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Which Religion Is Most Annoying?

Guest Zenobia

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Only ones that don't piss me off is the Salvation Army and Quakers... BTW those aren't religions they're sects (other than the Quakers, and I'm not sure they're really classed as 'Christian' broadly)


For overall religions


1)Islam - the AK47 of religion... they absolutely, positively have to kill every other mother fucker in the room...


2) Christianity - The Borg of Religions... prepare to be assimilated, resistance is futile...


3) Bahai - they just irritate me...

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For my vote I have to say Jehovah's Witnesses. Because they stalk you. *eek*


Mormons do that too and there are more of them around here. One time I had to walk into the ladies room so that the Mormon guy walking with me wouldn't find out where I lived! But I still think the JW's are creepier. At least the Mormons don't watch my house to figure out when I'm likely to be home! The JW's finally went away after I tried to convince them that my cat was the almighty creator and one true god whom they should start worshiping at once, though.

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nothing telling them to get off your land while brandishing a yard brush won't cure :) At least in my experience...

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Don't so much mind the Salvation Army.

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They've never preached at me... even when I was helping them out...

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I'm surprised that LDS church wasn't mentioned... because of the Mitt Romney BS, or thier Salt Lake City games scandal, or LDS splinter groups running amuck making life difficult for law enforcers, or actually making a CITY and a State based on their church, or going through birth records, parish records of other faiths and being stick up their ass, to baptise deceased people. That alone is their Ultimate fuck you to the world. You dont' like us fine! one way or the other we'll make you a Mormon....

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I actually thing Salvation Army are all right. Might be better to put Mormons up there instead of them in the poll....

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I had to vote Independent Evangelicals.


Even though I have had the JW's knock on my door a couple of times, a thank you for the pamphlet and no thank you I don't want to talk is all that was necessary.


IE's on the other hand have driven me away from otherwise fun message boards, because they take every opportunity to show how much they love God, even in mundane stories they tell.

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Tie between the Pentacostals and Baptists. I actually do not mind Jehovah Witnesses so much as they usually are more apt to listen to "why" you do not believe vs. the close-minded, in your face, satan has deceived you fundaMENTALists. Jehovahs do not believe in eternal torment so really, though smeared in religious bullshit, they are just trying to spread the word of peace. Funny, you'd think more Pentaostals and Baptists (Zeus Forbid!) would go door to door seeings how they do believe in eternal torment...which makes one question the depth of their belief in such a place.

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I voted for evangelical, because they are constantly running their mouth and active in trying to change laws to suit their version of morality.

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The most annoying is whichever one I'm in range of at a given time.


JW knocking at the door. The Pentecostal TV evangelist as I flip through channels. News about popes and pedophile priests. Those goddam Salvation Army bell ringers at Christmas. The moron walking down the local highway carrying a cross (on wheels), politically active evangelicals moving us toward theocracy.


I guess they all are irritating in turn.

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Pentecostals got my vote. They are one of the least tolerant, most rabid, buybull thumping literalists cults around. Actually one of their mission is to save and convert Jews so Christ will come. They program all children to live in fear and love and thrive on the end times, death, and mayhem. They win my vote hands down.

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They all give me hives.

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Guest Zenobia

OMG you guys are right I left off Mormons... sorry about that. I borrowed the list from some online list of all christian religions/sects and they didn't include latter day saints. Maybe they are among the evangelicals? I tried to edit but I don't think you can edit polls once people participate. Anyway I agree Mormons are totally annoying. I work with a plethora of them and they are downright bitchy about their religion too.


I didn't include Islam, Judaism, Scientology or others because I was focusing on Xtian religions. Might be worth another poll, lol. I don't have much against Judaism, Jews mostly keep it to themselves and they have a sense of humor. But Mesianic Jews (Jews for Jesus) are another story. They get really pushy about it! I work with one of them too...

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For my vote I have to say Jehovah's Witnesses. Because they stalk you. *eek*


Really? They seem to leave me alone. I'd love to have a couple of them stalk me.

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Actually religious folks in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota mostly leave you alone. It is part of our culture not to snoop in the business of others, so folks just assume you are already a Christian. JW's don't do well hereabouts mostly for that reason. You don't see them on the streets anywhere very often. Also most folks are Lutheran, Catholic, or Methodist and not very evangelisticly minded.

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Anglicans are the nicest christians I think. They're so laid back it's almost like christianity is like a nice hobby to do on the weekend.


Salvation Army may seem ok to people - but believe me if you actually attend their services or are part of the organisation then it can get quite annoying - but then sentimental, slushy christianity (with a hint of the old 'fighting the devil' metaphors) always is annoying. But at least they're annoying in a kind of irritating way, rather than the scary 'help me, my mind is in danger of being destroyed' way that more fundamentalist churches are annoying.


Just offering my insight as an ex-salvation-army bod.


I voted for pentacostals. If Salvation Army are like an irritating mosquito bite - then pentacostals and their ilk are like a sledgehammer to the face.

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I voted for the Baptists. They are the backbone of the Religious Right and the Bible Belt. In addition, when I was a Christian in Southern California, it seemed that even all the other denominations thought that they were assholes.

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Actually religious folks in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota mostly leave you alone. It is part of our culture not to snoop in the business of others, so folks just assume you are already a Christian. JW's don't do well hereabouts mostly for that reason. You don't see them on the streets anywhere very often. Also most folks are Lutheran, Catholic, or Methodist and not very evangelisticly minded.


I am going with Catholicism and even Lutheranism, not in the sense that they bug you or anything like that.


They just have churches in every fucking town!!!


Sadly, due to rural geography, you will see churches standing alone on the prairie like old lone trees. This phenomenon is rampant from eastern Montana to western Minnesota.


As I have left Christianity, every church I see is now an eyesore.


The North Dakota culture is much like Minnesota and Wisconsin, and I have been visited by the Jehovah's Witnesses but that happened when I wasn't around. The contact with them and even the Mormons has been rather limited, so I have to go the first choice on the poll.


Plus, it is the underdog.

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Guest Zenobia

I know what you mean, mathgeek... there are waaaay to damn many churches. On one of the roads near our house there are 8, count-em, eight, churches in a two-mile radius.... And that isn't enough because they are now building a new one.... *shudder*

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Other: Faith movement (Word of Faith)

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Well, if I lived anywhere near fanatical Muslims, then no doubt those take the cake.


But I live in a hotbed for Southern Baptists. They're so self-righteous that they often look down on less rabid Christian denominations. I was once one myself, so I'm pretty familiar with them.


The city I live in, as well as much of Texas and the South, is overrun by Southern Baptists. Many of them are determined to change the laws to cater to their viewpoint, and they're shove-it-down-your-throat types and want to teach creationism and have mandatory prayer in school (although the ones who can afford it send their kids to Christian schools, or they homeschool).


They believe they are being persecuted, although they are in the majority!

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I voted for other actually, because as annoying as I think fundies are, as long as you keep them under control, they're actually pretty predictable to deal with in debates. But I actually think moderate xtianity is more annoying than fundies because the moderate xtian mindset makes no sense to me and they're so unpredictable to debate with, sometimes. Like sometimes I can have a pretty good debate with CINOs and I respect that they hate fundamentalism too and some of them who don't believe in a strict interpretation of the scriptures will even admit that some of God's actions in the bible are immoral. Yet they still identify as Christians even though they otherwise don't have a religious bone in their body and I just don't understand that. Then other times I'll get these moderate xtians who keep saying "God is love" and try to reimagine Christianity as some sort of bizarre New Age hippy movement with Jesus being like the biggest hippy ever. And they claim to preach open mindness and acceptance when it comes to women, gays, and people from other faiths, yet the moment I say anything negative about Jesus and Christianity, the shit hits the fan and they can act as rabid as fundies do, so it's like impossible to debate religion with moderate xtians to me because I can never tell how they're going to react.


At least with fundies I can easily rip their arguments to shreds because they always react so predictably but with moderate xtians I feel like I have to bite my tongue all the time when it comes to religion for fear of offending one and appearing like I'm politically incorrect because I said something negative about Christianity. And it gets tiresome listening to their "God is love" mantra yet when you actually read the bible, it's the entire opposite of anything moderate xtianity preaches. I also get annoyed with how some moderate xtians claim to be not as judgmental as their fundie counterparts but sometimes they have this whole "I'm better than everyone else because I'm PC" smugness to them that annoys me. Then you have the liberal xtian presidential candidates like Hilary and Obama who claim to be open minded and accepting, but still desire to give xtians special rights over anyone who doesn't believe in God.


And I get annoyed with how whenever Christians do something to make Christianity look good, they'll always praise them for doing the will of God and spreading the love of Jebus, but whenever Christians do anything that make Christianity look bad, they'll deny that those are "real" Christians and disown them in a heartbeat because that would be inconvenient for them to actually deal with the fanatics their religion produces. Perhaps annoyed is the wrong term to use to describe how I feel about moderate xtianity and it would be more accurately described that I'm more frustrated with moderate xtians, and there are a few moderate xtians I know that are actually honest and good people. But the number of good xtians I know who aren't hypocrites are few and far between, and the ones I do know who are good and honest are mostly CINOs and backsliding Christians, anyway. Maybe I just don't understand moderate xtianity because I was raised as a fundie and we come from completely different backgrounds, but it just seems so pointless and flip-floppy to me and moderate xtians can be just too unpredictable to debate with that it can be frustrating at times.

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