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Goodbye Jesus

Sahaja Yoga

Guest WarrantedPVC

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Guest WarrantedPVC

Well so in my College they have advertised "Meditational Yoga" sessions to help with exam stress etc, claiming that it would improve our concentration, focus, reduce tiredness, make studies easier blablabla.


So I went curiously yesterday night to see what it was like, I was actually looking forward to it thinking it would perhaps be what I've been waiting for, a meditational group where I can replicate the effects prayer had on me without having to believe the supernatural stuff... man, I was in for shock. It turned out to be "Sahaja Yoga" - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sahaja_Yoga and http://www.sahajayoga.org/


The group leader was a guy and he carried on for 25-30 minutes about the Kundalini and the chakras and how we were all going to feel something special etc etc. It was a load of bullshit but naively I thought it was OK to think of it in a symbolic/abstract way.... Then we had a meditational session led by a girl which was quite nice (well it was nice if you thought of the stuff in a "symbolic" way), then we watched a talk given by the leader of the cult, and in the end we got free food.


In fact I was considering going back next week because the meditation itself was quite nice. However, I then looked it up on Wikipedia and the whole thing freaked me out. I am furious that they were so misleading and I won't go back again. In fact I even messaged my friend on Facebook warning her that this isn't what we were led to believe it is... And I took the advert down from the College Student Union website (I'm the webmaster). Never did that for any event before...



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That is exactly how many people get suckered into a cult.

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It's like the NKT 'Meditation Classes'... :rolleyes:

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