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Goodbye Jesus

Jinxed Christianinty


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Ok.. this tale starts around 25+ years ago. I lived with my dad, who is (of all things to be) a southern baptist. Anyone see the trouble immediately? I was the only girl with three brothers and they all believed in a very biblical man as the head of woman thing, though I still don't think leaving welts on my face really qualified, cliffnotes: it was a voilent upbringing with me being the daughter and mother both, holding my place in this world. This cozy little world of sunday school and bible beating shattered in a night of voilence I won't go into due to severe personal trauma.

In the end I wondered for the first time in my then 12 year old life why 'god' let such things happen. That was my first question and the ijit preacher telling me to 'trust in god' wasn't flying very well. Then I started taking science classes at school and OH-BoY did that spark up a hornets nest. I am very empirical minded. I could not understand how caine could have gone to the land of nodd and taken a wife when there were only 4 people.. the church responded, read the bible.. I did.

Every single page.

I enjoyed the creation tale in Genisis.. both of them.

So much that I questioned how there could be two tales and decided one had to be lying which didn't make me really popular with the sunday school teachers.

I decided if the devil was the father of lies and he and god had battled for the heavens how did we know which one really won? Was it possible that god was actually satan and satan god?

This didn't net me any popularity votes but the preacher was 'worried' about my tendancy to question 'faith'.

I noticed the accounts of 'jesus' in the first four books of the new testament were vastly different from each other as well.


By then we'd moved in with my mother who happily encouraged me to keep asking questions and not taking "Trust god" or "have faith" as my answer.. at 14 I discovered Wicca. A religion that was based in nature and accepted others, did not denigrate people for having other beliefs, didn't try some machoist super daddy tactic. I 'converted' to wicca then and 25 years later I am still a wiccan.


Anyway thats the abridged version. Zen knows a bit more but I've known Zen for about 10 years now. She's entitled.

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My dad was a southern baptist minister. I was also a nondenom. minister for several years before leaving the cult of christ. If you include the Book of John: 'In the beginning was the Word,' you have at least three different creation stories. Glad to have you here.

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My dad was a southern baptist minister. I was also a nondenom. minister for several years before leaving the cult of christ. If you include the Book of John: 'In the beginning was the Word,' you have at least three different creation stories. Glad to have you here.


As a result the trauma I endured I learned to hate, deep down never ending anger, the church. They did not believe in 'help' in the normal professional sense. I hated myself, I hated the church, I hated god, I was angry at the world. I took pleasure in the frustration I could cause little granny sunday school teacher and mind violating preachers both. I learned hate at their hands. I learned to let it go with a buddhist martial artist. I learned to love myself and accept that that bad things didn't happen because I was bad. Bad things happen to good people, you learn to live with them and eventually choose to live beyond them.

The nuts from dad's church would never have accepted that I was not responsible or my 'hoydenish' ways didn't bring about the problem. .. well you get the idea. Beating did not bring back the child from before, the girl who did everything she was told and believed god was the ultimate power, daddys little angel. That girl died 25 years ago and realistically I let her R.I.P. I don't regret letting her go, letting them go.

If we dont grow we stagnate.

Though to be perfectly honest I still detest xtianity as a cult.

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Welcome, Jincks! :wave:

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Guest Zenobia

Hey Lady - I may not have time to say much because my compy keeps crashing :-/ but thank you for sharing your story. You know I've heard bits and pieces, but its good to see you unload it here too.


You know the kind of guts it takes to be true to who you are.




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In the end I wondered for the first time in my then 12 year old life why 'god' let such things happen. That was my first question and the ijit preacher telling me to 'trust in god' wasn't flying very well. Then I started taking science classes at school and OH-BoY did that spark up a hornets nest. I am very empirical minded. I could not understand how caine could have gone to the land of nodd and taken a wife when there were only 4 people.. the church responded, read the bible.. I did.



I am glad that you had the sense to take Science Classes. At least you must have been lucky to be at a school that teaches science unlike many in the United Christian States of America.

This is why I agree with Prof. Richard Dawkins and his objection to brainwashing children with the book of bullshit - the bible. THEY MUST BE TAUGHT SCIENCE. Christopher Hitchens in his book "god is not Great" is states how Religion poisons everything. My study of science helped rescue me from the clutches of a worse church that the Southern Baptist - the Roman Catholic Church. I fear for America now that that Liar for Jesus: Pope Ratslinger is there spreaing all his bullshit. At least his church is suffering from all the D.O.P.s (Dirty old Priests) and they have cost it millions of dollars in compensation.


Jincks, continue learning science, especially Astronomy. You will soon realise that "Creation" never happened. There is no Creator/God. There was no beginning. Matter/Energy have ALWAYS existed and evolution resulted in the Universe.


Man was not made by "god". "God" was made by man.

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Jincks, continue learning science, especially Astronomy. You will soon realise that "Creation" never happened. There is no Creator/God. There was no beginning. Matter/Energy have ALWAYS existed and evolution resulted in the Universe.


Man was not made by "god". "God" was made by man.


That was 25+ years ago. Actually my favorite area of study is paleoanthropology. I am an evoluntionist and I never stopped asking Why? I pissed off teen church group administrators asking about the tonnage of the ark and the logistics, critically pointing out you cannot feed all the species of carnivors on "7 pair of unclean animals' because there are too many carnivors for that. The dimensions of the ark would have been larger then three aircraft carriers put togather.

I encouraged my children to question and not blindly accept. Neither is a xtian.

I won't date a xtian; we'd have little in common and with the antipathy I still feel about this belief system that wouldn't be a good idea. Life goes on, we learn, we live, we grow.

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Welcome to this forum! Glad to have you on this message board.


Thanks for sharing the info. about your background. Many of us have experienced similar things.


I have endured two stints in the Southern Baptist church, and it was the last one that helped me to shed the lies of Christianity once and for all.


When I was a teenager, my parents left the Presbyterian church I grew up in (a very small, very elderly congregation) and we started attending a large Southern Baptist church. I was doubtful at first, but this church really has an intoxicating style of music, so I was swallowed in, somewhat.


I still listened to my secular rock music, however, and that got me in trouble.


A so-called "friend" squealed on me to the youth director, who in turned talked to my parents. My mom and dad confronted me. I was listening to the "devil's music," stuff like Ratt, Loverboy and The Scorpions (gasp). My mom hauled off and slugged me in the face, and I remember blood from my nose running down my throat. I was tempted, but didn't hit her back.


Finaly I graduated high school, and for years afterward, I wanted nothing to do with church.


After attending some of the liberal Christian congregations (Methodist, Presbyterian) with my wife and kids, like a moth to a flame I was enticed back to the same Southern Baptist church I attended as a teen. (It's kind of like an abuse victim going back to his/her abuser). My wife and kids stayed at the Methodist church while I dove into the waters of evangelicalism.


But after participating in a class in which we studied the Bible in depth, and combed through all its "very literal" meanings and looked for ways to apply it to our daily lives, a funny thing happened. I could no longer take it seriously. I began to see this christian god for the schizophrenic monster he is. Only an evil being would profess love and forgiveness and then destroy and torture his creation, with promises to torture you forever if you don't love him and accept him.


No thanks!


Today, I'm happily free of Christianity. Glad to hear that you have broken free as well.


All the best,


Alpha Centauri

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