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Goodbye Jesus

And Now For Something Completely Different...


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Or not, as the case may be.


Some of you might remember how my AGP slot on my Motherboard went tits-up about 3 weeks ago... well, it's taken me until now to get the various replacement bits to get my PC working again. Though, when I say replacement bits, I really mean "Absolutely everything is being replaced since none of the old stuff will work with a modern Motherboard" so it's not even fixing my old PC but a brand new one.


Well, it's all turning up sometime tomorrow... and then I have the fun of putting it all together, installing an OS, trying to work out why the sound doesn't work properly, installing the drivers for everything having forgotten that sound needs drivers too, installing AV/Firewall/spyware protection programs, installing Browser and mail programs, trying to remember all my bookmarks, installing all the games I use, updating all the games, updating them all over again since the games hate doing the entire update all in one go, teaching my firewall what to let through, trying to remember all the account names/passwords for the games and sites... oh, and having to reboot every 5 minutes because the stupid things won't bloody work properly if you don't and get all pissy at you until you reboot. :vent:


If I'm lucky, I'll have everything done by... hmm, I'd guess Friday. :ugh:




Ah well... at least it'll be a much better/faster PC than my old one. :grin:

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trying to remember all my bookmarks


More importantly, trying to remember your passwords - heck, it usually takes you about 40-50 attempts to get your email password right!


Muhahaha, I shall just sit back and watch, well, ok not quite that, but still... :P

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trying to remember all my bookmarks
That's why I use foxmarks ;)


Wow, your AGP slot? Wow, no wonder you couldn't find anything. So what all did you get? I may be building a computer here shortly just for shits and giggles and I have no idea what I should get components wise (I'm inheriting a case from my parents).

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I feel for you, CT. My PC's getting rather on in years as well, and now I've finally got some money I'm hoping to upgrade/replace it. Words cannot state quite how emphatically I am not looking forward to that hell yet again.

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Wow, your AGP slot? Wow, no wonder you couldn't find anything. So what all did you get? I may be building a computer here shortly just for shits and giggles and I have no idea what I should get components wise (I'm inheriting a case from my parents).

Well, apart from a new case... there's a new PSU, Motherboard, Processor, RAM, GPU... and that's just the essential bits . We added a new HDD, Monitor, Mouse, External USB HDD cases for the old drives. It's going to be a hell of a lot more powerful than the old one and good for a fair few years.


Most of the replacement was down to the age of the thing... 4 years old, everything designed around the AGP/DDR/478 setup from back then with zero ability to upgrade single components, so when one went, the whole lot had to be junked... well, apart from the HDDs.



If/when you build your own, you'll be best getting the same essentials I got... depending on the age of your current one, chances are you'll have the same problem I've just had so it's a nice, expensive, building job that'll give you a nice, expensive, hopefully powerful PC that'll keep you going for years to come.





Oh, and if anyone's wondering... (e-peen time :HaHa: )


Core2 Duo, 2.66GHz, 6MB Cache

2GB DDR2 RAM (Corsair, of course)

8800GT 512MB DDR3 PCI-E (pre-overclocked)


600W PSU

Nice shiny black case with clear side panel and big ass glowing fan on the front.



*edit* Xaru insists I mention the small glowing fan on the side of the case and the fact we each got a new 22" widescreen monitor... and I thought men were the ones going on about the size of their e-peen :grin:

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Man, my home PC is 8 years old now, and really just tottering along. I'm hoping it makes it another 1.5 yrs so I can replace it when I graduate and get a new job. Would be nice not to drag computer components along to wherever I have to move for a position.

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Oh, and if anyone's wondering... (e-peen time :HaHa: )


Core2 Duo, 2.66GHz, 6MB Cache

2GB DDR2 RAM (Corsair, of course)

8800GT 512MB DDR3 PCI-E (pre-overclocked)


600W PSU

Nice shiny black case with clear side panel and big ass glowing fan on the front.



*edit* Xaru insists I mention the small glowing fan on the side of the case and the fact we each got a new 22" widescreen monitor... and I thought men were the ones going on about the size of their e-peen :grin:


My Macbook Pro's super(crap)drive died on me a couple months ago and rather than waiting a week (at the least) to get my computer back, I bought myself a Dell Inspiron 531. I was disappointed at the performance initially but I did some upgrading. Here is some e-peen for you.


AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ 3 GHz


8600GTS 256MB (an 8800 wouldn't even fit in this crappy Dell case)



550W PSU


I also got 2 22" widescreen monitors, ha! Your system kills mine easily I bet though. But now that I got my MBP back I only use it for Media Center Vista and gaming.


I upgraded the Athlon 64 X2 from a 4000+ (2GHz) to a 6000+

I added 2GB of RAM to the original 1GB

I also added the 500GB HDD. I use the 256GB for Windows XP and the 500GB for Vista

I had to buy a new PSU because the original 300W wouldn't be able to support my additions.

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Core2 Duo, 2.66GHz, 6MB Cache

2GB DDR2 RAM (Corsair, of course)

8800GT 512MB DDR3 PCI-E (pre-overclocked)


600W PSU

Nice shiny black case with clear side panel and big ass glowing fan on the front.

Holy crap, I wish I could afford that. Really building a computer would be just a side project because I already have a nice set up: AMD x2 5600+, 3GB RAM, 500GB HDD, this video card which isn't top of the line but it is an awesome card for the $$, 550w 85% certified PSU (the last two I upgraded from what came with it).

And it was a killer deal: $300 for the hp m8100 from work (office depot).

I'm only thinking about building one because my parents just had to buy a new computer so I took their old one, and it seems the only thing worth keeping is the case. It is a pretty nice case, although it appears I'm going to need to get some new cables for the power button :(


Edit: Oh, I have a 22" also :P

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Fucking wanking arsehole cockgobblers... stupid twats who made my GPU made it using non-recommended bits so it's a farking lemon.




*ahem* Word of warning... never use Inno3D brand GPU's. They're known to have problems and now I'm gonna have to wait another week or so until we get it fucking replaced. :screams:

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*ahem* Word of warning... never use Inno3D brand GPU's. They're known to have problems and now I'm gonna have to wait another week or so until we get it fucking replaced. :screams:

Ah man, that sucks. I've never heard of Inno3D, but that is good to know.

Out of curiosity, what is the GPU overclocked to?

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*ahem* Word of warning... never use Inno3D brand GPU's. They're known to have problems and now I'm gonna have to wait another week or so until we get it fucking replaced. :screams:

Ah man, that sucks. I've never heard of Inno3D, but that is good to know.

Out of curiosity, what is the GPU overclocked to?

Not much... it was bumped up to 950MHz Memory Bus and 650 MHz for whatever the other was ( hey, I'm no geek... and I wasn't paying much attention either :) )




Oh well, they're picking it up today and then we wait for the replacement... meanwhile, it's back to the PC of Slowness for me. *sigh*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jesus fucking Christ being dry humped on a pogo stick... I finally got my replacement 8800 today, and the fucking things fried!


This month is going down as the worst month I've had in the last 10 years... :vent:

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