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Goodbye Jesus

"useful" Website For A Christian Perspective On Evolution

Alan Bragg

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The thing is, the ToE does not try in any way to undermine the christian religion. It has nothing to do with it. Evolutionists, many of whom are christians in some capacity, don't even relate the ToE to christianity. The only christians trying to do battle with the study of evolution are biblical literalists who cannot put the bible in the perspective it belongs in. Truly they are a pathetic bunch of people who have made a choice to be not only willfully ignorant, but shamefully so.

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you missed 'loudly ignorant'....

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you missed 'loudly ignorant'....

...which only causes chimpanzees and orangutans to shake their heads in disgust...

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E Gads!


After the first minute or so there I was thinking of arguments to blow away this mindless drivel. After five minutes or so, I think I could spend the next year writing volumes on the matter. Attributing quotes to Darwin that he never made, the empty, invalid, arguments, one after another! Apes can't do algebra, so evolution is false! It's difficult to read more than a sentence on this guy's site without uncovering yet another logical fallacy. Oh holy crap! Here's another link from his page that deals a devastating blow to evolution by proving the earth is only a few thousand years old based on something about the Earth's magnetic field. Didn't even do more than glance at this one. I am thoroughly overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of this stuff. Here's another random snippet, one of the "top arguments against evolution:" "Natural selection has severe logical inconsistencies." That's it. Don't bother to give even one example of an alleged logical inconsistency, then your argument could be refuted. It's unbelievable! Then there's a typical theme in much of his material: if we don't have ALL the answers than none of our conclusions can be valid. Right! Lets just make stuff up instead--that way we can sound authoritative about it. I've got to stop. I've barely scratched the surface, looked at such a tiny percentage of the site. If I started any point by point arguments I'd be up all night. You've certainly found a corker of a site there!

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Good Lard. That site would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. They start off with Genesis 1:1 which is an unfounded assertion which happens to be false, and it just goes rapidly downhill from there.


I did a parody of Chick's "Big Daddy" tract a while back:





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I don't see the point in reading these types of things.


My parents taught me to respect science even though they also taught me to love God. When I was a christian it was perfectly acceptable to me to believe in evolution as a God-guided process (theistic evolution). This is the majority opinion in christianity. These anti-evolution, fundamentalist forms of christianity are only really popular in America and in Africa. The vast majority of christians in Europe are either Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran or whatever. Christians in South and Central America are Catholic. Even in Africa, where fundamentalist forms of christianity have a foot-hold, there are plenty of Catholics and they seem to have a more balanced view about science.


So I guess I'm saying that even if I were religious I wouldn't feel like I had to reject evolution anyway. So I don't see why I should waste time reading things that come from a point of view I've NEVER agreed with.


Besides, I can easily refute most of what they are saying. And they show such little understanding of science. Yet they assume to be able to refute something they have no understanding of. This makes them like the kids at school that didn't want to work or learn - and liked to pour scorn over subjects like science. Just ignore them - they are like the stupid kids at school who don't want to learn and think the subject is crap. They're not even worthy of any attention. B)

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