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Goodbye Jesus

Sick And Twisted Justification For Hell

alpha centauri

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I usually avoid the Rapture Ready website, but decided to check it out for the first time in a while because it's sometimes amusing (in a sad sort of way) and alarming what drivel is posted there.


I won't respond on that site, because it would require me to register/log in, and I refuse to do so.


But there is actually a thread on the Rapture Ready website offering a justification for hell. And the posts are in a comeback, "take that, you evil sinner" kind of attitude.


The thread is titled: Thought provoking comeback for how can God send people to hell


Here's a link, http://www.rr-bb.com/showthread.php?t=38891 but be warned: spending much time on that website might actually make you less intelligent (until you come back here or read a book by Dawkins, Sagan, Harris, Paine, Twain, etc.). And it will make your jaw drop at the sheer delusion that causes these fanatics to justify anything in their so-called "holy" book and the incredible lies of Christianity.


Wow! Unbelievable. Some people never crawled out of the dark ages.


Truly, this biblical god is a monster.


The original poster, Cindy S., states: "I heard this on the John Hagee show this morning.

They were selling the video: Escape from hell.


"What I heard was the comeback to the question: How can a good and loving God send someone to hell?


"The answer: How can someone reject the love of GOD?


"Makes you think."




Umm, first of, this god of theirs is a FRAUD. He's a lie, a make-believe fairy tale. And they think by worshipping him, that gives them a special knowledge and position as chosen ones. It's sick, it's sad and it's potentially dangerous.


Why would I reject the love of God?


Well, why would I reject the love of the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy? Their god is no more real than either of those two, or Zeus, Apollo, the Flying Spaghetti Monster or the Invisible Pink Unicorn. In fact, you could argue that Santa and the Easter Bunny are real because kids can pose for pictures with them at the mall. Ever try to take a picture of god?


But to play devil's advocate (god's advocate?), let's just say this god of theirs is real. What loving, forgiving human would DEMAND worship/love from a child, and then cast them into a furnace if they didn't appease the parent? If this god of theirs exists, he is the most evil force in the universe. He not only casts people into a furnace, he makes it so they suffer forever and ever, without end. The only one worthy of an eternal hell would be the being who created it and threatened others with it. Yet even this being should be forgiven, and hopefully reformed.


They will argue that god is perfect, his ways are not our ways, he is holy and demands justice, etc. But hell isn't justice. It's petty vindictive torture in the extreme. NOTHING good can come of it, because there's no hope of reform or parole in their sick and twisted system.


That people should feel compelled to grovel to this brutal bully is incredibly sad.


There should be a sign over every church door "Abandon all REASON, ye who enter here."

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The original poster, Cindy S., states: "I heard this on the John Hagee show this morning.

They were selling the video: Escape from hell.


"What I heard was the comeback to the question: How can a good and loving God send someone to hell?


"The answer: How can someone reject the love of GOD?


"Makes you think."

It doesn't make me think, because the rejoinder doesn't even address the goddamn question...such typical christian fucktardishness. Assuming that one must reject this imaginary god's idea of "love". I didn't ever reject god's love...I just doubted that he existed. Big difference. I found out that Santa Claus wasn't real. But when I was a little kid and believed in him, I never for a minute rejected his love.

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The history of the religion itself makes it not worthy of any respect. A god that delights in killing children for making their first mistake in life is not worthy of worship. Fairy tales impersonating historical truth just makes the stories that much more fraud.

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Well, why would I reject the love of the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy? Their god is no more real than either of those two, or Zeus, Apollo, the Flying Spaghetti Monster or the Invisible Pink Unicorn. In fact, you could argue that Santa and the Easter Bunny are real because kids can pose for pictures with them at the mall. Ever try to take a picture of god?
But everyone knows Zeus is the real god! http://ononion.livejournal.com/1576.html I mean, what if you're wrong?!
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Guest eejay

I don't think I'll be visiting that website tonight. I'll probably get too pissed. The rapture....what a joke. These idiots actually believe that they are going to rise up in the clouds. Ridiculous. Like I'll be up there flying and see people floating up, from the earth soaring to the heavens. I wonder what kind of drugs the people that wrote this shit were on. They'll be breathing just fine up there in the flight levels with my pressurized aircraft. Goddamned retarded people. And no, the airlines are not worried about about putting two x-tian pilots in the same cockpit together. Some x-tians say that but it is not true. Yeah the rapture gets my favorite stamp of disapproval...


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I decided to take a look, and it was a bit frightening.


The world is lucky that I am not God. I would not be gracious at all. I would start everyone out with a time out in hell just so all would know not to disrespect me.


Yeah, I'm never going back to look at that again. What a scary, scary person. SCARY!! And to think, I was ever scared once of going to a fiery pit -- I should have instead watched out for this guy...

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I took a look to see what any of them had to say, for the most part they all just attempted some weird sort of christian Russian reversal of the original question like " How can a loving God not send you to hell!". They just parroted nonsensical bits of dogma concerning hell, the same ones I always heard. I was a bit disappointed really, I would have hoped they would have given it a bit more thought then they did.


Then I saw why they don't have much variety or depth of opinion.


Originally Posted by CrimsonKing

"But what if they don't hear it? Or hear it but don't recognize it? Is it right for them to be sent to hell because their ears aren't as well-tuned?"


Making this statement shows that in your mind you question the fact that none will be left without the 'witness' of the Word. You are assuming that a righteous, just, merciful, compassionate Father will allow ones to perish in sin without the opportunity to accept the Gospel of Christ. You should go back and rethink your ideas in the Light of the Word.

Your statement;['Is it right for them to be sent to hell because their ears aren't as well-tuned?']proves that your confidence and faith in Father is lacking in some points and that you are letting the 'worldview' creep into your thoughts. These thoughts should be brought captive under the Mind of Christ, and cast out and considered no more.

Effectively, your statement 'judges' God by questioning whether His decisions would be 'wrong or right', and puts yourself in danger of hellfire.

Please repent from this and correct this problem in your life, before it costs you a great price, for God will not be mocked.




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Do Christians who believe in the rapture have ceiling fans???

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Guest GlitterSno

I can not believe I used to be this blind..... It is quite sad to see people that not only believe in this stuff, but coughing up excuses for their god's behavior.....which is NEVER his fault. -_-

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I TAUGHT this dribble for years...GlitterSno, you know...


It is never god's fault that things happen...in fact, he is the ONLY one who can break his own rules. Thou shalt not kill - (the flood, the Israelites killed MANY, even today, people kill in the name of the god of Abraham). Thou shalt not commit adultry (but it was OK when David had the husband of Bathsheba KILLEd and then had extra-marital relations with her)...the list could go on.


It is only " logical" that they would also cover up other things such as him sending them to a place of fire and torture...but don't forget...he LOVES you! Blech!

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First let me say , Welcome to ex-C Glitter, LtJ and alpha!



As to the OP..


Hell excuse making is just another form of battered spousal syndrome. Where the victim of abuse believe they deserved to be kicked in the face and harmed, in addition the victims then make excuses for it. They will blindly defend the one with the power to kill or destroy.. to hell if it's just or not. Love me or suffer and burn... It's barbaric and I honestly can't understand how people don't see how evil this mindset it. It's almost like they cheer each other on and root for the abuser. I just don't get it.

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I took a look to see what any of them had to say, for the most part they all just attempted some weird sort of christian Russian reversal of the original question like " How can a loving God not send you to hell!". They just parroted nonsensical bits of dogma concerning hell, the same ones I always heard. I was a bit disappointed really, I would have hoped they would have given it a bit more thought then they did.


Then I saw why they don't have much variety or depth of opinion.


Originally Posted by CrimsonKing

"But what if they don't hear it? Or hear it but don't recognize it? Is it right for them to be sent to hell because their ears aren't as well-tuned?"


Making this statement shows that in your mind you question the fact that none will be left without the 'witness' of the Word. You are assuming that a righteous, just, merciful, compassionate Father will allow ones to perish in sin without the opportunity to accept the Gospel of Christ. You should go back and rethink your ideas in the Light of the Word.

Your statement;['Is it right for them to be sent to hell because their ears aren't as well-tuned?']proves that your confidence and faith in Father is lacking in some points and that you are letting the 'worldview' creep into your thoughts. These thoughts should be brought captive under the Mind of Christ, and cast out and considered no more.

Effectively, your statement 'judges' God by questioning whether His decisions would be 'wrong or right', and puts yourself in danger of hellfire.

Please repent from this and correct this problem in your life, before it costs you a great price, for God will not be mocked.





Double wow! A bazillion wows!


This is an excellent example of coercive persuasion in action. Discourage rational thought but making club membership contingent on accepting only one 'prescribed' solution.




PS Piprus - "Fucktardishness" great word morphing!

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Lets reverse it again:


I have no problem rejecting God's hate towards rational thought, open minded discussion and non-Christian world views.

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Love me!


*SMACK* *Whack* *CR-ACK*


Love ME, Bitch!


I think that about sums up their view of god's love. I wonder how many of them beat their wives as well, for their own good of course.

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Lets reverse it again:


I have no problem rejecting God's hate towards rational thought, open minded discussion and non-Christian world views.

Oh I like this one. I hate the sinner, not the god that sins by hating. LOL

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Guest Freepagan

I shuddered when I read that mess, because I used to believe the same things. I'm still astounded that I... actually... believed... that... crap.

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Look on the bright side, they're not here...

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I also reject the idea of a God that created us as such that we could be assumed to reject an imaginary being's made-up love, and that somehow would be the argument for the same imaginary being's existence...

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I wonder if this is one of those parents that spanks their kids every day just to remind them not be misbehave?

I guess biblegod just isn't mean enough for him. This is what happens when people internalize too deeply the message that they are fatally flawed, evil and worthless for the simple act of being born.


I've been wondering a lot lately if god can make a millstone big enough to hang around his own neck, and create a sea large enough to throw himself into.

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