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What's All These Headaches I've Been Having?

Guest Phil

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Hi fellow x-xians,


I just like to find out what exactly is this headache that I've been having since I left xianity several years ago. I was told these are called tension headaches but I've got very few information on this, they're around my temple areas and above my eyebrows, they're getting better now but at times they're so severe that the thoughts seem to be blocked and you just can't think well. One thing I'm sure is that they are here because of my de-programming, and I know they'll go away eventually, but I just like to know a little more about this not only for the psychological aspect but also the physiological aspect of it as well, such as the neurons and the structure of the brain etc.


Any psychiatrist, doctor or anyone who could volunteer some info.? Links to other sites that provide related info. will be helpful too and any help will be very much appreciated.


Thank you all in advance!




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Welcome to the forums, Phil!


Not a doctor here. But headaches for several years from deprograming? I suggest you get yourself checked out by a real doctor in your area--a person you meet with face to face. Not an online person. Get yourself referred to a specialist, get a CAT scan done. I don't know. I just think this sounds like something that needs to be looked into by a qualfied medical person.


In the meantime, care to talk about your deconversion? What was your religious life like? What are you deconverting from? Were you born into it, or converted to it? If the headaches are caused by deprograming, just talking about your concerns, fears, and confusions could help bring relief. We're here to listen and support and help you work through those issues. We're not counselors or anything but as a group we bring many different experiences and insights to the situation and someone is sure to identify.

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Take Rubys advice and go see a Dr. The last thing you want is some comfortable answer on the Internet and then you ignore it. Your body usualy talks to you for a reason, Better to be safe then sorry. Could be a tension headache, could be allergies, could be lots of things. I hope you feel better soon, and welcome to ex-c!!

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I just happen to know that some really serious things can go wrong inside the human skull. It could be something as innocent as tension headaches. Or it could be something as sinister an aneurism or brain tumor. People die from these things. Or get permanent brain damage where they are paralyzed for life. Your brain is in there and one just doesn't tamper with the brain.


Several years ago my brother had major brain surgery done. The doctors could not guarantee success. They never can. Too many things can go wrong. But they can provide educated guesses. The chances of survival, or a normal life, under the care of a physician are many times greater than under home remedies. If this were this not the case there would be no doctors, no hospitals, no fancy treatments and equipment to investigate the innards of the human brain and body.


However, it's your life and your decision.

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I might also add about my own experience with headaches. After more than thirty years of migraines I was referred to a headache specialist. She sent me for a batch of tests to rule out serious problems. Found nothing. Put me on medication. And it seems to be helping. I'm supposed to be on this medication for a year or so to fix thengs, and then my family doctor is supposed to wean me off it. So it's not for life.


Just thought I'd mention this so you know that a trip to the hospital for major tests does not mean there's anything major wrong with you. It only means your doctor is checking out all the possibilities before closing the case.

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Have you moved to a different climate lately? Do you have allergies or sinus problems? You could be having sinus headaches.

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Phil, I get these headaches sometimes too, and have for most of my life. They are usually related to tension, or allergies/sinus irritation.


I don't get them any more often than when I was a Christian, however. There's not much difference in the frequency, and if anything, the severity of my headaches has diminished since I left Christianity. The only reason I can think of is that I've just become more calm/relaxed since I'm not frustrated by the absence of answered prayer.


The intensity of my headaches is also decreased by the fact that I'm not living in anxiety over the fact that so many people will wind up in hell, because I don't believe there is a hell. (If there is, the only entity that would deserve to inhabit it would be the one that created it and had in mind to send others there! But even that monstrous entity would not deserve to suffer there forever).

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