family from my church that were having a prayer and praise session at their house that was interrupted by a large bang. Their two year old had been crushed by a dresser and subsequently died. So the moral of the story is that because they were good xtians and were praising god he kills their innocent 2 year old just as they are saying what a great god he is. So evidently praising god can be just as dangerous as mocking him...I'd like to see how he would justify that one.

On second thought, just send him to the spam box and be done with it. :angry:

Completely off topic, but do you live anywhere in Virginia? I seem to remember a story about that in the local news (in my neck of the woods we have to rely on Virginia for news... sucks).

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So... you die if you've done something to upset God... but if you don't upset God, you still die? There are examples of so called "good Christians" that died horrible deaths, and yet, does it mean they upset God? Doesn't Christians believe the early apostles got tortured to death? So, what did they do to deserve those horrible deaths? They really, really must have pissed off God beyond any reasonable measure! Maybe by proclaiming they had the "truth"? Maybe that's why God gets so upset and kill people, because they think they have the answers to life?


Idiotic email, with stupid arguments.

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Their two year old had been crushed by a dresser and subsequently died.

On second thought, just send him to the spam box and be done with it. :angry:


That's awful :(

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If I were in a really snarky mood, I'd send them a point-by-point rebuttal, pointing out such errors as the fact that the builder of the Titanic never said what the story claims, and including several anecdotes about people who were decent, god-fearing xians who got sick and prayed and died miserably anyway. (A certain 11-year-old comes to mind...) I might also include anecdotes about the lives of outrageous, open atheists who did great things and lived long, happy, successful lives.


Do you mean as "A certain 11-year-old" that kid Gloria Strauss who died last year after four painful years of bone cancer?


I have an idea! Send him an e-mail with this anecdote in it (sad but true). I used to know a family from my church that were having a prayer and praise session at their house that was interrupted by a large bang. Their two year old had been crushed by a dresser and subsequently died. So the moral of the story is that because they were good xtians and were praising god he kills their innocent 2 year old just as they are saying what a great god he is. So evidently praising god can be just as dangerous as mocking him...I'd like to see how he would justify that one.



No matter what the religious beliefs of the family the death of a child is the most tragic thing. :(


About 99% of stories of xtian kids suffering slow painful deaths from a terminal disease are true, so if you send these stories on to this xtian idiot then he can't dispute them as false stories unlike the bullshit he sent you. Yeah, you can also add to your e-mail to this fundie "Your Gawd has a sick sense of humor!" :vent:

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I could understand why you wouldn't want to tell stories about bad things happening to kids, regardless of religion, but the attitude of that email!


He is almost boasting about how those "arrogant" people got what they deserved.


I say you reply with an email about how loving god can still mean you die or are humiliated, like Amy Semple McPherson or other famous christians.


If someone ever sent me that email, you could bet that I would reply, and then spam them.

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I figure some people have to do that for their religion. I don't read them. I delete them on sight and go on with my life. I figure it's not worth ruining a relationship over a stupid email. Somehow, the relationships I have with the people who send that kind of email die of their own selves in the end. That could be due to the fact that they figure out that I don't share their passion, I really don't know and couldn't care less.

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PS I haven't died yet or had a terrible accident happen to me as a consequence of not listening to the instructions of such emails. In fact, I think my life has been improved by eliminating such superstitions. I was a Christian when I first took this attitude. I think for an exChristian to take this attitude is very appropriate.

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Death is certain but the Bible speaks about untimely death!

For instance, the drowning of all life on Earth by a petulant neo-Canaanite deity named Yahweh.


'Nuff said!

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Do you mean as "A certain 11-year-old" that kid Gloria Strauss who died last year after four painful years of bone cancer?


Actually I was thinking of Madeline Neumann. But if failed prayer was involved for Miss Strauss, she could certainly go on the list.

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I could understand why you wouldn't want to tell stories about bad things happening to kids, regardless of religion, but the attitude of that email!


Jeez, It's not like I was happy that this happened...I just thought that it was a good example of how bad things happen to ppl, christian or not. :ugh:

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This e-mail has been around a long time. I get it every once in awhile.



The short answer to is "correlation is not causation."

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  • Super Moderator
This e-mail has been around a long time. I get it every once in awhile.



The short answer to is "correlation is not causation."



Oh yeah, the morons will understand that!


Well, it's done anyway. I replied to all and haven't heard anything since yesterday. I just thought it was a particularly nonsensical e-mail and had to share and follow up with the sender.


- Chris

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Just got to this thread and see you've already replied, but if it ever comes around my way here's my response:


Dear Sender,


I am so grateful to be enlightened concerning God's particular vendetta against the citizens of Brazil. I want you to know I understand the point you're making. It's the samba, isn't it? Really, the samba, right? I know how God feels. Some might say the seeming imbalance in God's ferreting out Brazilian unbelievers for bloodthirsty demise is unfair. But any time I see those samba dancers prancing around, all high-and-mighty and full of themselves, I just want to cut them all down with a machine gun, or a tactical nuclear weapon, or maybe with one sweep of a giant machete that would slice in half their still-wiggling torsos. I'm relieved, though, that God seems to be taking care of those Brazilian samba dancers one by one. I hope He's getting as big a kick out of it as I would.


Again, thanks for confirming what I always suspected about the samba.





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