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Goodbye Jesus

Hold On To Your Wallet!


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Today, I called a friend of my mother-in-law as, alas, my MIL is dying and in hospice care. After I told her the sad news and we talked a bit, this friend, I'll call her Louise, then proceeded to tell me her sad story. She's been ripped off to the total of $100,000 by three shady people, two of whom she met through her church. You saw that one coming, didn't you? (and, as my hubby would say, you even heard it breathing hard). One scheme was a pay phone business (and, excuse me, who would buy into a pay phone business these days?) and the two other schemes were land lease deals in Cancun, Mexico. She's talking to the FBI, the FTC, lawyers, etc. The reason I'm writing about this, though, is that one of the people who ripped her off is the brother of someone else who ripped her off for a smaller sum years ago. Now, you'd think that if you've been ripped off before, you don't go there again. Louise has always been a bit ditzy and obviously still is. She seems to be in the category of "perhaps the purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others."


Me, I got ripped off for $700 by an outfit that sold me a cruise to the Bahamas and then went bankrupt. 10 years later, I received a settlement check for $19. So, I learned my lesson. I don't fall for cheap-sounding travel deals. Nor do I buy into or join any get-rich-quick businesses.


Remember, the fastest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your wallet.

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