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Goodbye Jesus

Young Female Student Freaks Out


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how many bets that this girl is just schizophrenic and in need for medical attention....

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What idiocy. I dare say praying won't cut it in sorting her out.

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She needs serious medical and mental help! People go to jail for not getting their children medical help and they simply rely on prayer...but if it is something that involves possession, the law stays out when they should step in and ensure the child is given the help they need. This is in another country, I know...but still, it applies here :-)

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Poor, poor girl. She's not getting the help she needs. Yes, calming her down was a good idea, but she should have been taken to a hospital immediately afterwards. Actually, forget should have been, she needs medical care. Poor kid. :stop:

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And his royal highness the Sultan "sex harem, using American women" of Brunei, just starts giggling at the beginning of the scene.... what an asshole.

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And his royal highness the Sultan "sex harem, using American women" of Brunei, just starts giggling at the beginning of the scene.... what an asshole.


You soooo don't want to get me going on that guy!! This poor girl needs medical and psychiatric help. Praying? No.. preying.

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I think it's complete bullshit. It's just an attention whore putting on a show for the cameras... either that or this "sultan" douchebag payed some girl to freak out and act possessed.


It reminds of me of the people in church that would start speaking in tongues when you were standing next to them during a prayer... you know it's horse shit - this is just a melodramatic version of that.

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