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Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed


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Just saw a trailer for this on tv - more creationist propaganda


Ben Stein's Expelled



release date april 18, 2008

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I plan on going to see the movie. And every time I spot something I think is blatant bullshit I am going to yell BULLSHIT!


I don't believe that evolution is the end all, be all of biology. There is much more to biology than just evolution. However I have little patience with those that deny it.

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I plan on going to see the movie. And every time I spot something I think is blatant bullshit I am going to yell BULLSHIT!
Don't forget to buy a truth ticket if you do go and see it.


I don't believe that evolution is the end all, be all of biology. There is much more to biology than just evolution. However I have little patience with those that deny it.
Just about everything in biology is seen through the lens of evolution.
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Thanks Scitso. Truth ticket huh? Might not be a bad idea.


As for the "lens" of evolution... I imagine that I could become quite a proficient medical doctor and have only a passing knowledge of evolution.

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Thanks Scitso. Truth ticket huh? Might not be a bad idea.


As for the "lens" of evolution... I imagine that I could become quite a proficient medical doctor and have only a passing knowledge of evolution.

You could get by as an MD, but knowledge of evolution certainly helps when dealing with infectious diseases. I don't really think of MDs as biologists, more of anatomy-and-physiologists, and even then they don't really have a deep understanding of A&P unless they start dealing with why our bodies are the way they are, which you cannot study without evolution.

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Guest Anticontrame

Those truth tickets are awsome! :)


Thanks Scitso. Truth ticket huh? Might not be a bad idea.


As for the "lens" of evolution... I imagine that I could become quite a proficient medical doctor and have only a passing knowledge of evolution.


Kind of. You could study the biology and not believe in evolution, but if you start prescribing antibiotics willy-nilly because you don't think they're evolving a resistance, IMO you're a bad doctor.

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Good point, I think, about the evolving resistance of bacteria.


I am suggesting that medical doctors have little need for a theory of evolution, even if they embrace it with all their heart. It's not a matter of belief or disbelief. It's a matter of relevance. What they need to know is the way the various components of the body function and lapse into disfunction. They don't need to know how those components came into being through evolution.

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this movie is blow up and get alot of media attention and were gonna have some half-assed 5 minute cnn debates. this nation is so easy :rolleyes:

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Also check out the article on the main blog: Manufactroversy

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I had thought Ben Stein was more intelligent.

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I had thought Ben Stein was more intelligent.



Agreed. I loved his game "Ben Stein's Money" a few years back. I would have never guessed he was this stupid.

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I'm not watching that. No way I'm giving any of my money to ID! (except, of course, when "ID" refers to "International Delights" -- an excellent coffee shop, but I digress).


I saw some fundy post awhile ago in response to the anti-bacterial resistance argument stating "you are attempting to combine biochemistry with evolution." I laughed very hard and also lamented the state of humanity.

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I'm so goddamn sick of creationists. Fucking dumbasses will argue to the death about shit they know nothing about. They are officially my #1 pet peeve of all time. You could spit a huge lugie in my face and that still would not piss me off nearly as much as a creationist. No exaggeration.

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Creationists will beat intelligent design to death for the next 150 years because the mean atheist judges in America ruled against its use in school because it had no factual basis. In short, intelligent design is a made-up story, a lot like Moses, Jesus, and Clinton getting elected this year. :P


The more xtian psycophants (as opposed to sycophants) are ruled against concerning ID, they will claim the devil is after their way of life and on and on and on.

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Creationists will beat intelligent design to death for the next 150 years because the mean atheist judges in America ruled against its use in school because it had no factual basis. In short, intelligent design is a made-up story, a lot like Moses, Jesus, and Clinton getting elected this year. :P


The more xtian psycophants (as opposed to sycophants) are ruled against concerning ID, they will claim the devil is after their way of life and on and on and on.


I wonder if this is also spewing young earth crap too?


I had no idea Ben Stein was a nut job, I too thought he was smart... Sounds like hes just another nutjob.

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I'm so goddamn sick of creationists.

I feel much the same way Jimmy. They seem to push every button that I have. I am currently debating a young Earth creationist on another forum and I am trying my level best not to become frustrated, disgusted, accusatory, etc. It seems to me like a perfect opportunity to excersise some self-control.

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I had no idea Ben Stein was a nut job, I too thought he was smart... Sounds like hes just another nutjob.

He might be clever as a fox. He almost certainly will rake in the cash on this one.

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Yes, darwinism rules, yes creationism sucks, I'm all agreeing and nodding. But i'm still kind of annoyed that it is not allowed to question some things, when one of the basic principles of science is to be critical. I mean, flat earth, unsplittable atoms, non-regenerating brain cells!

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Yes, darwinism rules, yes creationism sucks, I'm all agreeing and nodding. But i'm still kind of annoyed that it is not allowed to question some things, when one of the basic principles of science is to be critical. I mean, flat earth, unsplittable atoms, non-regenerating brain cells!

Emme I think I understand what you are saying. In my mind there is the fact of evolution and then there are our theories about this fact. To me it seems perfectly within the realm of science to question the theories. But it is unscientific to deny the fact.


Did that make sense?

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Makes sense, LG!

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Yes, darwinism rules, yes creationism sucks, I'm all agreeing and nodding. But i'm still kind of annoyed that it is not allowed to question some things, when one of the basic principles of science is to be critical. I mean, flat earth, unsplittable atoms, non-regenerating brain cells!

Emme I think I understand what you are saying. In my mind there is the fact of evolution and then there are our theories about this fact. To me it seems perfectly within the realm of science to question the theories. But it is unscientific to deny the fact.


Did that make sense?

I don't think any scientist worth her/his salt would deny that. As a matter of fact, it's precisely that understanding about the difference between the existence of evolution and our attempt to explain the how it works which most people lack. Instead they erroneously believe the "theory" in the ToE applies to the process itself rather than the mechanism which drives it.

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What the fuck, the trailer doesn't even make any sense at all, let alone the film. Since when will quesitoning Darwinism end your career? Last I checked, Christians ruled the country and had more rights than anyone. And since when were scientists not allowed to think about God? Last I checked, wasn't Albert Einstein a deist? Do people honestly take this shit seriously? This trailer just screams "fucking paranoid" to me.

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What the fuck, the trailer doesn't even make any sense at all, let alone the film. Since when will quesitoning Darwinism end your career? Last I checked, Christians ruled the country and had more rights than anyone.


I can't help but appreciate the irony of creationists attacking "Darwinism" when anyone who's taken a biology class in the past 50 years could tell you the scientific community's understanding of evolutionary theory has long since moved beyond the basic foundation laid down by the field's creator.


Which is not to say appropriate credit isn't still given to Darwin, of course, but the science of evolution didn't dogmatically begin and end with him. Even Charles D. got a few things wrong.


And since when were scientists not allowed to think about God? Last I checked, wasn't Albert Einstein a deist? Do people honestly take this shit seriously? This trailer just screams "fucking paranoid" to me.


As a side tangent, I'm not aware any successful attempt has been made to pin down Einstein's beliefs. While it is known he didn't believe in a personal deity such as the God of Abraham, he never really came right out and said "I'm a(n) [X]."

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What the fuck, the trailer doesn't even make any sense at all, let alone the film. Since when will quesitoning Darwinism end your career? Last I checked, Christians ruled the country and had more rights than anyone.


I can't help but appreciate the irony of creationists attacking "Darwinism" when anyone who's taken a biology class in the past 50 years could tell you the scientific community's understanding of evolutionary theory has long since moved beyond the basic foundation laid down by the field's creator.


Which is not to say appropriate credit isn't still given to Darwin, of course, but the science of evolution didn't dogmatically begin and end with him. Even Charles D. got a few things wrong.


And since when were scientists not allowed to think about God? Last I checked, wasn't Albert Einstein a deist? Do people honestly take this shit seriously? This trailer just screams "fucking paranoid" to me.


As a side tangent, I'm not aware any successful attempt has been made to pin down Einstein's beliefs. While it is known he didn't believe in a personal deity such as the God of Abraham, he never really came right out and said "I'm a(n) [X]."


To his credit:


"I consider ethics to be an exclusively human concern without any superhuman authority behind it."

-Albert Einstein

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