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The 4th Element Of Circuitry: Memristors


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Researchers at HP Labs have built the first working prototypes of an important new electronic component that may lead to instant-on PCs as well as analog computers that process information the way the humain brain does.




This is going to be the path to artificial intelligence

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This is going to be the path to artificial intelligence

Evan I don't want to rain on your parade, but people have been saying this for years. AI has been promised to us for over half a century. I have become very skeptical. I will believe it when I see it.

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This is going to be the path to artificial intelligence

Evan I don't want to rain on your parade, but people have been saying this for years. AI has been promised to us for over half a century. I have become very skeptical. I will believe it when I see it.


Well of course, I am very skeptical of this as well. Sadly, futurists have a way of crushing our hopes and dreams ten years from now. However, the largest advantage this new technology has is the ability to store memory very much like a human brain. This technology allows for AI to "remember" past experiences instead of starting all over like current programs whenever they turn off.


There is no doubt in my mind it will take a while for this to be another standard technology for computers, but it has very powerful applications. I think this will be a key factor in bringing about real artificial intelligence. Honestly, (and you are right on this) I have no idea when. Here is more food for thought from one of the researchers in the article.


Williams and his team say they can now take a different approach: "Instead of writing a computer program to simulate a brain or simulate some brain function, we're actually looking to build some hardware based upon memristors that emulates brain-like functions," says Williams.


Such hardware could be used to improve things like facial recognition technology, and enable an appliance to essentially learn from experience, he says. In principle, this should also be thousands or millions of times more efficient than running a program on a digital computer.

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The only way to make a virtual intelligence is to make a device that has to learn, experience, "feel pain", "feel pleasure", have faults and have a certain level of deciding freely between options. There is a reason why it takes a while before a baby learns to walk, talk and feel. I think they're on the right path for an AI.

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