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Quagmires, Wacky Personnel Policies Strain All-volunteer Military


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Quagmires, wacky personnel policies strain all-volunteer military

Independent Institute

by Ivan Eland


"Enmeshed in two military occupations that have turned into well-

publicized quagmires, the Army and Marines are understandably having

trouble enlisting new recruits. Their answer: vastly increase the

number of convicted felons and other societal miscreants accepted into

their ranks." (04/28/08)



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Quagmires, wacky personnel policies strain all-volunteer military

Independent Institute

by Ivan Eland


"Enmeshed in two military occupations that have turned into well-

publicized quagmires, the Army and Marines are understandably having

trouble enlisting new recruits. Their answer: vastly increase the

number of convicted felons and other societal miscreants accepted into

their ranks." (04/28/08)



Either this, that is glean recruits from the prisons, or reinstate the draft to provide cannon fodder for the ill-begotten neocon agenda of "war, war, war!!" But the pols know full well, and if they don't they soon will, that any attempt to reinstate the draft to promote the neocon war machine will be met with a resistance on a scale never before seen, one that will make the Vietnam draft resistance seem pale by comparison.

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Its funny, I was at the doctor last week, and an older gentleman passed me on the way to the counter, and said "Draft is coming soon". Wasn't till after the third time he said that, that I remembered I was wearing my football jersey. :Doh::lmao:

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so are you guys going to sneak up here to Canada again should there be a Draft?

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Won't work this time. They saw to that.

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Guest Marty

What is the cut off of draft age? I just turned 31 last week, I assume I'm too old, but if they're desperate...


If I can't get into Canada or Estonia, then they can jail me. I WILL NOT fight.

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What is the cut off of draft age? I just turned 31 last week, I assume I'm too old, but if they're desperate...


"young men between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register so that a draft can be more readily resumed" - from wikipedia - you are ok, and I'm even more ok :lmao:


But my son turns 17 soon, meaning he's a year away from 18. We aren't even Americans, we are Canadians living in the US with green cards. But, "Selective Service (and the draft) in the United States is not limited to citizens. Non-citizen males of appropriate age in the United States, who are permanent residents (holders of green cards), seasonal agricultural workers, refugees, parolees, asylees, and even illegal immigrants, are required to register with the Selective Service System."


If a draft came to pass, we will be getting my son back to Canada before he turns 18. I spent 16 years in the Canadian military so I'm not some squeamish peacenik type (although I have become more liberal as I get older). I could handle him serving in Afghanistan in the Canadian army as part of a NATO operation sanctioned by the UN. But I'm not going to see him hurt for Bushs' folly.

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Mental illnesses and mental illness-related incidents are also at an all time high amongst active duty military and are expected to peak in veterans above Vietnam ear levels.

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Since there isn't much social stigma attached to saying you're gay anymore, who needs to go to Canada. Just claim you're gay and get out of the draft free. As long as religious loonies are in control anyway. :grin:

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If they're desperate enough they'll draft you as late as 40. Men in their mid-late 30s were being drafted during WWII. They'll go after the younger unmarried people first, though.

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Younger unmarried people...


They're welcome to try. I'll join Marty in jail or start sleeping with another man before I'll let them send me over to that meat-grinding hell hole.

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