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Goodbye Jesus

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alpha centauri

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I am a recovering ex-Christian who was very devout at one time in my life.


I've attended both liberal and conservative (Bible literalist) churches.


As I've posted on other sites, what really made me come to my senses and reject the lies and mythology of Christianity was the Bible itself.


Verses such as Matthew 10:34 in which Jesus says he has not come to bring peace but a sword, and to divide families, etc. bring into the spotlight what many Christians either try to allegorize, or rationalize or ignore. The god of the Bible, if he exists, is very perverse and double-minded. No wonder why so many of his followers are messed up!


And don't get me started on what type of twisted criminal would invent, design and implement the eternal torture chamber of hell. Truly, this entity would not be worthy of worship, but of our eternal scorn and loathing, if such an entity were to exist.


I spend a good deal of time on the Richard Dawkins forum, and have found many intelligent, rational people to converse with. I look forward to getting to know you all as well.


All the best,


Alpha Centauri

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Alpha Centauri you are a neighboring star. Welcome to ex-C!

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Guest eejay

It isn't hard to smell the bullshit that x-tianity is, when you open yourself to that possibility, is it? I think you'll enjoy what you find here at ex-c. Welcome and post on.

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Welcome, Alpha.


You'll find many like minds here.

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Another Texan?


Welcome Alpha!

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Welcome! I can relate to a lot of what you wrote. I always find it funny that Christians think of Jesus as a peace loving hippie who came to spread love and cheer. Jesus was not always a good guy: “But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven. " Jesus is the same egomaniacal character as the God of the Old Testament. I realize that most Christians are ignorant OR delusional and choose to ignore the vile passages in the NT.

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Thanks so much for the kind welcome!


The Bible has had a profound impact on my life, and as I've written, it played a stronger role in my rejection of Christianity than anything Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris or others could have written.


It's funny because so many venerate the Bible and think that people will instantly become Christians if they just read the "Word of God."


There's a big controversy about whether or not Bible classes should be taught in schools. I say, sure, teach kids (and interested adults) about religion, but not as truth or dogma, but merely as another work of literature and philosophy. Of course, in the interest of equal time, kids should also be exposed to the teachings of other religions, and also the views of those who adhere to no religion whatsoever and who reject revealed religion entirely.


Of course, most of those who want the Bible courses taught in public schools have a different agenda. They want to "expose kids to Judeo-Christian values" that they claim are the bedrock of our nation, the faith of our Founding Fathers. They ignore the strong influence of Deism on our nation's origins. They merely want to indoctrinate our youth, rather than to introduce them to a marketplace of ideas and allowing them to decide for themselves.


I think it's important to read the Bible and other religion's writings, and to listen to those who have different viewpoints than us. Because we need to know where people are coming from when they try to legislate their beliefs, and to understand why they are so determined to marginalize (or even eliminate, in some instances) those who disagree with them or resist them.

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I'll entertain and offer my welcome to ExC. Good place to be when you want to hang out with folks who are travelling on part of the path you've elected to strike out on.


Lotta voices, tons of experiences, and so many interesting views and opinions about everything.



Feel welcome to pull up seat and hang around.



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Welcome, alpha centauri...


Kick back., relax...glad you're here.

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Welcome to the forum, i hope your experience here is a pleasent. :>

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Welcome AC! Yes, teach the bible in schools right along with many other mythologies. Give kids a chance to see them all lined up and then have the ability to compare. I think we would see the more intelligent children questioning the church more than they do today.

Once again, welcome to the Ex-C forum. I believe you will find it quite freeing.



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