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Goodbye Jesus

Atheist Magnetism?


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I have a Facebook account. On there I say I'm an atheist. I get some bad rap for it, my freshman year my first roommate and his friends threatned to beat me up for being an atheist. But latelty something has changed. I'm noticing a lot of people coming to me to explain there religious views and get my take on them, not in a means to convert me to there views per say, but it's like "Oh, you're an atheist so I can talk you about this stuff and not other people"


Does anyone else get this? Maybe being an Objectivist helps with my confidence in my atheism and my unshamed showing of it, or I'm just a nice guy. Whatever it is, I'v seen to developed some atheist magnetism.

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Goodbye Jesus

I've had some discussions I would have never had before, and certainly my answers to questions have changed drastically now that I'm no longer a Christian or even a theist. I have talked about religion with some folks that probably wouldn't have discussed it with me before for fear of me trying to convert them or something.

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Well, having gone to a Christian college I was generally just getting the torches, pitchforks, and demands that I sit, shut-the-fuck-up, and allow them to re-evangelize me.


Mmmm... sweet freedom!

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Where I live, I've had religious discussions that involve slamming the church more than actually talking about dogma and spiritualism. The only person I really talked to about it, a buddy of mine I went to high school with. He has a religion degree and he told me it was the most worthless degree of all.


Talk about fun times.

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I see a change in views in America. Officially, theocratic forces are hard at work to keep us a Christian nation, have prayer in public schools, teach creationism, etc. But on an individual level, I think atheism is slowly losing its stigma. Five years ago I would have never believed a book like "The God Delusion" would make the best seller list. I now see atheist and humanist bumper stickers whereas I never used to see anything but those fucking fish. Maybe people are slowly growing smarter and more sophisticated in their religious thought, but it will take some time for that shift to manifest in our government.

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I see a change in views in America. Officially, theocratic forces are hard at work to keep us a Christian nation, have prayer in public schools, teach creationism, etc. But on an individual level, I think atheism is slowly losing its stigma. Five years ago I would have never believed a book like "The God Delusion" would make the best seller list. I now see atheist and humanist bumper stickers whereas I never used to see anything but those fucking fish. Maybe people are slowly growing smarter and more sophisticated in their religious thought, but it will take some time for that shift to manifest in our government.


I'm reading your post. I'm looking at your avatar to see where you're from. And I remember correctly. The South. In the States. Wow! You really think something is changing? This thread is about the best news I've had in a century.


We're allowed to exaggerate, right? I'm not quite a century old yet. :scratch:


On the other hand, I've just done a lot of study on the past three or four centuries to see how fundamentalism developed. And it all got worse, and worse, and worse. And finally the twin towers crashed and this terrible war started and the economy crashed and.........


Just before the economy crashed The God Delusion came out.


Exactly where was god when the towers crashed and the economy followed? Nothing speaks to a man like touching his pocket book. Even fundies understand that language. And the fundy's would-be-wealthy wife has got to get the message, too, somehow or other when her husband goes shoots himself and leaves her sitting with a houseful of kids and a huge debt that SHE raked up.


Okay, that's really dredging up the picture. But something happened if threads like this can be posted. And the sociologist in me is asking: WHAT HAPPENED?

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Ruby, I'm in Florida, which isn't really the South in the classical sense. Most people here are from somewhere else (NY, OH, MA, MI and Canada). You have to leave the metropolitan areas to see the real hicks.


Here in St. Pete and Tampa there are some sophisticated people, at least more than you'll find in some other southern states and small towns.

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I see a change in views in America. Officially, theocratic forces are hard at work to keep us a Christian nation, have prayer in public schools, teach creationism, etc. But on an individual level, I think atheism is slowly losing its stigma. Five years ago I would have never believed a book like "The God Delusion" would make the best seller list. I now see atheist and humanist bumper stickers whereas I never used to see anything but those fucking fish. Maybe people are slowly growing smarter and more sophisticated in their religious thought, but it will take some time for that shift to manifest in our government.


Following the last two posts I live in the south. A week from now there is going to be conferense in the Civic Center our small college town about "Dismantling of God" or something about how God is being taken out of "public life" and how "we" (Christians, not me) can fight it. They don't seem to make any qualms in saying it.


At least where I am from I don't see a change for the better, I see a change in a few individuals. Like watching a flock of sheep heading towards a cliff and a few step out and turn around. The others are still racing for the cliff. You know what I mean?

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