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Goodbye Jesus

Earth Day


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-And the Divine Creator hath given thee a form, and a place for it to live in joy and praise. The body of man is no different than the earth from which it came – even from the most simplistic matter was man shaped by the hand of the Divine Creator like a potters shapes a vase. And to the earth will mans body return. The gate of the grave is not a place of sadness, but of rest and ease – all things come from and must return to their source, so why then should the grave be a dreaded place? Lord! Don't they know that to destroy the earth is to corrupt their own flesh? To destroy the earth is like unto raising a hand against your mother who has taken care of you for so long – our mother earth is old, and humanity is young but it is time for us to take care of our parent for that is what she has done for us all along. It is not so hard to see that man has digressed into a self-centered and disobedient child only concerned with today's pleasure, but the price of today's pleasure is like a year of sorrow – so to avoid this suffering what does man do? He takes out a loan which he can not pay back – more pleasure today begets even more sorrow tomorrow, so goes the cycle and when death calls, fear sets in for man has grown to love his constructs too much, and has traded a short life of pleasure for suffering to be wrought upon his children. We need to make a change for those whom we love – mother earth and child. Happy Earth day people.


-Lets start a discussion about what we can do to make tomorrow a better place for everyone!

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I think we ought to try to be more conscious of how we are destroying the earth and be more environmentally aware of the impact we have on this earth. Why the religious overtones though? Why the "Divine creator" and "Lord" business? It isn't necessary to have a view of a God as creator to have a love for this world, the only planet we have and (with the sun) the source of all our life.

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I think we ought to try to be more conscious of how we are destroying the earth and be more environmentally aware of the impact we have on this earth. Why the religious overtones though? Why the "Divine creator" and "Lord" business? It isn't necessary to have a view of a God as creator to have a love for this world, the only planet we have and (with the sun) the source of all our life.


You're absolutely right Deva. We do need to be more conscious of the how's, and why's. The religious overtone is merely poetic, I know we have had some differences of opinion concerning these matters, and I agree with you when you say that there is no need to have a view of "god" or "divine creator" to have love of any type. When I say "Divine Creator" in reference to giving man a form, I am merely attempting to reconcile the scientific evolutionary progress of mans form from a mass of amino acids to his current state with the metaphoric formation of man given in the "holy texts" [Judeo/Islamic/etc...] so that anyone, be they theist or not, can realate with the message given. Take care. Blessed be.

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If we can convince the American Christians to give their dominionist beliefs, that might be a starting point.

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Yeah, I've been reading a bit about the dominionist movement. Evidently there are some pretty highly influential politicians that are signed up with the fundagelicals and are attempting to take over the world behind smoke screen politics - so whats worse, these snake-men policticians who try hard to look good while doing bad things, or their enemy - the fundamental madmen who enjoy blowing themselves up?

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Yeah, I've been reading a bit about the dominionist movement. Evidently there are some pretty highly influential politicians that are signed up with the fundagelicals and are attempting to take over the world behind smoke screen politics - so whats worse, these snake-men policticians who try hard to look good while doing bad things, or their enemy - the fundamental madmen who enjoy blowing themselves up?


Yep, Genesis 1.26 of the NIV


"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."


A science instructor I once had (who is Native American also) told me about this phenomenon and it made me think deeply. This simple declaration has caused untold harm across the Earth and across the ages. This is the smoking gun in terms of how far Christianity has fucked up the world for its own short-term and long-term gains.

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