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Alanis Morissette Is A Terrorist!

The Sage Nabooru

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Exactly as I received it, the only things I've added are numerous "sics" to point out the shitty spelling.


I am sending a message out to all of you, to boycot [sic] and avoid at all costs a particular celebrity eager to celebrate the deaths of thousands of people on 9/11, and eager to give her support to Muslim terrorists and Al-Qaida [sic] all over the world......


That celebrity is Alanis Morrissette [sic].


A real wolf in sheep's clothing, she pretends to spout off about peace, love, and happiness, when all she does is insurt [sic] support for Islam and for terrorism in her songs. If you don't believe me........




This is her song "Thank You".


How about getting off of these

How about stopping eating when I'm full up= It's a well known fact that Americans have the best access to food in the world, a privilige [sic] we enjoy. Morrissette [sic] wants us to stop enjoying our food and only eat enough to get us by so that the rest of our food can go to feed those poor starving Muslims shooting rockets at our soldiers - typical liberal point of view!

How about them transparent dangling carrots

How about that ever ellusive [sic] kudo


Thank you India= India is home to the largest Muslim population in the world

Thank you terror= NO EXPLANATION NEEDED!!!! How obvious can you get???

Thank you disilusionment [sic]= The Muslim's disilusionment [sic] with America and its values

Thank you frailty= the frailty of terrorism victims who are by and large civilians, makes them easier to kill

Thank you consequence= Muslims spout off that 9/11 is the "consequence" of being American and that we deserved it

Thank you silence= SILENCE= DEATH


How about me not blaming you for everything

How about me enjoying the moment for once= Muslims think they've suffered so much because they haven't been given permission to control the world, and that 9/11 was the moment they finally got to enjoy

How about how good it feels to finally forgive you

How about greeving [sic] it all one at a time= Muslims "greeving" [sic] over there [sic] "huge loses" [sic]


Repeat chorus


The moment I let go of it was the moment I got more than I could handle= 9/11 Muslims finally got what they wanted but now have a WAR ON TERROR on there [sic] hands

The moment I jumped off of it was the moment I jumped down= remember the sickining [sic] images of people jumping off the Twin Towers?


How about no longer being massocistic [sic]= "massocistic [sic]" means "letting people hurt you", 9/11 Muslims spouting off that they're not going to be hurt by the America any more!

How about remembering your divinity= Islam, Allah

How about unabashedly bawling your eyes out= Americans crying at 9/11 and there [sic] deaths because of Muslim terrorism

How about not equating death with stopping= suicide bombing, you die but still manage to kill others= mission acomplisshed [sic]!


Thank you India

Thank you providence= Allah allowing them to make their attacks

Thank you disilusionment [sic]

Thank you nothingness= What Muslims want Americans and America to be= NOTHINGNESS!

Thank you clarity= The clarity of Muslim visions

Thank you silence


Alanis Morrissette [sic] supports terrorism. She is a Canadian and a liberal and NOT a American [sic]. Do NOT let this terrorism supporter get our American dollars or a place on our American shelves!



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Exactly as poignant, insightful, and concise as I would expect from a fundie. Do they just sit around looking for stuff to be pissed about? :lmao:

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The song Thank U was released Oct 6 1998.




This invalidates any assumption that this song is in any way related to 9-11. Which happened in 2001.


Now, the song was inspired by a trip to India, but India is predominantly a HINDU country at 80%, with Islam as 13%




If someone wants to scapegoat a musical artist, the least they could do is some very basic research, which is clearly beyond the capabilities of the composer of this nursery school level hate propoganda.


This is what I'd send as a reply to whoever sent you this stupid tripe Sage, if you haven't sent something similar already.

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Now, the song was inspired by a trip to India, but India is predominantly a HINDU country at 80%, with Islam as 13%

I was going to poin that out too. It's amazing how twisted and perveted the mind of some people get. Do people seriously think that religion gives them the green-light to lie and make up stuff? It's definitely seems that way. If there is a God, he would have made the 10 commandments only to apply for the morontheists, to remind them, since it seems morontheists are the only ones that keep forget not to lie.

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Does anyone else wonder about the "SILENCE = DEATH!" comment? I mean if a person cannot ever quiet themselves and their surroundings it might explain them writing paranoid drivel like this.

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Now, the song was inspired by a trip to India, but India is predominantly a HINDU country at 80%, with Islam as 13%

I was going to poin that out too. It's amazing how twisted and perveted the mind of some people get. Do people seriously think that religion gives them the green-light to lie and make up stuff? It's definitely seems that way. If there is a God, he would have made the 10 commandments only to apply for the morontheists, to remind them, since it seems morontheists are the only ones that keep forget not to lie.

I don't know, I imagine that's a fairly easy mistake to make when one's mind makes no distinction between "Muslims" and "brown people."

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But doesn't he know that she's God? (Thank you Kevin Smith.)

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Nonsense, that's Morgan Freeman's job!



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It's TRUE! Finally someone has shown what LIBERALS REALLY THINK!


And it doesn't only work with Alanis Morrisette! Just check out these wicked lyrics which thinly disguise anti-Americanism, pro-TERRORISM, and PRO-DEATH PROPOGANDA!


"Pretty lady, here's a list I would show you, (a list of CITIES that the TERRORISTS are going to BOMB NEXT!)

Of the fair ones my master has courted, (the stupid liberal americans the Muzmlums have TRICKED!)

Here you'll find them all duly assorted,

In my writing, will't please you to look, (yes yes, look AWAY from the EVIDENCE that you are being TRICKED!)

Here is Italy, six hundred and forty, (the year 640 was when MUHAMMAD captured JERUSALEM!)

France is down for five hundred and twenty, (U.N. security counsel resultion !!520!! demands that all Syrians leave Lebanon, a haven for TERORISTS!)

Only two hundred the Rhineland supplied him, (200 people in BOMBAY DIED from a TERRORIST BOMBING!)

But mark the climax, Spain has already one thousand and three, (1003 + 1000 = 2003, the year the U.S. INVADED IRAQ!)

Here are Countesses in plenty. (yes, there are many pretty white women to be raped while the liberals WATCH!)

Waitingmaids, nineteen or twenty. (they're coming for your DAUGHTERS!)

Rustic beauties, Marchionesses,

Ev'ry grade his pow'r confesses. (the Muslimms are gaining power thanks to LIBERALS and in SCHOOL we are TOUGHT to love SATAN = "grade his pow'r professes!")

Here are courtly dames and maidens, (your DAUGHTERS!)

Young and handsome, old and plain. (even the UGLY ONES!)

Is a maiden fair and slender, (WHITE WOMEN!)

He will praise her for modest sweetness, (the liberals are going to EAT YOUR DAUGHTERS!)

Then the dark ones are so tender! (eh ... who cares about the blacks ...)

Lintwhite tresses shew discreetness;

When 'tis cold he likes her portly, (=reference to the PORT that the ARAB EMIRATES were trying to BUY ON U.S. SOIL!)

In the summer, slim and courtly, (does the writer know about an attack THIS SUMMER??)

Tall and haughty, ne'er she alarms him, (only if we fight BACK against the LIBERALS, the A-RABS will never take us SERIOUSLY!)

If she's tiny, no less she charms him.

Ripe duennas he engages,

That their names may grace these pages, (the names of those that will DIE thanks to LIBERALS!)

But what most he's bent on winning,

Is of youth the sweet beginning, ( ... your DAUGHTERS!)

Poor or wealthy, wan or healthy, (sparing NO ONE!)

Stately dame or modest beauty, (not even the BEAUTIES!)

He to win them makes his duty, (it is the DUTY of a LIBERAL to "win" the true americans i.e. drinking their blood)

And you know it, not in vain." (it can all be in vain if we fight BACK!)


- Leporello's aria in "Don Giovanni"



As you can see, the terrifying truth is that MOZART WAS A TERRORIST!

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I don't know, I imagine that's a fairly easy mistake to make when one's mind makes no distinction between "Muslims" and "brown people."

Aaah, you're right. It's the damn turbans. You become a Muslim when you wear a turban. Has nothing to do with belief, but it's the latest in clothes. It was featured in latest Vogue... :grin:

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Does anyone else wonder about the "SILENCE = DEATH!" comment? I mean if a person cannot ever quiet themselves and their surroundings it might explain them writing paranoid drivel like this.

That gave me an idea.


The Christians Terrorism Proclamation Song:


Silent night, holy night. = A "Holy" Christian, bombing in the night, which results in silence

All is quiet, all is bright = very quiet from bombinb innocent, and the Christians think this is the bright, new future

Round yon virgin mother and child = They're celebrating Christian terrorism by dancing around a statue of Virgin Mary and baby Jesus

Holy infant so tender and mild = Jesus is a cute baby

Sleep in heavenly peace = all the innocent who died in the bomb, sleep in peace

Sleep in heavenly peace


--- So stupid. You can take any song and interpret it to whatever you want.

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Wow - didn't Charlie Manson do this exact thing with the White Album? Hey Sage - you're not buying any ranches in Death Valley, are you?

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