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Goodbye Jesus

An Enlightened Toddler Writes...

Alan Bragg

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Another creationist with no scientific knowlege finds it hard to differentiate between his arse and his elbow. Very enlightening is his seeming hatred of people with PHDs. Maybe he failed university somehere along the line and now has an almighty grudge? Who can tell.
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Made it halfway through the 2nd paragraph. The same old idiocy, the same old telltale signs of never having seen a classroom from the inside, the same old long-refuted bullshit claims. :lmao:

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Same here, scientists, and all those that dare believe them are "stupid" for not seeing that stark, scinetific wonder of the bible...



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I just wonder how long it took for snakes to evolve to a point where they don't talk anymore... :mellow:

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Well, at least this idiot got one thing right.

You can believe anything if you repeat it to yourself long enough.
That sounds an awful lot like what they're doing with their faith.
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I just wonder how long it took for snakes to evolve to a point where they don't talk anymore... :mellow:


Just after God made the snake crawl on his belly for expressing a contrary thought he went :Doh: "I shoulda took his vocal cords instead," and it was so. This little known fact failed to make it into the condensed version of creation.

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Apparently this guy "can't logic like a human being" if he fails to see the billion or so logical fallacies and horrendous grammatical errors in that.

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You KNOW there's something seriously wrong with a person when one of their arguments is:


"How do I know evolution is wrong? Science... facts... theories... evidence... logic..."


and the other is:


"How do I know god exists? He lives in my heart."


Yeah... right. When you claim to have evidence and PROOF, and then you go spouting off about invisible deities living inside you and talking to you, you cause others to stare silently as they slowly... back... away...


What an idiot.

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Not only is evolution not observable, it is not testable or repeatable in a lab.

Gee, I guess we wasted an awful lot of time and money developing new drugs for drug-resistant bacteria, then. :lmao:


Do you realize that evolutionists CANNOT display even ONE single proof of evolution...NOT ONE! "

(does quick Google search) How about a tendency for elephants to have smaller tusks nowadays (due to big-tusked elephants being killed off by poachers)?


What about lungfish?


The Biston betularia moth?


This is easy. Too easy. Keep on lying for Jesus, you dolt, and we'll be rid of Christianity even faster.

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What a find! This guy is a total gem!


Like the page of his website dedicated to "Evils in America" where he goes off at gays, feminists, abortions, adultery, divorce, covetousness, gambling, beer (I love beer!) condemning all who cross his path in very hellfire language... yet the page tab has big red love hearts all over it.


Just like I thought - he says all those things b/c he thinks god loves you!


I wish there was something I could say about his argument against evolution... except he doesn't seem to have one...

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:huh: Did this guy even graduate HS? Seriously, who will ever take you seriously, when you title the article "Evolution is Stupid?"


Too bad there is no way someone can donate a few science and writing classes for him at his local community college.

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