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Goodbye Jesus

Slow The Fuck Down!

Guest Zenobia

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Guest Zenobia

We live in the country and have a narrow, gravel road by our house. It's got tons of twists and turns, tons of wildlife constantly wander across the road - deer, turkeys, elk, moose, etc. People say they move out here to appreciate nature but you wouldn't know that from the way these assholes drive! The speed limit is 25 but they race down the gravel road at around 80 MPH or so, sending clouds of dust and gravel spraying at our house.


Fortunately the road doesn't get too much use - it's busy mainly in the mornings and evenings when people commute to work. So for a while, we were allowing our cats to go outside for short, supervised playtime. We only let them out during the days, when we were home, and then only for an hour or two at the most - but even so, some asshole hit one of our cats. We were lucky and the cat survived with only minor bruising - but it gave us a big scare. The bastard who hit him didn't even have the decency to stop and apologize. Just kept on going.


So today, I started walking the cats on leashes again. This was how they got their out-door time before we moved to the country(where supposedly they would get to go outdoors), so they are all leash-trained. I was walking Henry down the side of the road, just peacefully enjoying the summer day and sniffing at all the plants along the road, when I saw this pickup come fucking barreling down the road toward us. So I picked Henry up and flagged the truck to SLOW DOWN. Obviously I'm standing there, holding my cat, but the bitch refuses to slow down - just keeps racing toward us, spraying up dust and gravel all over us. Henry was terrified and tried to get away - luckily I had a good hold on him. I yelled at her to 'SLOW THE FUCK DOWN' but the bitch wouldn't even look at me - just kept on racing past. Oh she saw us, plain as day, since we were right there in front of her face - she obviously just didn't give a fuck.


I don't get what happened to fucking COMMON COURTESY. If someone is walking their cat, dog or horse or other animal along the road - you SLOW THE FUCK DOWN. This kind of shit used to happen to me when I went horseback riding too. Assholes would honk their horns and speed up, trying to scare my horse. Someone even threw a fire-cracker out the window at me one time. Obviously they hoped my horse would freak out and rear or buck me off. Then I could land on the pavement and break an arm, or crack open my skull for their viewing pleasure. Or maybe get trampled by the horse. Wouldn't that be nice?


People are such fucking ASSHOLES sometimes. Oh, and did I mention most of our neighbors are "good little christians"? We have 9 fucking churches in a one mile radius. Obviously all that christly influence is making them nicer people. NOT.

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Speaking as one who grew up in a small rural town that didn't quite have gravel roads but still held the same attitudes, I'd suspect the cat that got hit was lucky, as more than likely the driver who hit it was doing so intentionally. I knew a fair amount of people like that when I was growing up, and yeah, they never had the slightest concern for the feelings or safety of the person who the animal belonged to. To them a cat alongside the road was just "bonus points."


Unfortunately, much as I love it, I just don't know if I could stomach living in the country anymore. The people there can be absolutely insufferable.

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Guest Zenobia
Speaking as one who grew up in a small rural town that didn't quite have gravel roads but still held the same attitudes, I'd suspect the cat that got hit was lucky, as more than likely the driver who hit it was doing so intentionally. I knew a fair amount of people like that when I was growing up, and yeah, they never had the slightest concern for the feelings or safety of the person who the animal belonged to. To them a cat alongside the road was just "bonus points."


I will never, ever understand that mindset. Oh I have no doubt it exists, and you're absolutely right about it. But I can't wrap my mind around it. I just don't think like that, at all. If I see people by the side of the road - with or without animals, I slow down. It's partly courtesy and partly self-preservation. I don't want to hit someone and get sued out of house and home.


I fucking despise people like that. Self-absorbed, inconsiderate assholes.

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I fucking despise people like that. Self-absorbed, inconsiderate assholes.

Seconded. And very glad to hear that your cat wasn't hurt too badly.

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Guest Zenobia
I fucking despise people like that. Self-absorbed, inconsiderate assholes.

Seconded. And very glad to hear that your cat wasn't hurt too badly.


Yeah - but he was pouring blood from his mouth which scared the hell out of me, and the vet bill just to see what was wrong - came to over $600. Ended up just being contusions in his lungs. I can't imagine what we'd have done if it had required surgery. *shudder* Just glad he's alive and safe now!


I just think people are WAY too fucking stressed out about whatever shit is going on in their lives, to the point where they don't want anything or anyONE in their way. It's almost like they're at war with everyone they meet, it's "us or them," ME FIRST attitude. And they don't take prisoners! They need to SLOW THE FUCK DOWN both physically and mentally!

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I'd dig an axle-breaking hole in the road and then remember where it is so that you don't hit it yourself. But then the ignorant hillbilly would probably go and get herself killed. There might be some sort of booby trap you can build that's not so dangerous. Try surfing the web for it, I'm sure you're not the first person to deal with this kind of nonsense.


Can't you get the county to put in speed bumps? If not, perhaps you can video tape it and take them to court for endangering your lives and property.

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Guest Zenobia
I'd dig an axle-breaking hole in the road and then remember where it is so that you don't hit it yourself. But then the ignorant hillbilly would probably go and get herself killed. There might be some sort of booby trap you can build that's not so dangerous. Try surfing the web for it, I'm sure you're not the first person to deal with this kind of nonsense.


Can't you get the county to put in speed bumps? If not, perhaps you can video tape it and take them to court for endangering your lives and property.


Shit, Vigile, people would have to die before they'd consider spending tax dollars on speed bumps. LOL. But I rather liked the idea of digging the hole *evil grin* I was actually visualizing spike strips. Bwahahahaha! :pureevil:

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:whs: Gotta do something about it, might as well try the legal way first.

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