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Goodbye Jesus

What are your beliefs?

Guest JP1283

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The question is both yes and no... how is that for confusing as hell. Please allow me to elaborate and confuse the hell out of you.


There may be gods or the gods may be an illustration to guide us. It depends on how you want to look at it -- and you are certainly free to see it both ways at once or at various times. But, the gods -- existing for this example -- are useless for us... they happen to be in an even worse state than we are as their position is not eternal and they will be reborn again as non-gods. Again, literal or literary [device] it doesn't matter at all. You are free to pick and chose as you see fit.


This quote is a horrible paraphrase from the Illuminatus Trilogy.

"I thought you said Eris wasn't real!" he screamed.

"She isn't!!! Except when she is!"


This doesn't fit with #2 because it is not singular, eternal, nor even "higher" in all terms.

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I said there might be a higher power. (shrug)

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I say there is no god that affects me. Or if there is, then it doesn't matter that it exists.

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I say there is no god that affects me.  Or if there is, then it doesn't matter that it exists.


See, my line of thinking is, that if there is a diety that exists, s/he/it has no affect on this physical plane, but does on our spirits after we die...


Of course, I'm willing to admit my beliefs on the question of afterlife are based on my emotions and what I want to believe happens.


Hey, at least I can admit it, right? :woohoo:

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Voted for #2.

While I honor the Aesir and Vanir, I'm open to the possibility that I might be wrong, so... :Hmm:

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I have to agree with Thrurisaz, only change "Aesir and Vanir" with "Lord and Lady." Nomenclature.



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honestly...what is a spirit?



It is that party of you which never dies.




I think it's obvious how I voted.



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I voted for #3, God but not Bible God. I'm a "first cause" kind of person.

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It is that party of you which never dies.

I think it's obvious how I voted.






Before anyone assumes anything...................yes, I meant "part" not "party". Darn the short time on this edit feature.


Also...where is spell check?

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I'm afraid I'd have to say this voting is inaccurate, since the notion of "god" and "God" have been left undefined. Someone here, for instance, voted for #3 when he believes is an impersonal process, which cannot be reconciled with, for instance, worship, and should have by all rights voted for #1.

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I voted for "There might be a higher power."


I can see a Tao-like sort of life force, but not a tyrannical being who demands our worship. That's too human, IMHO.

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Ok, went for the other. While there may be a higher power, it is less akin to a god in my view, and more a force of nature. Whether or not it is, is rather immaterial, as even if it is some kind of sentient diety, it really doesn't care anyway, IMO. It is that whole it is and isn't. And while I am a vairety of pagan, it is more of the "gods as symbols and archetypes" a sort of API for reality, rather than separate beings that enjoy fucking with us on a thousand different levels (though I could see where'd that would be fun for a few millinea).

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"Higher Power" is just as flawed. Even a strict materialist like me knows there are higher powers - what the hell is gravity ? That has nothing to do with theology. This poll is absolutely ridiculous.


Here's something really simple : are you a materialist or not ? Simple and to the point. Of course you can specify and ask if someone is a strict materialist or not, if someone is idealist or not, etc... but that's not necessary.

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Guest JP1283
"Higher Power" is just as flawed. Even a strict materialist like me knows there are higher powers - what the hell is gravity ? That has nothing to do with theology. This poll is absolutely ridiculous.


Here's something really simple : are you a materialist or not ? Simple and to the point. Of course you can specify and ask if someone is a strict materialist or not, if someone is idealist or not, etc... but that's not necessary.




"Higher Power" to me does not include gravity, natural forces, etc. They exist; we know that. Perhaps I should have clarified what I was trying to say; my apologies. What I meant by HP was some kind of general driving force (not a God, per se) that has yet to be proven exists? Sorry you don't like the poll.

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"Higher Power" to me does not include gravity, natural forces, etc.  They exist; we know that.


Then why did you use that term ? It's disingenuous !



Perhaps I should have clarified what I was trying to say; my apologies.  What I meant by HP was some kind of general driving force (not a God, per se) that has yet to be proven exists?  Sorry you don't like the poll.


Driving force ? Gravity is a driving force. You're still dilly-dallying.

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Don't really know, lack the curiosity to search, too busy living to delve limited brain power to examine, having too much fun on this ride to care.


If I am a puppet on the stage of this life, then the puppet master is a sarcastic strange son of a bitch...


"Whatever pans out is gonna happen"



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I said "there is no God", although events in my own life and the lives of my family leave reincarnation a possibility in my mind.

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God just not BibleGod. Course, thinking about it, I should have voted number 2, because I could be wrong.

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Guest MalaInSe
"Higher Power" is just as flawed. Even a strict materialist like me knows there are higher powers - what the hell is gravity ? That has nothing to do with theology. This poll is absolutely ridiculous.


Here's something really simple : are you a materialist or not ? Simple and to the point. Of course you can specify and ask if someone is a strict materialist or not, if someone is idealist or not, etc... but that's not necessary.



Y'know, I think you've become too enmeshed in philosophical thinking when you think "strict materialist" is an easier term for most people to understand than "higher power." "Higher power" has a meaning from usage that everyone else that has responded so far seems to have no problem understanding.


I am getting a little tired of your rather uncivil responses to some of the regular posters on this forum. It is one thing to disagree with a post and say why, it is another thing entirely to respond with things like "ridiculous." I watched you respond rudely, in my mind, on another thread to a point I felt was extremely valid, and most likely a matter of perspective rather than right or wrong.


Many of the people on this group are not philosophers. They are people for whom Christianity did not work, for whatever reason. You seem to have attached a rather apologistic framework on your disbelief, one that most here don't require, and then you act condescendingly toward others for not having already accepted your framework. If you were a Christian previously, I can see what kind. Please let me know. The apologist appears to me to become a special kind of apostate, and I would be interested in knowing if there really is a pattern.


I imagine if you could empathize you might recognize that, so far, you have come across as arrogant and dogmatic. Of course, if that's how you want to appear, I'll leave it at "You've succeeded."



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Oh here we go again. I'm uncivil and rude. That's the tolerentist's slander word for someone who speaks his mind.


And as for "higher power", I already answered that. Gravity is a higher power. It's highly inadequate. Materialism is simple and adequate.


If you have a problem with that, just put me on ignore. That's what I always do, and it keeps my blood pressure down. In fact, I'm going to do it right now.

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I'm not sure exactly how to vote on this one. I am pretty much not sure of my beliefs right now.


I have plenty of reasons not to believe, but still have nagging doubts about both sides of the argument.


Is there a higher power? Dont know

Is the God of the bible real? Dont know

Is it possible I could be wrong being an athiest? Yes, it's possible

Am I looking to run out, find God and join a church? No


I guess that makes me more of an open minded agnostic than an atheist, but I still lean a bit more toward the atheist side of the argument.


I guess I am stuck between voting for number 2 and other.

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depends on what "higher power" means. How is gravity a higher power?


When one says higher power, they probably mean a "something" that created the universe, and governs over the laws of physics and such.

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