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Planet Of The Apes


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Does anyone think the last 20 minutes (except for the very ending), or so of the original movie is very similar to our whole creation/evolution debate? If i didn't know any better, i would even go so far as to say that was the movie's intent. Then again, i may just be crazy. But if you haven't seen it, i challenge anyone to watch it and see if they can't draw that conclusion.

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You're not crazy. I remember seeing the movie again after my deconversion and having a different perspective on it.

The fact that Dr Cornelius, the orangutan was both minister of science, and keeper of the faith was especially telling, and seemed to predict the attacks on science by fundamentalists that were to come in the U.S and the rest of the world. Also, the "Forbidden Zone" was a perfect example of how fundies of all stripes like to keep their followers in the dark, by making it look like seeking the truth will lead to destruction.

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You're not crazy. I remember seeing the movie again after my deconversion and having a different perspective on it.

The fact that Dr Cornelius, the orangutan was both minister of science, and keeper of the faith was especially telling, and seemed to predict the attacks on science by fundamentalists that were to come in the U.S and the rest of the world. Also, the "Forbidden Zone" was a perfect example of how fundies of all stripes like to keep their followers in the dark, by making it look like seeking the truth will lead to destruction.



Bingo! All the orangutans, the highest order of apes, held sway and would not listen to the scientists, Cornelius and Zera about their findings in the forbidden zone. The oranguatans stated that the 'Law Giver' wrote everything they needed to know in their holy scrolls, (God and the Bible). And what Cornelius and Zera found was an abomination because it went against what the holy scrolls said. It put me in the mind of human history when science and reason started to come to the forefront and religious superstitions that had ruled over everything started to slowly fade back. The oranguatans (the church) did not like it and protested passionatly.

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I saw it for the first time after my deconversion. I'd only seen the less mentally stimulating Mark Wahlberg version before then. It is a really great movie- I read a novel version as a child and totally missed the evolution part of it.

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I saw it for the first time after my deconversion. I'd only seen the less mentally stimulating Mark Wahlberg version before then. It is a really great movie- I read a novel version as a child and totally missed the evolution part of it.

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