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Happy National Day Of Prayer


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Great article! Some of the comments are hilarious. My favorite:


"May We Pray For You?"


...which had a link to a prayer request form. I request that they pray Pat Robertson's head be removed from his ass by the grace of god.



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...which had a link to a prayer request form. I request that they pray Pat Robertson's head be removed by the grace of god.


There, fixed that for ya.

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Should this not be renamed "National Sloth Day" and be celebrated as one of the 7 deadly sins?


Course, they would pick the day that already has pagan, socialist, and Jewish meanings and add this tripe to the mix.

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What meaning does May 1 have in Judaism?

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What meaning does May 1 have in Judaism?

According to my pocket calendar, it is Holocaust Remembrance Day

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What's wrong with a prayer day?


I prayed for more pasta, beer and strippers.



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What meaning does May 1 have in Judaism?

According to my pocket calendar, it is Holocaust Remembrance Day


Thank you. I've got four calendars within arm's reach and none of them list that observance. :Hmm:

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It's Holocaust Remeberance Day... nice to see the Christian Right jumping on some one else's bandwagon...

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Our governor has issued a proclamation asking citizens to "open our hearts in thanksgiving". It's a weird document. It announces that we have all these problems like poverty and sickness and crime, and then declares that we've been strengthened by the "conscience-based actions of people of faith"
If xtians pray to God to heal people from sickness, crime, and poverty, yet these things keep continuing on, does that mean God does not exist?
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*WR looks around*


Gas prices are still super high

Oil companies still show record profits that aren't being passed along to consumers

Food prices are going up.

Still at war in Iraq despite 5 NP days since it started.

GW and Cheney have not been caught on tape snorting coke and banging male hookers.



Fuck prayer. Might as well have 'Wish Upon a Star' Day. Be just as effective and useful.

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Just another example of Christians trying to redo pagan holidays...


Must come up with some good prayer. EDIT: "That May 1st be fully restored to its original fertility celebration of our Celtic ancestors."

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Bullshit! It's May Day!!!



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Still at war in Iraq despite 5 NP days since it started.

This one, I would contend is working. I had a fundie recently tell me that no matter what I thought of GW, he is doing the Lord's work and bringing the end times closer by having us in Iraq. The end times buzz is really getting some of the fundies all a flutter, because Xenocide is just so gosh darn exciting, don'tcha know. :Hmm:

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Forget prayer... it's May 1st... outdoor fucking starts today!


Great song found here:




You can download the mp3 for free... you won't regret it.




And this is why I hate Utah.


Had been looking forward to the libationary celebration for several weeks, on account of all the fucking storms and snow we've been getting out here. Wouldn't you know it, the night of April 30th it starts snowing again, and doesn't stop until 3:30 the following afternoon. :mad:


Hate you, Utah. HATE.

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